FLYING AROUND THE ROOMRoom models of small size. Simple in design and in manufacture. Material for their construction can serve as dry stubble and any weed, its structure is similar to a stalk of wheat. As the adhesive used enamel or plain nail Polish. Of tools enough to have scissors, pliers and a razor blade from a safety razor.

The frame of the model is covered with film or a thin paper (tissue, condenser).
Room models, which we publish, and built model airplanes in Baku. During the test the room with a height of 18 m when starting from the earth model of “flying wing”, P Imaginova stayed in the air for 6 minutes and 54 seconds.
Before the construction of schematic models make working drawings in full size. Manufacturer of models easier to start with Reiki the fuselage.
Rake the fuselage. The power part of the rail cut-out cane, Chia, or a strong rye-straw with a diameter of 4 -5 mm. Straw rake for greater strength collect two stems inserted into each other (internal pre-lubricated with glue).
Bearing sheet of aluminum with a diameter of 0.3 – 0.5 mm attach to the rail with the expectation of shifting the axis of the screw 3° down and to the right by 8°.
In the rear part of the power of Reiki will strengthen the hook from steel of 0,5 mm wire and straw tube length of 10 mm, which should be tightly inserted removable tail boom with the tail surfaces. For mounting the wing on the rod and glue the two straw tubes with a length of 3-4 mm.
Screw. The propeller hub from Chia or two stalks of rye straw with a diameter of 4 -5 mm, inserted into one another. The axis of steel of 0.5 mm wire. The blades are cut from polovetskiy of paper, insert in the slot of the hub and a slotted razor blade at a 45° angle (to increase the thrust of the propeller blades are attached to a convex profile, and their ends is a small twist).
Wing. Going first rectangular portion of the wing – center section. This cuts the straw to a diameter 1-1,5 mm, designed for edges and posts are aligned on the balloon bulbs. The ribs are bent according to the drawing. Then the pointed ends of the ribs inserted in the holes edges. The connection of the straw stems before gluing slightly stripped.
When assembling the center section, ensure that the ribs have the same curve.
The left and right console going the same way, are connected with the Central part of wires, bent at an angle.
The wing set to the fuselage by means of struts; their free ends coated with glue and inserted into attached to the fuselage tube.
For greater strength the frame of the wing is enhanced by the struts and escalivada thin nylon or silk thread. To rail should not be curved by the compression of the rubber motor is wound, it is also rusclimat thread.
The tail Assembly. Stabilizer and fin are harvested from the straw with a diameter of 0.5 – 1 mm, straw and reinforce the tail boom with a diameter of 2.5 – 3 mm.
Models are pasted over condenser paper. Resonatory consisting of 2 strands cross-section 4×1 mm, lubricated with castor oil.
Flying weight schematic model of the aircraft is equal to 8 – 10 g.
The long duration flight fuselage models achieved due to the small load on the bearing surface and well-chosen-rotor. To get the easy design patterns, their items are made from thin stems of dry grass with a diameter of 0.2 – 0.3 mm, and the stiffness and strength they rascally truss struts, braces and nylon thread-webbing.
The hub of the propellers, landing gear and tail boom from the thin straw of barley with a diameter of 1-1,7 mm.
This model can be mounted on floats. The frame of the floats gather from the thin grass and obtyanite microfilm. Back float is attached to the bottom of the keel. The ailerons are “flying wing” that serves as a stabilizer, thin aluminum plates are attached to the wing at an angle of 12 – 15° (relative to the chord line). This allows for adjustment to change the degree of deflection upwards.
The design of the front lugs, the nose and tail parts of the fuselage of the models are similar.
The rubber motor for aircraft model consists of one thread for “flying wing” made of two strands of round rubber with a diameter of 1.2 mm. as the lubrication of the rubber motor, use shaving cream.
Adjustment of room models, in principle, no different from the adjustment of the conventional engine models, flying in a circle. Gliding flight in small circles to the right is achieved by deflection of the keel and the difference between the installation angles of the left and right halves of the wing. The left half of the wing is given a negative twist by 4 – 6° right – positive at 6 – 8°.
