In the same school from the scooter made a planter designed to work in small areas. Its design is simple. To the scooter rear wheel added to improve adhesion to the ground and hung a simple odnoimennyi the plow.
Lotoshinskiy fans of technical creativity, as well as many tens of thousands of pioneers in the field. — participants of review-competition “Young technology — agriculture”, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of assignment of the Komsomol and pioneer organization named after V. I. Lenin.
Actively involved in the regional review and the young technicians of the Cherepanovsky district. Interesting design of the local guys are often showcased at VDNKH, all-Russian and all-Union exhibitions. In school clubs has developed many useful devices for agriculture. Among them, the machine for the water towers of collective and state farms, a device for listening to internal combustion engines manufactured by the guys Posevninskaya high school. Members of Cherepanovskiy of the pioneer has developed a device that allows the tractor to follow the depth of plowing.
In Dubrouski high school Maslyaninsky district students under the guidance of his great friend, the teacher of Vladimir Yaroshenko T. has designed a small-sized tractor “Dubrovic” which found application not only on the school grounds, but also on the fields of the farm “East”. To the tractor, you can attach various agricultural implements: mower, plough, seeder, sprayer.
The tractor is applied to separate the units and parts of old farm machines and wheelchairs. General view of the tractor shown in figure 1.
Overall dimensions in mm: length — 2800, width 1300, height — 1100. base — 2000 track — 1200. Weight — 320 lbs. lifting Capacity — 500 kg working Speed is 5— 12km/h, transport — 27 km/h.
Frame size 2200Х800 mm made of steel pipe Ø 80 mm.
Front axle — homemade; wheels, swivel pin thrust is taken from С3А.
Rear axle — integral, Ø 32 mm; in the middle part on the splines of the fixed large gear of the rear axle.
Final drive: chain, ratio 1:2; the sprocket drive rear axle taken from SK-4 (32 teeth). Rear axle: self-made from iron sheet, welded. Its gear ratio is 1:6, gear taken from the engine PD-10; on the driving shaft is installed, the carriage switch “back and forth”, the switching mechanism from С3А.
Body — wood, banded area.
Levers — from the system platform management mower. All suspension and control mechanisms from horse mower used without alterations.

Fig. 2. Tractor “Dubrovic” in four projections:
1 — body; 2 — steering; 3 — control; 4 — brake; 5 — the lever of a gear change; 6 — seat; 7 — engine; 8 — tank; 9 — rear axle; 10 — control lever reverse; 11 — brake drum; 12 — bevel gear; 13-cardan drive gear; 14 — gear; 15 — frame; 16 — spring (for easier management platform); 17 wing; 18 — drawbar hitch; 19 — pedal control
The engine is taken from the sidecar С3А without significant alterations, but instead of a battery ignition magneto supplied from the PD-10. From the sidecar also steering column and the headlights.
Reducer knife drive mowers has a gear ratio of 2:1; gear taken from the PD-10.
The brake drum is picked up from the combine harvester SK-4, made drive foot pedal with safety device.
On tests last summer, the tractor is fully met the expectations of guys. Productivity on the mowing of green mass of plants and harvesting of dry hay through the use of a tractor “Dubrovic” increased more than twice.
In creating the tractor was attended by students Dubrovskaya high school Sasha Ivanov, Nikolai Baluyev, Oleg Ivanov, Sergey Gulyaev, and others.