V. Shevchenko. In step with the times (1);

News technical creativity: (3,4,13);

Meet interesting people: Vladimir Kulikov. Passion (4);

The KLUB Meteor: (6);

Anatomy of robots: V. Matskevich. “Hearing” (11);

Create, invent, try: Yu. a. Bekhterev. Rising to the sky (14);

AIST of Lys (15);

“Juvena” – “The Seagull” (18);

I. Kostenko. On the wings of canvas and plywood (21);

A. Lykov. Boat on wheels (22);

50 years of the Komsomol: L. Larionov. Ships salute the hero (25);

The youngest: Ivanov. E-the boom (30);

R. Worlds. The simplest boat (31);

Sports: P. Borisov. At the monument to MiG (32);

G. Dobrov. The tradition continues (33);

Model Champions: I. Konstantinov. Wing-winner (34);

Model a single blade helicopter Kostenkova V. (Kazan) (34);

V. Yakubovich. Racing Laszlo Boruca (36);

Models in the world: V. masik. WUAs with two engines (38);

V. Kolpakov. Room plane (40);

Advice to the modeller: (42);

The homework club designers: (44);

Our reference: At different latitudes: (46);

GAI explains (46);

Read these books: (47);

Write down my address… (48).
COVER: 1-I 4-I p. – photos by Yuriy Yegorov, 2. – photo by S. Lozinski, 3. – photo by O. Korableva.
TAB: 1 p. – Fig. V. Ivanov; the 2nd and 3rd p. – Fig. R. Strelnikov, Yu. Egorova photo, 4. – Fig. Yuri Makarov.


Modelist-KONSTRUKTOR 1968-08 PDF (download)