BIG TO SMALL All big things in life starts small. And it’s small already in your hands. Because you see a little further and a little deeper than your peers. Do not forget that in any work the main thing is to learn how to find solutions to problems where they do not lie on the surface. Remember: to become the creators of the new need to develop the spirit of critical and attentive attitude to the phenomena, and then your present passions in the future will be the Foundation of your life.

Seriously, carefully listening to the guys speech of the Chairman of the Siberian branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor academician Gury Ivanovich Marchuk. The scientist addressed with parting words to him, the participants of the VI all-Russian meeting of young innovators and designers, talked with them seriously and confidentially, as with future colleagues.
It was the first day of the all-Russian forum of young technicians, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Lenin Komsomol. Students who came to the rally from all parts of Russia, took this evening, the House of scientists of Novosibirsk Akademgorodok.
The next days were filled to overflowing, and one of the main Affairs was the work of sections: protection guys own projects, the examination of creative maturity. Strict and impartial jury selected the most interesting work, and choose from what was: 500 participants of the rally brought about 700 of the mechanisms, tools, appliances and models, and 32 of them have already been adopted by industry.
700 works… It’s 700 exhibits, 700 curious designs, seen at the technical exhibition of the rally.
Was dizzying. Rumor snatched from a steady hum that rhythmically interrupt the singing of the motor space of the Walker, careful clicking the school’s telephone switch, a soft melody pouring from a homemade stereo system. The most interesting arrangements and instrument lively gamanil boys and girls, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of these designs.
Was struck by the breadth of coverage of children of various technical areas — from small-size machinery to very complex electronic devices, from the simplest, school rationalization proposals prior to major adaptations and inventions.
Perhaps the most interesting part of the exhibition was held the Assembly of the club of young technicians of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. There from morning till evening popped motors on the asphalt arena was running a brisk microvesicle, circling the cars and the cards, slowly and solidly moving tractor. One of them caught our attention. Great layout of this four-wheeled machine, conciseness and elegance of form, excellent finish and with all that simplicity of design could not be better suited for a repeat of her workshops in rural schools.
We chatted with the driver — student of the 8th class school № 52 city of Omsk Alexander Kudryavtsev.
“The gnome” is the name of the machine, we did a children’s technical station “Youth”, — says Sasha. — Of course, it was not I alone, but together with friends Oleg Sovetnikova, Sasha Simonov and other guys under the leadership of Viktor Grigorievich Stepanenko. Design and manufacture of “Dwarf” it took us about six months. The basis is the recent publication in the “M-K” “We have made a tractor.” But do not think that we just copied that car. In its construction we suffered only its dimensions but still took the same motor — scooter “Tula”, and all the rest come up with yourself.
Yes, the young tractor from Omsk managed, we think, to create a machine, which it is possible to recommend to industry to take as a basis when developing such equipment.
“MARCH” — “the little micro-car Developed by the Students” — under this name a few years ago in the pages of “M-K” came the tricycle of the original scheme created in the laboratory of experimental modeling CUT of SB as USSR. Not surprisingly, here at the exhibition, the same four letters, but on the hood of a car with four wheels made us take a closer look at this exhibit.
The car was the latest development lab. As told by her staff — sophomores Alex Shalamov and Sergei Dmitriev, the car is composed of a “Vyatskaya” first releases. “From one — explain the designers — WE took the front and rear wheels with suspension components from the other the same plus the engine. Joined it all of the spinal frame…”
Very interesting thought guys, the passengers and the driver. To seat them with enough comfort for a small base car, the driver was placed in the center of the axis of the car, and the rear passengers, right and left of the driver, so their knees do not rest against the back of the front seat.
From rally to rally this direction in the works of young innovators and designers is becoming more popular. Rally participants from the Altai territory brought from the battle microtracker Tigris. This car even once and does not fit the prefix “micro” as “Tigris” — the unit is powerful enough to not only work on school grounds, but also in the fields of collective and state farms in the part of the student production teams. It was built by students of the 10th class secondary school Alminskoy Vladimir Shalin and Pavel Pozdnyakov.
Microelectonic — traditional topic development students from the Krasnodar region. The guys from the sixth school of the city of Tikhoretsk led on the basis of engine D-6 made some interesting mechanisms. Two of them are motatapu and the mower was on display at the exhibition of the rally. The authors— ninth Sergey Rusanov and Evgeny Baskakov. The design and manufacture of such appliances, they have been doing for several years, and their cars are widely used on school grounds.
The main difficulties, — he said — we had with engine cooling system, designed for relatively high speeds. But the speed of our machines — you know. Had to come up with centrifugal fan…
Yes, that sensation. And how else can you call an electric car that can carry their Creator by eating from such a small energy source like a battery of a pocket flashlight? Of course, the machine is designed not for her: it is just an illustration of the capacity of the motor to the original design. Of course, this demonstration has caused genuine delight of specialists. A miracle-the car is built in the club of young technicians of the Chelyabinsk plant metallurgicheskogo eighth-grader Hero Golovin together with the head of the experimental laboratory V. G. Martynyuk.
Electric car Chelyabinsk was one of the most popular exhibits: a week of practical driving it has mastered almost half of the participants of the rally. The machine was easy to operate, durable and with a single charge of the batteries worked almost the whole day — about seven hours.
