THE BRIGHTNESS — TO CHOOSE FROMFor lighting your desktop in many the approach is simple: that would screw me a light bulb more powerful. As a result, the “no cause” blurred vision, development of visual fatigue, drop in performance, the emergence of signs of sitophobia (photophobia). And it never occurred to us malaekahana that to create the proper lighting comfort long-established mass production of various lamps with adjustable brightness, among which the worthy place is occupied, in particular, sconces and floor lamps with built in dimmer switches.

However, provided the market for light comfort expensive. But the health of everyone more expensive, and it is in the first place! Secondly, it is not necessary to buy all ready. Because you can exercise and frugality, providing existing lighting homemade electronic controllers, collected, for example, shown in Fig.1 the circuit diagram with a minimum number of electronic components.

Incandescent ЕL1 is connected here to a household 220-volt network through the triac VS1, whose regime is defined in this technical solution the total electrical resistance of the resistors: variable R1 (primary) R2 and permanent (safety). Minimum 1.5 kOhm, typical of a situation where “shells” is brought to zero, creating the conditions under which the current through the series-connected triac and the filament of the lamp is maximum (Fig. 2A). Accordingly, the maximum and the brightness of EL1.

With the rotation of the rotor of the AC (primary) resistor mentioned above the overall electrical resistance increases and the operation mode of the triac is changed so that increasing the numerical values of R1 (R2 safety remains unchanged) begins to shorten the time of passing a current through VD1, therefore— and through the filament of ЕL1 (Fig. 2B,2C). This reduces the brightness of the lamp.


Fig.1. Electrical schematic of a homemade device to adjust the brightness of the lamp

Fig.1. Electrical schematic of a homemade device to adjust the brightness of the lamp

Fig.2.Form of the current flowing through samestore causing the illumination filament lamp filament at zero (a), slightly introduced (b) and maximum (b) turn the knob of the dimmer — slider of the variable resistor R1

Fig.2.Form of the current flowing through samestore causing the illumination filament lamp filament at zero (a), slightly introduced (b) and maximum (b) turn the knob of the dimmer — slider of the variable resistor R1


A more detailed exposition of the operation of the triac the subject of many publications, and linger now this is hardly appropriate. And other features of the proposed technical solutions it is useful, perhaps, to note the presence in this simple, but very useful (from the point of view of operators) electrical circuit: neon lamp НL1 with an additional 150-kiliany resistor. It’s sort of a mini night light to help you have not lighted the lamp (whether it’s a sconce, a floor lamp or even a chandelier with adjustable heat lamps) to quickly and accurately locate the wall switch. And Wallpaper are invariably clean around the keys with “neonai”, orange glow in the dark!

As has already been mentioned, details for the proposed IED required, they are all compact, is easily integrated into any lighting fixtures, so no PCB is required. Mounting— hinged, familiar, probably, everyone with a high school physics course.

Dimmer lighting is possible without any problems to place in the terminal boxes of the circuit-breaker, with on its cover (front panel) knob of the variable resistor R1, combined with the switch SA1 and the eye “of neonki”. No nitroacetophenone operations for a correct circuit is not required.



1. Voronin V. “Neonka” in the switch. “Modelist-Konstruktor”, 1978, № 11.

2. A long the eyelid is bright, can— weak (dimmer table lamp). “Modelist-Konstruktor”, 1994, № 1.

3. 3 l o b I n V. the Load regulates the triac. “Modelist-Konstruktor”, 2000, № 8.

4. V. mikhalitsyn Controller slyly. “Modelist-Konstruktor”, 2000, № 3.

5. P a t e m e n K o S. When a lamp shines dimly. “Modelist-Konstruktor”, 1979, No. 2.

6. Reference book on illumination. Under the editorship of J. B. Eisenberg. 2-e Izd., Rev. and extra — M.: Energoatomizdat, 1995.

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