The peaceful coexistence lasted until then, until a neighbor bought spring chickens One day, catching the Raven catching the chickens, the neighbor decided to get rid of them and got rid of a nest growing in his tree house.
As if in retaliation, the crows were just as hard to steal the chickens and all would be carried if the neighbor has not closed the top of the enclosure netting. But revenge of the Raven is not abated More than that — began to take unusual forms If they had just watched, sitting on the roofs, now set them hollow and perforate beaks.
Because of the nearest of the devastated nest homes roof, only my house had tar paper covering, then, of course, her most and went — after all, iron or slate beak will not chisel through. Interestingly tar paper roofing the roofs of the houses standing at some distance, the crows did not touch And it is said that they carried out revenge consciously — not all mankind, but only the nearest to their ruined nest.
What roof leaky, I learned only a few days after Raven attacks when the rain drops inside of the house has declared it. Climbing up onto the roof, saw a sad for me picture: the entire roof at the ridge was covered with bird droppings and in many places perforated. Only now I realized that meant periodically audible knock on the roof — the ravens are gradually turned it into a sieve.

Crow “antenna”:
1 — roof, 2 — stand; 3 — strings, made of fishing line.
Clearing the roof and Bay holes with resin, stretched at a height of 3 — 5 cm above the ridge two strings of a solid line with a diameter of approximately 0.8 mm. the Experience was a success. The crows were shocked when trying since the summer to sit on the roof rolled off her, stumbling on the strings. What kind of strength the ravens received the kick, you can judge by the fact that one of the strings broke even, and the second, spruing, caught on a nail, speaker of Reiki at a distance of two feet from the ridge. On my roof, these birds didn’t take any more.
So I recommend to those who bother the crows on the roof, make use of the above experience.