SMALL PACKAGES...Large problems sometimes arise because of the small details. Take, for example, the servo-mechanism, reduces the efforts on arms control such a powerful and popular tractors as Chelyabinsk Т100МЗ or T-130. They have the bushing hole (see figure), is pressed into the housing of the servo-mechanism, performs reciprocating movement of the pusher, the transmitting motion of the control lever rotate the spool getorcreatenode site. On the pushrod and is an ill-fated piece is a small rubber ring that provides a reliable seal between the follower and the walls of the sleeve.


To achieve a good seal, had mating parts to perform a high degree of accuracy. Suffice it to say that the sleeve must have an inside diameter with an accuracy of thousandths of a millimeter; increased requirements are applied to the roughness of the walls of the hole, and the pusher, which performed the notched groove under the rubber ring.
Participants NTTM Chelyabinsk tractor plant proposed to change the design of this node, without reducing its reliability. Instead it was decided to use the rubber sleeve (see picture). This simplified form of the sleeve and pusher (and, therefore, the technology, the requirements for machined parts), to produce parts from less scarce metal.
Old (A) and new (B) knot pusher
Old (A) and new (B) knot pusher:
1 — bed, 2 — rubber seal 3 — pusher.

For comparison of the old and new node was tested on a special stand. They showed that the wear of the rubber rings is twice that worked the same time cuffs. Usually the servo with o-rings after 300 thousands cycles were found to have oil leaks. The new node with cuff remained sealed and after 2.5 million cycles.

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