THE GLIDER BS-3“If we turn the pages of aviation history, you will find that most modern aircraft as heavier than and lighter than air born motorless aircraft were gliders, airships — balloons. Motors came in the process of evolution. About the same we are seeing now in hang gliding: after the glider to a pure glider version began intensive work on its “motorization”. They were conducted in parallel, both Amateurs and serious scientific institutions, aircraft manufacturer. And got results that suggest that in the near future, the trikes will become an independent unit of the aircraft. This is evident, in particular, a recent flight on an ultra-light aircraft across the English channel from London to Paris, in the ways of the early aviation pioneers. At last year’s aviation show in Le Bourget has demonstrated the device “Metadata”, produced in Germany. The machine flew well. No doubt that experiments like performed by S. Belikova, deserve every poderina, first and foremost, the Federation of hang gliding sports of the USSR”.
ANTONOV General designer of aviation equipment

Before building the trikes we tried to collect and categorize technical data of all devices of this rear, created in the USSR and abroad. But the information was extremely scarce. Experience in the use of knapsack aerodigestive the gliders were not very suitable; the location of the propeller behind the athlete significantly reduces its efficiency compared to working in an open flow: the effects of the so-called “shading”. Because our creative team working at the youth club “Luch” of one of the Hoo capital, consisted mainly of boys who have graduated from the flying club, it was decided to build a spacecraft with aerodynamic control when placing the pilot in a sitting position. This implies the need to provide it with the landing gear.
To solve this task it was necessary to design a stiff platform of duralumin tubes, carrying the pylon mounting of the dome, the sub-frame, the pilot seat, landing gear, controls and a roll cage mount of rotation of the rudders and height. We knew that the installation on the glider rudders and ailerons, located on the traditional scheme of the aircraft directly on the dome, does not give positive results. This circumstance is explained by the reaction of soft wing (the so-called “reverse”) to change the position of the rudders in the stream. So we decided to push the handlebars forward in the area of undisturbed flow. The result is a machine resembling a plane of type “duck” (Fig. 1). Located under the front node of the triangular dome on the rudder with an area of 0.5 m2 and the front landing gear are controlled by foot pedals, steering wheel height with an area of 1.1 m2 — handle aircraft type. Wiring — cable, through the normal blocks on the rudder and through the Differential mechanism to the wheel height. For roll control, the rear edge of the canopy is lifted by bridles and perform functions of ailerons. The pilot’s seat light sports aircraft. It is equipped with seat belts with one belt and two shoulder straps covered with foam rubber to cushion during takeoff and landing.
The frame of the dome and its supporting structure must have considerable excess strength in comparison with the same elements of a conventional hang glider, as the glider is subjected to much greater stress.
Fig. 1. Scheme trike
Fig. 1. Scheme of a trike
The dome should be made of high-strength and air-tight material — Dacron, Dacron, or at least fabric AZT. It is desirable to give preference to modern, pre-profiled types of domes, for example, the hang glider “Albatros” A. Ryabtseva (see “M-K” № 5, 1979).
The engine of the motorcycle “IZH-Planeta-Sport” 350 cm3, with a nominal power of about 20 HP at 3800 rpm. Any adjustments or forcing is not done to save the life. The fuel is fed by gravity from transparent (easy to control!) a five-liter tank located on the pylon above the engine. Screw — pusher Ø 1000 mm.
Fig. 2. General view of the trike BS-3 design S. Belikov
Fig. 2. General view of the trike BS-3 design S. Belikov:
1 — cupola, 2 — wind rudder, 3 — aerodynamic handlebar height, 4 struts the front of the farm, the 5 — pedal foot control, 6 — nose wheel chassis, 7 — stick UPRAVLINNYA, 8 — seat pilot, 9 — the main front of a farm 10 — the transverse struts of the frame pipe, 11—pipe of the longitudinal frame 12 is transverse pipe frame, 13 —lateral tube frame, 14 — VMG, 15 — struts sub-frame, 16 — struts frame (base), 17 — a side-wheel chassis, 18 — base frame. Keel and side pockets conventionally not shown
Instrumentation consists of pointers of height and speed (DC-250, converted to low speed flight) and the glider variometer type. The latter can be replaced by a thermistor variometer design S. Kazantseva. Flying without instruments trikes are not allowed!
To control the operation of the motor it is desirable to have the tachometer and temperature gauge cylinder head.
The first flights allowed to reveal the unique features we built apparatus. They should consider all who choose to repeat our experiment.
The first thing you should keep firmly in mind: to fly trikes BS-3 only those pilots who have completed training in aeroclub DOSAAF (by plane or glider) and can fly conventional gliders.
The second successful flight on trikes can be guaranteed only by consistent implementation of the following preparatory exercises: 1 — taxi at various speeds; 2 — approach, 3 — flying in a straight line; 4 — flying turns at 45-90°; 5 — flying over the ground in a rectangular route, with turns at 90°, with the implementation of take-off and landing is strictly against the wind.
The most favorable meteorological conditions for the performance of all these exercises — smooth wind of constant direction, with a maximum strength of 5 m/s. Exercises should be performed on flat ground or airfield length less than 800 m with good approaches, that is, without high fences, trees ILN buildings in the direction of take-off and landing.
1. Taxiing. Installing the unit is strictly against the wind and clicking on the edge of the area well-marked landmark (you can put a flag), start moving continuously giving gas to the motor. To sustain the direction to the landmark, a timely push on the pedal: when you reject the left — right pedal, where the deviation to the right and to the left. Repeat the exercise until, until you learned the movement in a straight line for the selected landmark. The handle is held in the neutral position (the Elevator in this case is positioned horizontally).
Then you can gradually increase the speed of runs, bringing the apparatus to a condition of “weightlessness” when the lifting force of the dome approaches the weight of the unit. From this moment begins the development of the approach.
Fig. 3. Drawing of a propeller.
Fig. 3. Drawing of a propeller.
2. Approach. The time of separation from the earth, familiar to pilots-gliders, trikes is determined to stop the shaking and jolts transmitted into the structure from the chassis. Camera like hangs momentarily in the air. The speed of separation (gauge) is in the range of 40-45 km/h. At this point it is necessary to hold the lever upravlennya gas, and the handle a little to give myself to not give the machine to get the height to hold it at a height of not more than 0.5—0.8 m from the ground. The resulting rolls variruyutsya small deviations of the handle to the right and left, although the need for such action rarely occurs — the device on takeoff is very stable. As osvoenya exercises height the approach can be increased initially to 1 m, and then permitting the length of the site up to 2-3 m, but in such a way that after landing the trike stayed no closer than 30-50 m from obstacles at the end of the platform. Taxiing back to the start, it is necessary to run at minimum speed. Landing after the approach is accomplished by supplying the machine to the ground at a speed of 40 — 45 km/h on the device a short incubation ka 0.3—0.5 m and planting with vigorous movement of the handle itself to put the dome on large angles and not let the camera roughly hit the ground. Landing with a raised nose wheel, two main wheels of the chassis should not be considered a mistake — this landing characteristic of the pilots of the gliders. Three-point landing closer to the aircraft pilots. The rate of vertical lowering of the apparatus at the time of landing is very low, and the mileage does not exceed 5-10 m.
Depending on the shape and size of the site after osvoenya of approach you can go to the flying “snake”, with turns at 45° and 90° at a height of 25 m, for learning the behavior of a trike in curvilinear flight. In comparison with known aircraft, such as airplanes and gliders, trikes more inert, and turns are running on it with small rolls, a “pancake”.

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