Before you know it — even autumn comes, harvest time. Collect what ugly earth in the garden, no problems. Harder to harvest with fruit trees, especially if they are old and tall. Have each grower tricky to get high fruits and berries. Who loves all kinds of plodosemniki Panah-rods who mobile platforms.I’m convinced that the most convenient option — a lightweight ladder that can be quickly repositioned and freely installed under any crown. I’m not doing it specially, and use the existing stairs.Ideally, of course, if the stairs two to take out of them Stremyanny nothing is bound only verhushki. But one is enough if you additionally manufactures the auxiliary support, replacing the second staircase. To make it quite easy. This would require approximately the same tanji zagotovki as main stairs (for lack of they are quite suitable for such “substitutes”, Kang poles, poles).

At the same time give recommendations in case of absence in your household the main stairs. Its manufacturing is straightforward, tan NAC in the presence of the material will only need a saw, hacksaw, Yes a hammer with nails.
Ethan, take the two wooden beams cross-section of 40×60 mm and a length of not less than 2 m, placed them squarely on level ground so that between the bottom ends of the staircase there was a distance of 520 mm, and between the upper 320 mm. Moving on the boards of plane width of 60 mm by 400 mm, we do the layout for future socket rails, notarie then we cut to a depth of 20 mm. For rails you will need bruski section 30×60 mm and a length of 600 mm. Insert them in the prepared socket and nail, beginning with the far; the excess ends of the rungs sawn off and the stairs are ready.
Now we turn it and, stepping back from the top rail a distance equal to the width of the beam-support, nailed an extra bar: it will be a reference for the ladder. The same pattern produce the second staircase, and if the special need in it, then a simplified design, which will serve as a simple backup using the main stairs in a “ladder”. But in any case the distance between the upper ends of the support beams and the cross section of the latter must be smaller than ladder— 300 mm and 30×60 mm respectively.
Fig. 1; Fig. 2; Fig. 3;
Fig. 1. The main staircase:
1 — uneven bars-supports (2 PCs.), 2 — bar, 3 — additional crossbar.
Fig. 2. Backup ladder:
1 — uneven bars-supports (2 PCs.), 2 — the lower crossbar, a 3 — diagonal brace (brace), 4 — the top rung.
Fig. 3. Ladder Assembly:
1 — the main staircase, 2 — backup ladder, 3 — additional crossbar ladder, 4 — top bar backup.



In the option “backup” nailed only top and bottom rails, and seat them in the bearing bars are not harvested. And to eliminate the possibility of buckling between the rungs fasten to stop him diagonal strut cross-section 30×50 mm (length in place).
Now connect the tops of the main and auxiliary ladders so that the “horns” last in between the bars-pillars and top and base beams of the main ladder: get the ladder, the upper ends of which will hold fast at no extra fasteners, and the bottom can move closer or farther from each other, maintaining stability.
With this ladder I successfully harvested from the upper branches of cherry, bird cherry, Apple: is great!
p. Talovaya, the Voronezh region.

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