ON-ROAD AND OFF-ROAD...Laureate of Lenin Komsomol prize of student scientific-technical society of the Moscow higher technical school named after N. E. Bauman is one of the oldest in the country. Founded in 1903 N. E. Zhukovsky, the NTO over the years of its existence gave the careers of many famous aircraft designers, scientists, inventors. Good memories most of them left their intended course of development of the NTO, areas for further research, which over time has gained followers, United in independent laboratories, student research centers. Thus, in particular, in 1949, in the scientific and technical society has a new creative division of student design Bureau, which from the very first days of its existence began to work closely with the production, scientific-research institutes. With the expansion of subjects, which was engaged by SKB, it created all new laboratory, a new student design teams.

1966 the make consider stage — then to better coordinate activities of individual departments SKB they were United in a single design, research and experimental complex — student design Bureau.
The Union was soon fully justified — it is allowed to take on serious and major development projects that were previously beyond the ability of individual design office. Currently SDO is a lot of work to create new technology, original design of mechanisms and machines. Including underwater remote-controlled robot it moves in water on wheels, in which are embedded electric motors. The hand of the robot, however, is only one, but with the help of such manipulator apparatus can perform a variety of underwater work is to take samples of bottom rocks to make simple repair operation.
I want to mention a series of equipment intended for athletes of Olympic class. These devices are packaged with the instrument, removing the biomedical indicators of the athlete. Each simulator is a device that provides feedback between the load, which is in the process of training has to overcome man, and biomedical indicators. For example, if suddenly quickens the pulse or significantly increased blood pressure, the device delivers a command to the simulator, and the load is reduced accordingly, which in the end will stabilize the main parameters of the physical condition of the person.
One of the most interesting units SPKB — laboratory transport systems. As the name suggests, its main task — the design of transport vehicles with the original propeller, wave, walking, flap wheels. Some of them readers are probably familiar (they were exhibited at the Central exhibitions NTTM-76, NTTM-78) in our publications about the work of the laboratory of transport systems. And here at the exhibition NTTM-80 we see a new creative design Bauman — six-wheeled “jigger”.
Fig. 1. Light machine of high permeability, developed in the laboratory of transport systems student design Bureau of MVTU named after N. E. Bauman (variant body).
Fig. 1. Light machine of high permeability, developed in the laboratory of transport systems student design Bureau of MVTU named after N. E. Bauman (variant body).
It would be an exaggeration to say that a car of this class — the invention of the laboratory. But all resemblance “jigger” Bauman is significantly different from the prototype — design and technological innovations developed by LTS, the careful thoughtfulness of the layout, gorgeous appearance. With all the work on a machine was a great school for students of MVTU named after N. E. Bauman is also a great research and experimental creative research students, and dozens of course and diploma projects on the development of individual components of all-terrain vehicle.
And I must say, the car is “held”. It concentrated a rational choice of parameters of the basic units — engine, propeller, V-belt variator and its simple and yet superb design, which consists not only in the appropriateness and strictness of its forms, are effectively combined with their adaptability, reproducibility.
Today we acquaint readers with the new “jigger”. I hope he will become a prototype for future designs in clubs, and at stations of young technicians, and even home workshops.
There are many schemes of all-terrain vehicles — tracked and wheeled, two-axle and three axles, with one axle and two with partial unloading of wheels, air cushion and do little floor — only hovercraft… Choosing the concept of a future Rover, we stopped at a little understood — with six driving wheels-pnevmokokkami. This scheme allowed best to realize our idea of a simple to manufacture, lightweight and at the same time, “westerkade” car.
We do not consider our work complete. “Jigger” NTTM-80, there is nothing like the experimental sample, which worked out the chassis of the vehicle, the transmission, the elements of the case.
Case LWP (light vehicles with high cross) plastic. For ATV plastic is an ideal material — it is resistant to corrosion, lightweight, and repairing it is not an example simpler than steel. It is also important that the use of molded plastic is allowed to do just three hull panels — top, bottom and front, When assembling the front part is glued to the top and thus forms a single whole, and after docking with the bolts of the upper and lower parts is obtained by a very rigid shell.
Case LIT is not carrying the full sense of the word. In the connector of the upper and lower parts of it we reinforced it with steel sections of the type “area”. A machine frame (in cross section it resembles the letter T) is covered on the outside with a rubber band, its bar is also a good bumper.
Good review and for the driver and passenger provide great windshield mounted in the front part of the housing. Frame windshields besides serves as a support when mounted on the car awning.
On another frame, which is embedded in the lower part of the body, are the engine (like MT-10), transmission, control system and battery. Besides, there are fixed suspension LIT and tow hooks. Fuel tanks (for two) are installed in the lower part of the machine. Cylinder cooling — air, it is supplied via duct extending from the frontal part of “jigger” to the engine. For inspection and adjustment of the engine and transmission elements at the top of the housing has two hatches.
Fig. 2. The layout of the main units LIT
Fig. 2. The layout of the main units LIT:
1 — arm drive clutch, 2 — motor MT-10, 3 — duct, 4 — drive pulley of the CVT 5 — drive CVT, 6 — tank, 7 — damper, 8 — rink.

During the design LMWP we examined a number of kinematic schemes of transmissions, considering they transmit the power, their weight and dimensions. In the end, the basis was adopted by the V-belt CVT. Virtues enough — it is the most simple design among all possible variable-speed drives, has high efficiency, is lightweight, and everything has a very reasonable range of gear ratios. A special feature of our developed CVT is that runs it is not an automatic controller, and the driver. In the experiments, the installation of automatic regulator is completely paid off.
A simple example. When skidding, as is known, substantially decreasing the resistance to movement, and wherein the controller automatically reduces the supplied pneumococcal torque — while in principle it is necessary to reduce the speed of the wheels, that is to increase the input thereto the time of rotation.
Another feature of our options — biasing the clutch disc spring. Her power is regulated so as to ensure the maximum transmission time. Such a complication had to go to ensure a minimum sustainable speed LMIT — about 7 km/h. For the convenience of the driver foot pedal control the CVT provided a ratchet mechanism which allows it to sense its position after installing the required gear ratio.
After the variator torque is transmitted to the side gears — single stage gear units, and more — on friction clutches and chain drive, which combines the wheel each side. Turns are made by switching the corresponding clutches.
No suspension all-terrain, numerous tests have shown that a car moving at pneumococcic up to a speed of 45 km/h, the role of shock absorbers is quite successful in playing pneumococci.
Assume that after the purported improvements and a full range of tests our LMWP can be used as a multipurpose vehicle to transport off-road of cargo, equipment, and people. I hope that it will be interested geologists and surveyors, oil companies and the builders of BAM.
Useful load, kg…………………………….400
Full weight, kg………………………………………1300
Engine power, HP …………………….32
Maximum speed, km/h ………………..45
Minimal stable speed, km/h …7
Speed afloat, km/h…………………………3-4
Wheel formula ……………………………….6X6
Pressure on pneumococci, kg/cm2………….0,2—1,2
The crew…………………………………………………2 man

A. BATANOV, head of the laboratory of transport systems
student design Bureau of MVTU named after N. E. Bauman

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