On the model of “flying wing” the left half of the negatively twisted 6 – 8° right – positive at 2 – 4°. In addition, the Aileron of the left half wing has a smaller angle of deviation up to 2 – 4° in comparison with the right.
Twist, that is, the distortions of the wing, is carried out by uneven thread tension braces or the difference of the lengths of the struts of the wing.
When the correct position of the centre of gravity pitch up on planning is eliminated by folding the tail boom down, dive – by folding up. The “flying wing” with pitch up to reduce the inclination of the ailerons up and increase the fun.
Right spiral on the motor is achieved by displacement of the axis of the screw to the right for 12 – 15° and down 2 – 4°.
To reduce friction in the bearing of the screw at the fuselage of the model aircraft to the right and down axis deviates an offset of the entire power part of the fuselage.
Additional slight deviation of the axis of the screw is achieved in the schematic model of the buckling plates of the bearing; on the fuselage model, the rotation of the front boss having an eccentric hole.
Twist resonatory models with the rear of the fuselage. To do this, the fuselage models rear pin has a wire ring.
Basic weight and geometrical data fuselage model of the aircraft: the fuselage 180 mg, 250 mg wing screw 120 mg, empennage beam 105 mg, chassis 25 mg, 300 mg rubber motor, flying weight 980 mg, wing area of 9.77 DM2, the surface of the stabilizer of 1.68 DM2, the load on the bearing surface of 0.085 g/DM2, the relative weight of the rubber motor 0,306, the relative pitch of 1.8.
Basic weight and geometrical data fuselage model of the aircraft type “flying wing”: the fuselage 350 mg, wing 600 kg, 300 mg screw, chassis 50 mg, 700 mg rubber motor, flying weight 2000 mg, the relative pitch of 1.6, 10.7 m wing area DM2, the load bearing surface 0,186 g/DM2, the relative weight of the rubber motor of 0.350 mg.
The microfilm is an extremely thin, transparent coating, 100 – 120 times lighter than tissue paper. For its production need to have the solution Amalita with castor oil, bath and frame-puller, curved 3 – 5-mm aluminum wire.
The solution was prepared in a clean bottle with a glass stopper. For this 20 g of acetone are mixed with 60 drops of castor oil. Then, in the resulting liquid add 80 g of Amalita. The mixture was thoroughly blab and defend.
In the tub filled with water at room temperature (the bottom is placed a wire frame), then a continuous jet poured the solution. Than faster the solution contact with the water, the thinner the film. The thickness is determined by color. A thin film of a transparent, Golden-ashy color. As thickening, it becomes kalubowitiyana, greenish and reddish shades. Thick film blue – gray, opaque.
After a few minutes, when the film dries, it can be removed from the surface of the water. For this puller to take the handle and gently lift up until it is the whole frame will not affect the film. Making sure the film is everywhere laid on the frame, the puller is carefully removed, keeping the frame is inclined, so that water flowed off the tape.
The tape should be removed quickly, but not a jerk.
If the edges of the film still turned up and stuck to the main film, they can be gently with your finger to move the wire stripper (while the film is raw).
Frame Flex, respectively, transverse V-wing corner, and the wet film is applied to the frame of the wing, pre-coated with a weak solution of sugar water.
The film and its bonding with the surface of the wing dry for 8-12 hours.
After drying, the film is carefully cut with a sharp razor along the edges of the wing. For wrapping other parts of the model used frame smaller.
The process of making and shooting films requires some skill.
During manufacture the film may be such defects. Film wrinkled and sharply reduced in size. This means that in the solution a little castor oil. If the film is sticky and stringy – so much in solution of castor oil. In the film of small holes – the solution does not settle, it air bubbles and poorly melted butter. In the film a ragged hole – the water is poorly cleared from any residual film. The solution was covered with a white coating – cold water.
When re-making the microfilm of the water in the bath should be thoroughly clean from the rain tapes, swiping across the surface edge of the sheet of paper.

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