VELOBIKEEvery summer and autumn young tourists go Hiking trips in his native land; the participants of the game “Zarnitsa” offers a wide variety of routes to places of military glory. Many of the guys and lovers of water travel on the river, boats. Their capabilities have greatly expanded with the arrival of a wide range of well-designed double folding kayak “Salyut-M of 4.7”. Salable and sustainable, with sufficient capacity and excellent cross-country, kayak allows you to make transitions through the “deaf” places.
However, the organized tours to the tourists and canoeists often have difficulties in ensuring fast communication in case of necessity the railway station, municipality, medical institution. This circumstance determined our work on an unusual design called Motovilova.
Its development was conducted by the public KB of machinery Department of the Palace of pioneers of the Vyborg district of Leningrad. The basic design was based on the kayak, road bike and engine D-6 (D-5). The result is a universal means of transportation on water and on land: a catamaran with motovilivka and motorbike with the transport carriage length carriage of canoes in disassembled or assembled form, and if necessary, a sick or injured person in the campaign tourist.
The comparative simplicity of the resulting motovariatori and successful use of it in a few seasons give reason to offer it to groups of enthusiasts of water-Hiking.
As we have said, to move on land is an ordinary road bike with universal transport truck.
The basis of the trolley is aluminum tube with the clamping clutch in the middle and a slot for the connecting rod. Left and right in this beam pipe includes steel spacers, which are welded to the struts of the Bicycle forks. Spacers can be fixed in two positions: a narrow track for transporting the folded kayak, Packed in a bag; wide track — for towing unsorted kayaks.
Fig. 1. The layout of velebitski
Fig. 1. The layout of velebitski:
1 — flap wheel, 2 — clutch cable, 3 — lock handle clutch 4 — steering wheel 5 — canoe, 6 — bracket actuator, 7 is a friction roller, 8 — designated place, 9 — lanyard, 10 — rack bracket (some parts not shown), 11 — tube base bracket.
Fig. 2. Propeller shaft Assembly
Fig. 2. Propeller shaft Assembly:
1 — adapter sleeve, 2 — sleeve, 3 — propeller shaft 4 — seal.
Fig. 3. Installation of drive motor
Fig. 3. Install the drive motor:
1 — upgraded shield, 2 — tank, 3 — roller clutch cable, 4 — frame, 5 — arm retainer clutch, 6 — pipe to the cooling jacket of the engine, 7 — choke, 8 — cooling, 9 — drain tube, 10 — bracket-wheel drive, 11 — rope of coupling, 12 is a friction roller on the gear-13 — stern tube 14 bolt.
On the banks can be separated into smaller units that can easily fit in the aft compartment of the boat.
Truck wheel — standard “quilted” from scooter. They are mounted on the telescopic axis, and on the water also fit into the kayak.
For fixing the unparsed kayaks on the truck will need to attach to the keel dural rectangle with a pin-locking. Further, the flanges mounted on the pipe-I-beam, attached cart left and right bulwarks; pre-stem is inserted into the retaining socket on the kayak and testimomials. The working position is attached to the posts with clutch; fasten them to the axle with the wheels.
The bike is hung on the frame of the left kayaks on two tubular uprights, brackets connected with the axes of the wheels and the upper part of the frame. To the lower bases of the brackets are welded an additional tube, which is inserted in bushing with threaded holes M6 in the center. The tube includes between the rails — keel of the kayak and through the holes in them are fixed with screws.
The right kayak horizontal rod, attached the plates to the rail and connected with the axle of the rear wheel of the Bicycle, the downward path with the frame and through an elongated tubular rod with the axis of the front wheel. Instead of the second paddle boats may use the float (shown in phantom).
Fig. 4. Actuator design for the screw
Fig. 4. Actuator design for the screw:
1 — screw shaft, 2 — Cup, 3 — propeller shaft 4 — shaft tube 5 — clutch, 6 — gear, 7 — the node of attachment of the clutch cable, 8 adapters, 9, 10 — parts of bracket 11 — screw, 12 is a friction roller.
Fig. 5. Transport cart
Fig. 5. Transport cart:
1 — bracket (from the front fork of the bike), 2 — flange, 3 — beam, 4 — clamping clutch, 5 — stock, 6, 7 — detail of the axis with scientists from the scooter.
The control device is in the second left frame kayaks. It consists of pastorala (on its axis is a sprocket Z = 9), coal of 400 mm in length, two transmission rollers, left and right storeroom. For ease of installation and adjustment of their tension on the tiller mounted lanyard.
The photos give an idea about the design of high-speed amphibious schemes, by type Polynesian catamaran, but the authors recommend to link the design of the two kayaks Salyut — this not only reduces the amount of work, but also raises amyloid on an equal footing with those who go on the oars. The drive propeller of a catamaran consists of a reducer (from the boat motor “Moscow”), stern tube with shaft, corundum friction roller (GOST-46-22), the mounting bracket of the propeller, wire rope with a spring and a locking arm ensuring tight adherence of the friction roller to the tread of the wheel. Brass propeller, two-blade (Ø 290 mm, 270 mm), with segment profile of the blades At maximum engine speed it creates emphasis on mooring about 17 kg.
Engine cooling — water. Water is abstracted by the installation over the rear wheel of the bike profiled wing, a soldered brass. Its outline allows you to collect water jets, carried away by the tread of the wheel, to drive the wing. Next, seawater flows by gravity, after passing through the filter is directed to the suction inlet of the water jacket of the engine cylinder.
Waste pipe the shirt ends with a rubber hose, which plays the role of the metering faucet. The calculated portion of the water passing through the cooling jacket of the engine operating in the optimum mode, is 100-120 g/min Shirt Ø 100 mm and a height of 47 mm is made of aluminum S=1,5 mm. Its top is welded to the first cooling fin of the cylinder, and the lower base — to seventh. Five internal ribs cut in 2/3 of its width.
When towing the kayaks at a distance of 3-5 km cylinder head can not be replaced by the ordinary land and take advantage of the soft capacity, placed in a bag and a rubber hose.
Collapsible float on the cart, her post — to the frame of the bike, and go!
Collapsible float on the cart, her post — to the frame of the bike, and go!
Folding float on the cart, her post — to the frame of the bike, and go!

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