LAND - WATERThere are still many of Russia’s rivers and lakes that can deliver joy and pleasure to fans of rest on water. But most reservoirs where you can swim in the boat, away from settlements. Leave the boat in places unsafe. So today we offer DIY to see malogabaritnih, simple je the manufacturer of boat-a punt, a description of which was published in the Romanian journal “Tehnium”. Design and technology of its manufacturing on the basis of domestic experience has been slightly modified and augmented. This boat is easy to deliver to the place by car, motorcycle or Bicycle with a small trailer as it weighs less than 67 kg. This vessel can be easily modified for the installation of sails or a small motor.

Before the construction of the boat, you have to procure necessary materials and parts, to draw on a sheet of graph paper or paper Plaz, the cross-section. If you don’t find the recommended materials, they can be replaced. For example, spruce, pine, oak, beech, STZ is possible on any other available at hand.

The outlines of the cross power set is transferred from the Plaza on the workpiece transverse and vertical parts of the frames. They are cut, processed, and carefully adjusted to each other, then are fastened together with copper or brass nails and epoxy glue.

To build the frame of the boat you need to prepare the slipway. As last you can use wood floor for your shop or manufacture from boards in the thickness 40 — 50 mm shield size 3500×1000 mm.

On the stocks is set and fixed with wooden backings previously prepared in accordance with the drawing of the keel beams, which mark the plane of arrangement of the frames.


Boat rowing


Boat rowing

A rowing boat (image “b” plating and banks conventionally not shown):

1 — the lateral border of the transom (spruce, bar 25×25, L280); 2 — the lower trim of the transom (spruce, bar 25×25,L1000); 3 — transom DOS ka (spruce, Board 280×15, L1000); 4 — frame; 5 — the lower elements of the frame; 6 — support deck; 7 — the top element of the frame; 8 — the stem (oak, timber 80×50, L400); 9 — stringer (spruce, bar 25×25, L4000); 10 — keel beams (oak, bar 45×25, L4000); 11 — slag smaller; 12 — slag; 13 — RUB rails (spruce, timber 30×25, L2500, 4 pieces); 14 — socket oarlocks; 15 — the bump (spruce, Board 100×10, L1000, 2); 16 — duck; 17 — BIMS (spruce, bar 25×25, L450, 4 pieces); 18 — front Bank (spruce, 270×20 Board.L1000); 19 — pole (spruce, bar 25×25, L125, 6 PCs); 20 — gate; 21 —22 paddle — fodder Bank (spruce, 250×20 Board, L1000); 23 — baller (STZ, tube 30×2,5,L250, strip 30×2, L70); 24 — deck plating (plywood, s4, 3750×1020); 25 — hull bottom (plywood, s5, 3700×1060); 26 — sheathing Board (plywood, s5, 3750×300); 27 — bearing timber fodder banks (spruce, bar 25×25, L1000)

In the first phase of construction of the frame of the boat on Kileva bar temporarily using bricks and nails fastened frames No. 0 — 6. Moreover, the “zero” frame, consisting only of the lower element and transom planks installed at an angle of 10 degrees to the vertical plane. Before fixing the frames must be set plumb and level.

You are now ready to install the stringers of the bottom. Each of them consistently adjust to the frames and fixed with nails and epoxy glue. In the last instance by the same method produce the final installation of the keel timber.

The second stage of Assembly of the frame start after final curing of the epoxy. To fit the stringers to the frames No. 7, 8 and the bow will have to bend. Therefore, if they are not stretchy, the front ends of the stringers must be pre-soak or steam. The installation of the frames and stem produce similar to the previous. The fit of the stringers to the frames and their fixing to do better in pairs, since the pair of internal symmetrical relative to the longitudinal axis of the boat.


If the stringers were soaked or steamed, commit them to the frames is carried out with strands of soft wire, and then allowed to dry for several days, and then put on the glue and nails.


