SCOOTER IN THE SNOWSnow scooter we recommend that you do, will give the opportunity not only to descend from the snowy mountains, but to engage in the slalom. To build it is not too difficult. Well, of course, if you manage to use the weld, but in a pinch you can do without it, replacing the weld bolt.

The frame of the scooter is curved from a thin-walled steel pipe with an outside diameter of about 30 mm. Of the same kind of pipe is made and the steering column single track sled. Swivel bracket is arranged in such a way as to limit the turning angle of the front steering skis did not exceed 45° from neutral.
Hinge the front of the ski has a bend from a steel plate of thickness 2.5—3 mm. hinge pin — steel bolt M8. The sleeve is welded to the steering column. Don’t forget before welding to flatten the pipe so that between its walls remained a gap of about 5 mm. To do this, a good idea to use a metal plate of the same thickness — insert it into the end of the tube and crushes the last wooden mallet-mallet.
The front ski is better to modify pre-made, for example, cut out of the wreckage of the slalom. Well, back have to make yourself from suitable oak or beech boards. To give it is depicted in the figure form, the Board must within two or three day soak in water, and then at the same time to put in a kind of slipway to squeeze the clamps to a thick Board back, and then front, pre-placing a wooden block with a thickness of about 100 mm After drying and final treatment of the back of the ski the sliding surface is preferably covered with glass fiber epoxy resin.
Design snow scooter
Design snow scooter:
1 — upper hinge, steering column 2 — steering wheel, 3 — wheel, 4 — node mounting seat, 5 — seat, 6 — absorber, 7 — mount rear ski, 8 — rear ski 9 — mini-ski, 10 — node suspension rear ski sock, 11 — lower steering column joint, 12 — node mounting of the front skis 13 — shock 14 front ski.
Seat scooter is a base of plywood 15 mm thick with a foam cushion, covered with leatherette or artificial leather. The front part of the seat is pivotally mounted on the frame and rear suspension with shock absorber from a light motorcycle or moped. Depending on the type of shock and will change the way it mounts to the frame and the rear ski.
This scooter is best down from the hills, having on his feet small skis, they will help to balance and more clearly make turns. It is acceptable to use commercially available plastic mini-skis, but still better to have a homemade, wood — they are stronger, besides, they can set the standard “hard” mount. The easiest way to make them from children’s skis, shortening to the desired size.

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