FLOATING CLAMSHELL...Here come the summer. Where are you going to spend it? If near water, we propose to construct the original floating tool – equiped, that is a Pedalo. He will give you the opportunity to sit in on the morning dawn with a fishing rod, ride on the pond, to explore its most hidden corners.

What is the originality of our aquapad? Instead of floats it is a canvas or oil-cloth boat, and instead of paddle wheels – thruster. But that wasn’t the highlight. In its design there are two things that can’t swim “able”: a trundle bed and a hand drill.
Bed frame made of aluminum tubing serves as the frame of the boat, you only need to remove the disused cot canvas top and connecting tubes on the bottom and three wooden slats section 40×25 mm. they are Fastened with clamps of aluminum strips sostrochite on the sewing machine, the seams are glue glue “Moment” and the strips of the same material. Stretched on a frame lining fix – tighten the drawstring (nylon cord, proderty on the upper edge of the sheathing).
The finished boat put in the water: is it sustainable, does not get wet? All right? Then proceed to the manufacture of power drive. The main part of the drill. Well, if it is a two speed, you can experiment to find the optimal gear ratio from the pedals to the propeller shaft. In the drill, replace the handle of the small Bicycle sprocket -attach it with three or four bolts and nuts. Still need pedals, cut from the frame of the old bike. And the drill, the node with the pedals set at the bottom of the boat (on the middle wooden rail). Connect the large and small sprocket, a Bicycle chain.
Will float... clamshell
Will float… clamshell:
1,10 – medium wooden rake; 2 – propeller shaft; 3 – drill; 4 – small Bicycle sprocket; 5 – chain; 6 – frame pumps; 7,20 – clamps mounting rails to the frame; 8,23 – side rails; 9, 14, 19 – nuts and bolts; 11 – casing; 12 – the propeller screw; 13 – clamp steering pen; 15 – axis steering of the pen; 16 – steering lever; 17 – steering pen (plywood thickness 10 mm); 18 – hole clamp steering of the pen; 21 – rubber seal; 22 – nylon cord; 24 – pedals

For the prop shaft take the steel or aluminum rod with a diameter of about 10 mm with thread on one end. Clamp the rod in the Chuck of a drill, and the end is threaded out through the hole in the hull of the boat. To this hole did not penetrate the water, put seal – rubber washer, the inner diameter of which is slightly less than the diameter of the shaft.
The propeller shaft is cut from aluminum sheet with a thickness of 2-3 mm, the blades fold him, put on the end of the shaft with thread and secure with a nut.
That’s all. Install the left seat and the steering device. It consists of steering the pen partially immersed in water, and arms, which keeps aquamedic. The design of the pen, the method of its attachment to the boat shown in the picture. But the design of the handle, we offer to think, to make it more comfortable.

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