The device can be applied to the transistors МП139—MP 12 (V1), as V2 will fit any semiconductor triode of medium power (P4, П213—П215, П217, П601 — П605). K1 — relay RSM-2 (passport Ю17.181.02).
Everyone knows that insects, flying and ground, rush to the light source. This “weakness” can be used to control pests of the garden.
The lamp lit at night in the garden, getting connected to the vacuum bell. After a certain period of time, the duration of which is set depending on concentrations of insects in the illuminated area, turn on the vacuum cleaner. The intervals of his work sets the multivibrator transistors V1, V2 (Fig. 9).
The variable resistor R2 pause in between keys and it cleaner adjust for up to 120 min Working electrical device within 20 — closed until the contact plate relay K1 RSM-2 (passport Ю17.181.02). C1, C2 — electrolytic capacitors K50-6.
Day to the same device can connect the tape on which recorded bird-scaring noises, or movable puhala.
Huge damage is caused to beekeeping so-called varroa — bees lose small mites. However, effective methods of combating it are still to be developed.
Basically, they boil down to the fact that the part cut out the affected areas. Positive results are achieved, treating hives drug arrotin or formic acid. This work is very time-consuming, and most importantly, the disease is not eliminated completely.
The beekeeper, a lover of Alma-ATA G. W. Laptev suggested method of dealing with varroa. Its essence is that at the temperature of + 40° mite is killed and the bees survive. Given this fact, in a gated spacious wooden box create a temperature of +42° and then to her place for 3-20 minutes ( depending on intensity of lesions) and two hives with open lids, and through mounted in the lid of the box fan inject parrotia. The result is striking: at the bottom of the hive, a layer vzyavshis mites.
Schematic diagram of the device for treatment of hives — figure 10. Inside the box some distance from material fixed with the help of metal brackets heaters heater (R2, RZ, R5, R6) — two on top and bottom. When the air warms up to 40°, the thermometer contact B1 completes the circuit of the base of the transistor V9. Relay K1 mku-18 and its commuting system de-energizes the heaters. At the same time, if the switch S3 is closed, are stuffed to work a M1 fan, “blowing” into the hive medication. With the button S4 fan include manually in a short period of time, and the switch S2 is part of the heating elements is transferred to the “standby” heating box.
The power supply device is applied the output transformer vertical deflection (TCEs) from old TV’s or any step-down transformer to 12 volt winding of the relay mku-48 should rewind a wire of PEV 0.18 to fill the frame.
Constant resistors — MLT-0,5 VS-0,5, R9 — variable resistor type SP, S1 — electrolytic capacitor K50-3 or 50-6. The switches S1—S3—TB1-1, button — bell. Heater the heater is designed for a capacity of 500 W — 1 kW each. Signal neon lights V1—V4 imposed on the General control panel.
In vegetable stores, suburban buildings, court buildings often infest mold and wood fungi, destroying all wooden: floors, floors, ceilings. They spoil many foods. However, pests can be successfully fought with… of eddy currents. Enough for the perimeter of the Foundation of the rural home to build a closed loop — connected in a ring bus ate metal wire with a thickness of 8-10 mm. as a result of atmospheric phenomena will be induced eddy currents.
Good results are obtained with the instrument operating on the principle of “mine detector”. Periodically they treated canned vegetables and fruits.
The device operates as follows. Performed on the transistors V1, V2 (Fig. 11) DC-DC Converter I AC generates a frequency of 40 kHz in the winding III of the transformer T1 of the pulse voltage of 300 V, which is supplied to a closed loop L1.
Transformer T1 is wound on the core Ш12Х12 (window, 12×26 mm). The winding 1 contains 5×2 turns of wire of PEV of 0,1, II 29X2 turns of PEV is 0.27, and the winding III—2000 turns of wire of PEV of 0,1. Circuit and has a Ø of 200 mm, it is made from copper wire Ø 2,5 mm. If a generation is missing, swap the terminals of winding I or II.
Collected devices on circuit boards the size 120 X 60 mm of foil Micarta or fiberglass (figure given next to each Board with the concept of the appropriate device) and placed in a housing made of Plexiglas with a thickness of 2-3 mm.
Feed automatic devices from car batteries or from remote power supply at 12 V transistor tape recorder or to make an improvised source on the basis of a television transformer TCE (Fig. 12).