MORE ABOUT THE Readers interested in published in the journal some time ago. Linaeve from the eagle about the original decision stamenkovi fence in the suburban area, many asked to elaborate on her device. Published Supplement made by O. Linaeum at our request.
Classic vertical or sometimes slightly inclined arrangement picket — the most common variant of a wooden fence, which is found everywhere.
However, without significant additional material costs to implement the original idea of building the so-called “drunk” fence nailing fence (or privativa metal rods) to ethnonational position to get a beautiful “patterned” guard your site.
With various combinations of given fragments together should get a unique fence with his characteristic handwriting, which diversifies the sparse architecture of garden plots and country houses. In addition to purely decorative purposes while performing a wooden fence, raznonaklonennymi location of its elements will increase the hardness, and thus durability of the whole structure of the fence.
Don’t have to do the unusual location of the elements of the fence for its entire length, it is Sufficient to include in the part of the typical vertical picket fence sloping some fragments To height in these areas is not reduced, it is necessary to provide a corresponding extension of shtaketin and the fence will be transformed.
Insert ornamental fragments in the straight picket:
Insert decorative fragments in the straight picket:
And — “polynom” and “fan”, B — “proveer” and “sheaf”.
Insert decorative slices in slanted and straight fences:
Insert decorative slices in slanted and straight fences:
And — “proveer and polysnap”, B — “polynom” and “fan”.
The traditional position of the fence:
The traditional position of the fence:
A — straight B — sloping.
Decorative fragments:
Decorative pieces:
And — “proveer”, B — “polynom”.
Fence with fragments
Fence with fragments “proveer and polysnap” (tilt left — and right — B).
Options raznomastnogo picket:
Options raznomastnogo fence:
And — “proveer”, “polysnap” plus “bundle”, B — “proveer”, “sheaf” plus “fan”.
The fence will be the more interesting, the greater the ratio of length to width shtaketin Designing templates for a set of fragments, note that the gaps between adjacent inclined elements, it is desirable to keep the minimum, while making possible (to reasonable limits) the same angle between them.
Before starting work, it is possible to simulate a fence on the land and choose the most successful solution.
It should be noted that the planed wooden parts of the fence more durable and easy to colouring For extra protection of the wood can be dispensed with any modifier on its surface (for example, “Senezh” or “Pinoteks”) will Increase the durability of the fence and the cut on the “condition” or “house” its upper ends for sliding of moisture.
The biggest effect has been the use of promising retrofit (polymicrobial) of wood not only increases its service life, but does not require additional impregnation and coatings.
Additional references:
1) V. P. Shmatov. The landscaping gardens — Moscow, Rosselkhozizdat, 1984
2) the business Card of a country house — “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 6, 1997
3) A. S. Dmitriev, G. I. Popov, V. F. Suranov etc. Wasteless technology of production of modified wood with unique properties “Construction and building materials, equipment, technologies of the 21st century”, No. 7 — 8/99, pp. 44 — 45.

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