The frames of the boat

The frames of the boat:

1-front bulkhead (spruce, Board 100×10, L280, 16 PCs); 2 — bottom element of the frame (spruce, Board 70×10, L1000, 9 pieces); 3 — support deck (spruce, bar of 25×25); 4— upper elements of the frame (spruce, Board 25x 10)

The last and most difficult operation — the connection of the stringers with a bow. The technology of Assembly of such a master for sure will use his, but as a guideline we cite the following:

1. To mark and saw through the groove in the workpiece of the bow under the keel beams.

2. To customize these items and connect them with epoxy glue.

3. To withstand up to complete solidification of the glue.

4. To mark and saw through grooves in the harvesting of the stem under the upper stringers.

5. To customize these items and glue.

6. To withstand up to complete solidification of the glue.

7. To perform the operations specified in clauses 1 — 6, for connecting the stem with the other stringers.

Now the frame of the boat in rough ready. Need to prepare it for plating. What with flexible slats, check the smoothness of the contours and, if necessary, modify the frames and stringers with a plane, rasp and coarse sandpaper.


The covering of a boat consists of three pieces, cut according to the drawings, shown in the figure. In the case at hand was not sheets of plywood of the required size, the workpiece can be made of several parts, connecting the butt and strengthening the place of the joint after fastening the sheathing to the frame plate on the inner side and the outer strip of fiberglass epoxy.

A sheet material attached to the frame with galvanized nails and epoxy glue, to which is further added wood flour (you can substitute baby powder or talc) to reduce the fluidity of the adhesive and ensure the continuity of the adhesive joint.

Fixing cladding to the frame is produced in the following sequence: on the bottom, on the sides, on the deck.


Before the deck plating in order to improve the water resistance should be covered with several layers of hot linseed oil or hardwood varnish the inner surface of the sides, bottoms and blanks deck.

After fixing on the casing of the fenders and fully cured, glue the hull vyskazyvat smoothly scroogled all sharp edges and zashpaklevyvayut the joints with epoxy glue with the same additives.

For improved handling boats on the course and protect the underbody from damage can be laid along the bottom 2 — 3 wooden beams with section of 25×25 mm. Also, we advise you to protect boats from water ingress to be installed on the bow deck a bump. This is due to the fact that the bow section of the deck inclined slightly down-forward and it will cover even a small wave.


Rowlocks & socket

The ROWLOCK and socket:

1 — axis oarlocks (St.Z, rod d12 L100,2); 2 — gate (CT.Z, rod d10,2); 3 — axle (CT.S, pipe 20×2,5,2); 4 — plate (St.Z, z sheet-4 pieces); 5 — washer, nut, bolt М8х20,8 PCs.)



1 — the blade (plywood, s5, 2); 2 — pole (oak, round 25, L2000, 2); 3 — bushing-retainer (rubber, 4 pieces); 4 — ring (made of anodized aluminum, s2, 2 PC.)




1 — duck (PT.Z, rod d8); 2 — Foundation (PT.S, sheet s, 2 PCs.)




1 — cross bar (spruce, bar 40×25, L380); 2 — batten (spruce)


Getting started installation of the equipment of the boat, you have to remember that all openings in the hull, after drilling, should be treated with hot linseed oil or varnish.

Socket oarlocks are made of two steel plates with four holes for bolts M8 and one Central 20 mm in diameter, in which (just for top plate) uvarivajut 90 mm tube diameter 20×2,5. Corresponding holes drilled in the sides of the deck, insert a socket, the bottom summing up the lining, and all the tightening bolts.

The paddle consists of an oak pole, blade and striker. The latch is made from two pieces of rubber hose and dural rings with a thickness of 2 mm. The blade is inserted into the kerf of the pole. Serverlimit them together in several places under 2 — 3 mm rivets and riveted. Under the rivet heads and on the opposite side it is better to put washers large outside diameter.

The duck is made of rods welded to circular base with four bolt holes M6. When making the base you need to keep in mind that you will need as a lining of similar configuration detail.

To equip the boats with steering wheel on the transom Board will need to install the stock. It can be made from tube and welded to it two brackets.


Banks set on the beams and supports are fixed to the frames.

Now the whole hull is coated several times with hot linseed oil and prepare it for painting according to the instructions attached to the chosen paint; better to paint bright enamel paint.

The boat is ready and sparkles in the sun. You are going to spend time on the river or lake. But do not forget that after each use, the boat should be thoroughly dried, then it will serve you for many years.

Even if you swim well, you should buy a life vest.


Main technical data:
Length, mm …………………………………3490
Width, mm………………………………1000
Board height, mm………………………..270
Load capacity, kg………………….150
(two) Weight, kg………………………………………67


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