Pages of history: F. N. Petrov. The big way (2).

USSR – 50: N.Nerad this. Landmark – a new technique (3);

B. Smagin. Search young (4).

News technical creativity: D. Ivannikov. Rewards skillful (8);

Self-cleaning screen (8);

Aeroionizator. Grain flow (9).

The study of physics today: I. Rumyantsev. On the scales… an electric charge (10);

By line tutorial (10).

Make a well in the school: A. Nikolaenko. Gymnastics on the Playground (12).

Your first model: I. Boeken. Icebreaker “Ermak” (14).

On land, sky and sea: A. Beskurnikov. The APC, to fight! (17);

Model of armored personnel carrier (19).

Small-scale mechanization: V. Chichkov, V. Davidenko. Experience teaches (20);

Step one: seeders and cultivators (20).

Laboratory technologist: Air heater (23);

V. Petrovsky. Tire plant at home (24).

Create, invent, try: K. Gladkov. Flying bus (26).

Aircraft of the world: I. Andreev. “All “mossi” returned to base…” (28);

G. Boilers. Designer, keeping up with the times (29).

Sea collection: G. Smirnov. “Petropavlovsk” (33).

Our reference: (35).

V. Matskevich. “Electronic dominoes” (36).

The model paves the way: R. Yarov. The tail instead of the screw (38);

E. Sabourenkov. The paradox of warming and dermatis (39).

Advice to the Modeler: the catapult (40);

B. Laskavy. The bench For the rockets (41);

P. Codend. A worm gear (41).

The handyman: (42).

At different latitudes: (44).

Make a note of my address: (45).

Sports: (46).
COVER: 1. Machine hovercraft. Fig. E. Molchanova; 2-I page – young technicians of Belarus. Photo by V. Brovko and A. Egorova; 3. – Experimental aircraft. Photo Malinowski; 4. – new items of agricultural machinery. Photo By B. Ruskin.
TAB: 1st page – Icebreaker “Ermak”. Fig. R. Strelnikov; 2-I p. – APC on the March. Fig. V. Orlov; 3rd page – the mosquito in the battle line. Fig. E. Molchanova; 4. – “Sea collection” “MK”. Fig. V. Ivanov.


Modelist-KONSTRUKTOR 1972-01 PDF (download)