Technology of construction of country houses

Construction technologies of country housesHow to build a reliable and durable house? What technologies are currently in use? To these and other questions will find answers in this article. Just note that the choice of technology of construction of country houses include the problem number one is impossible, but often there may be some difficulties, especially in the absence of construction education or insufficient funding.


Often the choice in favor of a particular construction technology is based on the recommendations of friends who have already started or have finished building a house on his land. How to build a quality, reliable and durable cottage? What technologies are available?

House of wood

Construction of wooden houses today, you can use different materials, most houses are built from:

  • the profiled beam;
  • laminated veneer lumber;
  • log.

Regardless of what option consumables will stop the choice the cottage will warm, reliable, and most importantly, environmentally friendly.

The house of bricks

The classic version of the construction, it is successfully used for centuries, but today with the advent of new technologies, the popularity of brick cottages has decreased significantly. As for the benefits of a brick house, it is important to note the reliability, strength, durability. However, when planning to build a house, you will need to prepare yourself for a large financial waste.

Modular homes

Can be used various materials, such as concrete, keramzitobetona, but more often it is done the construction of country houses of foam concrete, which stands out not only strength, but also a good thermal and sound insulation characteristics. The cottages of the foam, the best solution to modern construction. Note that the construction of country houses of foam blocks should be performed taking into account requirements and technologies. For quality implementation of the project will have to involve special equipment. Therefore, it is important to immediately determine the company that is to perform the tasks.

Frame house

To build a cottage, a construction company Dom-Stroy will be able in a few months. The advantages include speed of construction, and affordable price. The project implementation can take place at any time of the year. Learn more useful information, it is possible, if you type in the Internet request frame home articles that will allow you to learn not only about how to build a cottage, but also to find information on the advantages and features of the technology, which is used for construction.


Today you can order the construction of country houses in Domstroy, it is important to note that the specialists of this company are able to complete the construction of the cottage for any modern technology, if necessary, will be made of a monolithic construction of country houses of any complexity under the key.

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