CATERPILLAR CHAINMotonarty and all-terrain vehicles on tracks are very popular in areas with snowy winters and impassable for other land transport by road. Many Amateur designers to undertake independent production of such machines and even create original vehicles with high cross.

But the task is difficult, because the operating conditions are presented to design high requirements One of the weakest areas remains the caterpillar, especially if it is made of elastic rubber tape Reliability and durability of this node determine the size of belt and grouser, the method of their connection, and most importantly — the transfer of torque from the engine to the caterpillar.
Attachment roller chain on the track
Attachment roller chain on the track (a, b, C — variants of brackets):
1 — tape, 2 — circuit (step not less than 19,05 mm), 3 —bracket, 4 — bolt M6, 5 — grouser

Offer your variant of the actuator of the propulsion chain on the inside of the caterpillar For its installation, you will need small brackets, bent from strips of stainless steel of thickness 1.5 — 2 mm they are Recorded on the tape by means of through bolts which also serve as mounting hardware for the cleats.
I. BAKULEV, D. Ponticino, Republic of Chuvashia

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