I am a regular reader and admirer of “Modeller-designer”, In turn, would like to offer the subscribers of the magazine the story of how I built a chopper.
Amateur “copperstone” gained strength of seven or eight years ago and still maintains its position. But if you had fans designed choppers are mainly based on a heavy “Ural” and “Dnepr”, the last time these original cars appear on the ground, even for light motorcycles.

Independent production of the chopper is considered to be an expensive lesson, But not always. It is possible to build stylish bikes and at low cost.

My chopper I have collected on the basis of the motorcycle “IZH-Jupiter-2”. This is the perfect base, which cost me quite inexpensive. Basically, my technology is provided, with some “Izhevsk” motorcycle “Java” or, with a few more modifications, any other.
The main features of a chopper — drop-shaped fuel tank and big bent handlebar. I have such a tank existed. But in the absence of it could buy, barter or, at worst, to the dump site. Fit tanks from the “IZH-49”, “IZH-56”, “Planet” or “Jupiter” of the first and second models, and with a few alterations from the old “Ural” or “Java-250”.
Building a chopper
The extension of the pen plugs (L and M options, thread oil fill plug)
The extension of the pen plugs (L and M options, thread oil fill tube)
The wheel usually have to order on the side, but you can make your own. I made the wheel out of steel pipe with an outer diameter of 22 mm by means of a pipe bend. And to chrome-plate it, turned to the experts of the neighbouring plant. Those who have such a plant in the vicinity, I recommend to cover the simple steering wheel with silver paint.
Following that defines the stylish appearance of the bike, my front forks. On the choppers it is usually lengthened with the help of special inserts, machined from steel rod, finishing the outer diameter of which is equal to the outer diameter of the pen fork. On the lower end of the insert extension cable to perform a thread with step and length as on the oil fill tube of the pen fork, and the upper blind hole with the same parameters of the thread. Then drill a through axial hole with a diameter of 8-10 mm to fill the oil.
I lengthen the fork did not (however, for those willing to do it still give the drawing of the insert), just replaced it seals and oil, Bay, each feather with 200 cm3 of a mixture of liquid MGP-10 and motor oils in the ratio 1’1.
Now about the wings. The front was replaced by the chrome of the motorcycle “IZH-Jupiter-5”, the rear left in place, though a bit shortened. Attached chrome backrest of the seat, and the back — plate registration numbers , headlamp — native, but with a new bezel, the back is a new round from a decommissioned ZIL also had to replace the mufflers on my chopper they are now — from a motorcycle “IZH-Jupiter-4”
As you know, the main thing in any car is the engine. Before operation I carefully went over the engine of his motorbike had Replaced the worn piston rings, put a new cylinder head (from “Jupiter-4”), the Combination of cylinders “Jupiter-2” with these heads is possible to increase the compression ratio, respectively, and the engine power (up to 20-22 L. E.), and to output a smoothly changing torque throughout the speed range I Also carefully polished the exhaust channels and removed chamfer with the inlet and outlet ports. In addition, conscientiously cleaned the exhaust pipe For this fluffed up one cut end of the steel cable and slipped the other through the exhaust pipe and clamped in the Chuck hand drill. When the rotating cartridge is rotated and the wire, and fluff his end perfectly scraped off the soot.
I replaced the old carburetor K-36D at the new K-65Д IN the end, the average fuel consumption dropped to 4.5—5 liters per 100 kilometers and a top speed increased to 120-130 km/h.
A very important and high-quality color machines, Your chopper I painted the Finnish automotive enamel So is pretty stylish motorcycle with minimum capital investment. I completely satisfied with it, and other riders do not leave indifferent
K. KHLEBNIKOV, engineer, Krasnoyarsk

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