FLOWER CHARIOTEven a small suburban area should not all be filled with raised beds and a decorative “patch”, which would be decorated with flowers and pleasing to the eye. It is not necessary to build a traditional flower bed – there are different designs of flower beds, just need a little imagination. The original “flower bed” on wheels offers Hungarian magazine “Earmaster”. Two old wagon wheels, metal strips from waste of scrap metal and a few wooden sticks and planks available at hand – that’s all that will be required for the construction of the flower garden.

The beauty of the composition under consideration, of course, that these wheels, which I think is possible to find, given the current lack of demand for road transport. Wheel of a cart does not make sense to replace, say, a car — not that decorative, and something nostalgic at this paraphernalia, in fact, the past life.


So, you managed to find a couple of wheels from the cart, gather metal and wood material. Where to start? With the preparation of each of the elements of the composition. If the wheels are broken or with defects is to restore the missing parts at least approximately to the original look. For example, to plane instead of missing the new spokes, to fix jumped out of the metal rim, thoroughly clean the surface.

But to paint or cover them with varnish — a solution to the individual: some people like the novelty, and the other prefers antique.

For connection of the wheels in a couple will need the axis (if not old) — it will replace a wooden pole of suitable diameter, the ends of which can be prepared under the wedge or with the addition of inserts of metal threaded rods, under the nut with the washer.


Flower garden on wheels

Flower garden on wheels:


1 — wheel (2 PCs); 2 — axle; 3 — arc; 4 — cross shafts 5 — a wedge (pin); 6 — shield; 7 — fastening the side bars; 8 — locking bars; 9 — connecting the split ring; 10,11 — small and large decorative swirls

Playground for flower containers (boxes or pots) will serve as the wooden Board, nailed together out of boards and bricks so that through the bottom of the bars do not need any special attachment to wheeled pair: shield fixed will fall on the axle and crossmember support arcs. Despite the fact that the latter metal, it is possible to do without welding. Arc is both a base and a decorative element flower beds. They consist of actually supporting arcs with cross members that also serve a dual function: fasten the “legs” of the arcs and holding shield. To connect with a support part arcs the ends of the cross members are bent at right angles and attached with split rings of the same metal bands (or screwed wire).

Patterned decorative element of arcs is also of the metal strip. It is a composite: his large and small curls bent separately and then connected with split rings or wire coiling. Bending way the segments for the pattern easily on the simplest device, which is a deck or driven into the stump at a short distance from one another with metal rods.


Options limit switch axis

Options limit switch axis

Bending fixture

Bending fixture:

1 — deck; 2 — metal rods; 3 — flexible metal band


The height of the arcs is chosen arbitrarily, and the level of attachment thereto of the cross members is adjusted so that the last related to the wheelset axle (the place, incidentally, will determine the position of the locking bars of the shield). If possible, arc better to do much above the wheels and connect at the top of any rod or pole from falling down garters for climbing plants.

The metal part of the flower is very advantageous to black paint (called bitumen) Polish is beautiful and durable. Of course, you can paint and wheels with axles (oil paints), but then it is so that each spoke had its own color — “chariot” would be bright and elegant.

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