A. Nikolaev. Festival of young talents (1);

Dinghy sports – home of the shipyard (3);

Calm, the surfer is not a hindrance (6);

Pedal for Champions (8);

“Mill” in the garden (11).

Sea collection “M-K”: G. Smirnov, V. Smirnov. “Pena”, “MiTo”, “Qingdao” and other (15).

Abilites “M-K”: V. Egorov. Ahead of its time (17).

Snakes in the pocket (21);

“Electro” on the airwaves (22);

In the asymmetric scheme (24);

For steep turns (26);

Take – off- with hands! (28);

Champion “aeroga” (30);

Racing without… motor (32);

Drill with the “self” (33);

A Cosy “Corner” (34);

Home row (36);

I. Maslov. Vitamin a Jack (36).

Tips from around the world (38).

Reader – the reader: A. Samopal. The microscope of the water droplet (40);

To speakers sound (41).

Electronic kaleidoscope: (43).

Electronic siren (44);

Clanks and shines (44).

Computer engineering: circuitry: Registers (45).

Carefree – the start! (47).
COVER: 1 page – XV all-Union competition “Space”. Photo by V. Ruban; 2-I page – a Week of science, technology and production for children n youth. Photo by A. Kalashnikov, A. Nikolaev, I. Elanskogo; 3rd page – At different latitudes. Making Zykunova; 4. – our guest. Photo Of Yuri Afonin.
TAB: 1. – Sea collection “M-K”. Fig. V. Baryshev; 2-I page – Abilites “M-K”. The Aircraft “Hansa-Brandenburg” C1. Fig. M. Petrovsky; 3. Competition manicurists in Czechoslovakia. The signing of the So Shuvalova; 4-I p. – Profession electric. Design B. Nevskogo.


Modelist-KONSTRUKTOR 1985-07 PDF (download)