The device shown in figure 2, designed to descent with a specific pitch, which can change only a meter or two. But the design is so simple that in some cases (for example, during the descent from the Windows or balconies of buildings), appropriate use of such option.
The lift consists of a coil with a massive cheek flywheels, it is wound a flexible steel tape. The coil is placed on the bushings-bearings in the housing, and at the end of the tape there is a lug under your belt or webbing with detachable carabiner.
The device is fixed, for example, above the Windows of the houses; and due to the exceptional simplicity and low cost mechanism, it can be placed in many places of the building.
If necessary, persons in distress, fastened with a carabiner to the belt or straps and jumps down. The tape begins to unwind, smoothly dispersing cheeks flywheels. The person descends at first pretty quickly. But the diameter of the roll of tape decreases sharply (each meter unwound tape at the end of the process corresponds to a much larger thickness of the layer on the roll than at the beginning), but for a few meters to the ground the rate of descent intensively falls, the person is gently lowered to the ground. The tension of the tape at the same time sharply decreases, and the rifle automatically removed. Cheeks-the flywheels are at the moment the maximum speed.
Fig. 2. A simplified version of the lift:
1 — cheek-flywheel, 2 — shaft, 3 — sleeve bearing (PCB), 4 — housing with eyelet bolt, 5 — tape (for example, GOST-2614-65, 40X0,15 mm).
Throwing another meter or two for guarantee, a coil is unwound completely, and due to the hinge mounting of the tape on the shaft of the coil during further rotation of the shaft with the flywheels, it is wound in the other direction on the same shaft. In the end, the end with the strap rests on the body of the device, the tape is stretched, and the excess kinetic energy of the flywheels is repaid by sliding them on the shaft, as the friction safety clutch. The device is again ready for action. Thus, the descending energy of the object goes to the return of rescue tape ago.
Made the model fully confirmed the assumptions and calculations.
That’s a good demonstration and a sample exhibited at the exhibition NTTM.
In the proposed device, it does not necessarily scarce or expensive items. On the contrary, the rough will, for example, sleeve bearings (they may even be a PCB), the more aerodynamic losses, the smoother will be to go down the “load”. And the kinetic energy of the flywheels, as shown by the calculations and experience, it is still enough for a reverse lifting tape.
The last option is the fly-wheel lift is so simple that its model is easy to make yourself. With its help it is possible to conduct very interesting experiments (but down by threat height on the flywheel of a homemade lift I would not recommend).
N. GULIA doctor of technical Sciences