In the cold season it is nice to remember the hot summer, Blazhenny hours of quiet rest in the shade of the trees in the garden or at the cottage. But remember at the same time and on the other: on what, on any of the furniture had us rest “in nature”? The range of subjects offered by the industry, while rather limited, sun lounger, folding bed Yes hammocks. Try of them to put together a “green room” — the area in the fresh air! But whether the special summer set — everything would have looked differently. But as they are not offered the option of making such furniture their own.
What qualities and advantages over conventional home furniture incorporated in this set? The important thing is that all the components — sofa, chairs, padded stools, and chairs, and even table — made from the same standardized parts. The other important advantage of this furniture is that it is collapsible: the basic elements are held together with bolts and wing nuts, and being disassembled, folded into flat packs, convenient for transportation and storage.
During the long winter, and slowly to prepare the details for the entire set, and in the spring, moved him to the cottage, to collect, equip a small platform and a light canopy with a plastic film roof.
What are the details? Consider the option consists of the Board blanks, but, of course, can be made of, for example, of plywood with a thickness of 10-12 mm, chipboard — who has, with the introduction of their design of additions and changes.
The entire Suite can be collected only from the three original parts: in the picture they are marked with letters A, B and C. you will Also need straps G and furniture hinges and screws and M5 bolts with wing nuts.
The basis of all subjects of a set — frame. It is assembled from four parts, all of which stikoudi and the fastening element are loops, making it easy to fold. With it as a whole going and legs of the part A. as the fasteners that connect the hinges, frame and legs, can be used screws or M5 bolts.
The other main node of each object and a shield, collected again from parts B; pasted together auxiliary straps G according to the drawings. The strap is positioned so that when laying the shield on the frame work as “spacers”, thus giving the necessary rigidity.
Prepare these modules, you can start drawing up a headset. For full registration required just soft pillows that you can sew to your taste from upholstery or awning fabric, using upholstery foam, wool or just… hay.
Stool. Get him, “stretching” the frame folded into a square and covered with her shield. Quick Assembly-disassembly of this design and carry but the plot — for example, waiting for the rain. And have gathered a pillow and a stool ready.
Table. Of course, it can be just a stool. But it is better to make it out of two such elements. And, docking them, expand each other overhanging part of the Board and flush with the frame from the other or overhanging edges have both, then the joint will turn out dense, without cracks on the makeshift tabletop. If the area is equipped with not in the shade and on the table have to open the umbrella canopy in one of the shields you can do a special socket for it stands. This convenient table that can be set for any number of guests — it is sufficient to substitute the corresponding number of blocks.
Chair. It will also block out of the frame with a shield. Just added to the back. For her and useful item In — bar, fastened to the leg with two bolts. Stitch of the same fabric as the pillow, a bag or a Cape and outfit are both attached to the power bar: you get a soft cloth back.
The chaise longue. If the bars forming the back of the chair, sawing at the level of the shield, and the two parts at the junction to put on small furniture hinge, get deflected back, converting the chair into a kind of chaise. Fixing it in the tilted position can be restrictive cord that connects the bar with the sidewall of the frame, or a special strap with a hook on the end or a long chain.
Bed. For her don’t have to finish — just pick three stools together and add a chair in the head. If this bench is designed for the elderly, sick person or child — it is better to make it so that the middle block was the second chair. Then the bed will be additional, side, back.
Chair. The module allows you to collect and a comfortable, spacious seat. First, performs the same operation as that for obtaining of a chair, then angle to his back and just as she attaches the second back.
Sofa. Finally, the most great design that can be obtained from the block-modules, l-shaped or U-shaped sofa. It will be required to collect and chairs: the first will be the corners, the second of the back.
Of course, these combinations do not exhaust the capabilities of the set: it will be able to make and double bed, and a cot with railings on all sides — here everyone can show their creative imagination.
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