SHARPENING — SO ON THE MACHINE!“From work saw burn until white!” — wrote Vladimir Mayakovsky in his poem “Whom to be?” Meanwhile, heat the cutting tool in the first place means that he is dull. In this case, the joiner, as of old, takes padpilot (triangular file — in modern terminology) and manually sharpening the teeth of a handsaw. Much hard work and unproductive work! But maybe, and this operation can be mechanized? There are also sharpening machines for milling cutters, disks of circular saws… However, here’s a review on the machine, developed by ninth-graders of high school № 28 of Ust-Kamenogorsk city under the leadership of teacher A. A. Boytsov: “bench grinder will find wide application not only in school workshops, but in the joiner shops of the construction companies and carpentry teams on any construction site. The machine is easy to manufacture and allows you to sharpen the various woodworking tools — hand saws, the blade semi-circular and chain saws”.

Chief engineer of the trust “Vostokkaznedra” G. I. Aksenov, the signatories of this opinion, adds that the machine dramatically increases the quality of the sharpening tool and significantly reduces manual labor, that allows to recommend its application in various sectors of the economy.
How is this the original grinding machine? Here’s what says about it the head of the circle of young designers AA Fighters.
First of all a few words about the main characteristics of the grinding machine. Maximum length of grinding is 600 mm, which is enough for most carpentry hand saws. The grinding angle can be selected within a wide range depending on the used tool — grinding wheel.
The basis of our machine, however, like any other, is the motor. His shaft is the spindle of the machine: it is fixed grinding wheel. An indispensable condition — the grinding disc must be enclosed in a fence.
Grinding machine or etsch-1
Grinding machine or etsch-1
Grinding machine or etsch-1
Grinding machine or etsch-1:
1 — bed lathe (cast iron), 2 — front (steel 45), 3—front line (steel 45), 4 — a stopper (steel 45), 5 — clamp (steel 3), 6 — carriage with four rollers, 7 — guide rail (steel angle 25 X 25 mm), 8 — eccentric clamp, 9 — lever, 10 — rail, 11 cover, 12 — motor, 13 — stroke limiter, 14 — joint, 15 — sleeve 16 — way nut, 17 — yoke 18 — counterweight (lead), 19 — handwheel horizontal travel, 20 — count horizontal scale of movement, the 21 — slide horizontal movement of carriage 22 — coupling, 23 — arm, 24 — support line (steel 3).
The machine bed is a cast iron casting, however, allowed the use and welded steel base. On the front mounted guide bar with tool holder. The engine is installed in the channel, the latter planted on the counter, fixed in the frame. Sliding nut and screw thread cut on the front allow you to lower and raise the engine. In the desired position it is aligned with the lock screw. The grinding angle of the tool can be selected by turning the motor around the rack.
The tool is fixed in the machine guide line. Fixation of saw blade paintings by two eccentric clamps.
It remains to add that the machine and its creators won the first place at the last in the summer of 1980 Republican exhibition of technical creativity, devoted to the 50 anniversary of Kazakhstan.

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