And here is another miracle — a huge bright yellow torus, similar to a plate, hovering under the ceiling of the exhibition hall. Openwork arrow under its “belly” and four rotary air screw on the periphery of the “donut” convinced that before us is the construction and installation of the airship-the crane. A lot of work invested in this work, the pupil 6-go a class of school № 59 in the city of Barnaul Andrey Aksenov. If we talk about the details, the young designer has included in his model even air screw for partial discharge boom: it allows the airship to maintain the alignment when the load is moving along the boom or big changes in his weight. This flying crane can be used when installing power lines in remote areas, the Assembly of drilling rigs and other construction works.
And before this glittering polished edges machine is also long obsolete admiring boys. Who would refuse to peer into the inner workings of the combine, spy covert processes in his belly! Model-copy of harvester “Niva”, made by the student of 9th class Malczewski high school Millerovskiy district of Rostov region Gennady Petrunova, gives a complete picture of working prototype, the interaction of its individual components and assemblies. A look inside allow transparent hood and machine panel. According to Andrew, the model consists of nearly three thousand parts, and almost every NC them “corresponds to nature. A copy is made as a visual aid for learning the “craft field” in rural schools.
It was not, perhaps, no section of the exhibition, where it was not present electronic devices. Transport and construction, agriculture and industry — for them made boys essential electronic AIDS.
For example, young designers from Uzbekistan interested in the problem of the natural leak of water in rivers and lakes. The theme is very topical — after all, the most sun in our Republic, where the summer sees almost no rain, every drop of water is literally worth its weight in gold! Besides the fact that the moisture evaporates, a huge amount of it just goes into the ground, seeping through the bottom of the ponds. It is therefore important for the national economy information on filtration water flow for the compilation of balance of surface and groundwater. and to develop measures to reduce its losses.
The guys from ship modeling and mechanical circles conducted on the instructions of the Institute Gidroingeo complex study on Carmaxcom reservoir. How they passed, told rally participants the student Damir Yanbaev:
— With a small catamaran to the bottom of an artificial lake with a winch, we lowered the bell. Located in the heart of the bell hole was inserted a tube with three wire windings. Medium heated in the cavity of water, and two were included in the shoulders of the measuring bridge. Depending on, is leaking water or not, changes the direction of water movement in the tube. In this case, one of the windings heat up immediately registering recording devices. And so consistently, section by section, a floating laboratory to test the filtration characteristics of the bottom.
Well, this helps to eliminate the inefficient loss of water: filterable places the bottom is covered with plastic wrap or even concreted.
A number of electronic devices brought young technicians at the gathering, was created on the instructions of enterprises. In law, for example, pupils are proud of Voronezh Sergey Boev and Yuri Maksimov device to the winding machine for potentiometer. The guys designed and built it in a mug of automation and telemechanics gorsyut No. 2 at the request of the plant “Electropribor”. Bottleneck, as learned guys in the workshop were the sensors, and legacy amplifiers. In order to develop a new, members took a year of hard work. And in the end created a new induction sensor and a highly reliable transistor amplifier. After factory tests proved that the device of the Voronezh schoolboys virtually eliminates the marriage when winding. It is installed on 25 machines of the enterprise.
What issues don’t worry young technicians! They do not pass their attention even so, to put it bluntly, not too close to the boys the science of medicine. For example, Andrew Aleikina from Sverdlovsk interested in the process of laboratory analysis of blood composition. It is very long was the existing method: test tubes with the blood will need to install the centrifuge, and the blood distribution in density occurs only 40 minutes after start of the device. Andrew used in the device of the so-called conductometric method, which consists in measuring the resistance of blood at a frequency of 25 kHz. Count same value of MS (the number of gematokritnogo) is made directly on the scale of the instrument is calibrated in percentage.
The exhibition was a section looking at which the audience felt, if not on a distant planet, then at least at the test site for space vehicles. What principles are inherent in the ways of moving these “alien” spacecraft! And they mostly rely on the patents of nature: that is already worked out and tested in hundreds and thousands of generations of living beings.
For example, the transport device design Sergey Scherbakova from the city of Mozdok (North Ossetia). Their “habits” lunar Rover looks more like sideways-moving crab. The mechanism of pristupanja simple: two rocker mechanism, United by a common crank. Despite this, the “crab” quite smartly moves.
And “space” the truck is first simply puzzled us. The impression was that the car Nicholas Sachkov of the fool Magnitogorsk failed to properly secure the wheel. There it was. Car confidently went through their “clumsy” wheels and was moving fairly quickly and smoothly. The assurances of designer fancy car, these wheels give the possibility to successfully overcome wetlands and roads with poor soil.
Geometrically each of the wheels of the vehicle is an oblique slice of a cylinder, and it gives the opportunity for a good road to have a small resistance movement, and in overcoming swampy or sandy areas (that is, when the wheel starts to slip) significantly increase the effective width of the soil that increases the permeability of such a machine.
* * *
…Ended with a wonderful celebration of young technicians of the RSFSR, devoted to the 60th anniversary of the Lenin Komsomol, and its members moved to cities and villages, taking with them the memories of the defence of projects on a variety of seen designs, on the solemn awarding of prizes and diplomas, meetings with scientists and evenings of friendship. The gathering was a vivid evidence of high creative intensity of our guys, their report country, party, Komsomol on his noticeable! — contribution in the Affairs of adults, that a new generation of enthusiasts of scientific and technical progress successfully preparing to take the baton from the hands of the elders.

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