FIDO — A HOMEMADE BOATIf you use our drawings and build this lightweight Dinghy roomy, believe me, will not regret it. The dimensions of the boat — 2,3X1,3X0,4 m and a weight of 32 kg. To build the best suited waterproof plywood, but you can use ordinary construction with a thickness of 4 mm. For cutting workpieces need leaf length 2400 mm as standard sheets have a smaller maximum size, the edges of their fill “on us” and stick together.

In accordance with figures 1 and 2 watertite on plywood seven pieces, carefully cut them along the mating edges, drill holes Ø 2 mm increments 20 mm. then proceed… “sewing”. No, thread and sewing machine, you do not need: to connect elements of the Dinghy, use copper wire with a diameter of 1.5—2 mm. “the Twist”, as shown in figure 3, sew the bottom with the sides, transom and bow. Plywood for sides and bottom it is better to take one thickness, otherwise there are great difficulties in “sewing” due to the uneven deformation of the elements.
Tighten the wire just outside the building. At the end of this work, the joints from the inside promazyvaetsya with epoxy resin and glued with two layers of fiberglass. After curing the resin the wire from the outside of the housing obrushivaetsya, and two layers of fiberglass glued with resin on the outer joints. Next, the plywood shell of the Dinghy twice inside and outside is covered with fiberglass satin weave (this gives the enclosure increased water resistance).
Fig. 1. Appearance plywood Dinghy.
Fig. 1. Appearance plywood Dinghy.
Fig. 2. The elements of the case.
Fig. 2. The elements of the case.
Fig. 3. The connection of the elements of the case
Fig. 3. The connection elements of the case:
1 — Board, 2 — copper wire, 3 — bottom, 4 — fiberglass and epoxy resin; A and B, the first and second stages of docking.

Fig. 4. The principal dimensions of the paddle.
Fig. 4. The principal dimensions of paddle.
The gunwale of the Dinghy — pine slats section 15X30 mm and a length of 1500 mm. Mount them to the side with resin and screws. The keel is cut from pine boards and screws and resin is joined with the bottom. The dimensions of the blank for the keel — 6Х50Х2200 mm. For stability in the stern of the boat sets the fin out of the Board 20X100X1000 mm. Remains sticked on the bottom of the bottom ceiling — rail section 6X80 mm and a length of 2000 mm and put bench — banks.
To make the Dinghy unsinkable under the banks lay the foam blocks.
Boat goes with an outboard motor with capacity up to 3 l. C., but absolutely no harm will be on her oars (figure 4) and oarlocks.

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