BARKAS UNDER THE The film “White sun of the desert” became a significant phenomenon in the life of our country — its popularity can be judged by how many sayings and winged expressions added to the lexicon of the Soviet people. Viewers memorable movie characters, ably played by P. Luspekaev, A. Kuznetsov, S. Mishulin, and other beautiful actors. It is worth noting that in this film in addition to animated wonderful actors played their roles and inanimate actors – one of them appeared in the film in the most dramatic of its time.

— Vereshchagin, leave the boat explodes! — yells the customs officer Sukhov, but he hears, and in a second should be a spectacular explosion…
Barkas: project 330. who starred in this film, was actually built much later than the events narrated in “the White sun of the desert”, but the appearance of this vessel can be considered historically credible. The fact that these boats, built in the Caspian sea since time immemorial and almost to the middle of the last century, were universal: they were used to transport goods, and as patrol vessels, and for fishing. The same type of vessel with a length from 9 to 20 meters (Caspian sea across and 30-meter vessels of this type!) were similar to each other as the brothers of different ages, although depending on the destination could be different some design elements. At first they were purely sailing, and at the turn of XIX — XX centuries began to appear and motor-sailing However, the gap dimensions and case design they were almost the same.
Prototypes of these boats are considered the Caspian reuse and Rybnitsa in confirmation, one can compare the contours of these vessels.
Reuse was a sailing ship engaged in mixed navigation (river — sea) with a length of 10 — 13 m, which carried a fore – and mainmast, with fore-and-aft sails; the crew of this boat is 3 or 4 people.
Rybnitsa was a sailing vessel or presnovodnyi also mixed navigation (river-sea); the resemblance with rauskas it was not an example of a solid (its length ranged from 12 to 20 m) and had a single mast with fore-and-aft sails. However, if necessary, the number of masts and the type of rig could be different.
General cargo ships by type Ribnita continued to build and after the revolution, however, instead of a wooden set made of steel, since wood at that time was more valuable than metal. And when the first poslevoennye years for the fishing fleet of the Caspian sea took fishing and transport vessels, on the selection of question type was not
In 1946, at the Caspian Shipyard named after S. M. Kirov was deployed serial production of project 330К Seiners and refrigerated for project 330R. The external difference between them was in navigation lights, and the boat had a cargo boom. Both vessels had a mixed design with a steel set and wood paneling. It was built about 650 ships of this type.
Last modification of Caspian boat can be considered a project 1407 with steel sheathing, established in CPCB “Kaspryba”.
Caspian barge project 330
The ship had a steel set and wood paneling; system set — cross. The wheelhouse and the bow cap was made of wood.
Steering gear and windlass — manual Vessel was equipped with a couple of anchors Matrosov weighing 75 kg with anchor chain calibre 17 mm and a length of 75 m liferaft — five, heavy type. Cargo boom with a lifting capacity of 0.5 t was used only on the Seiners.
Main engine — type S4DV or 4NVD 224-24-80 HP (at the courts for early release sometimes to install the engine capacity of 50 HP). Steel propeller, three-bladed with a diameter of 880 mm; its pitch is 540 mm disc attitude — 0,51; propeller shaft diameter — 78 mm. And on the Seiners, and refrigerator were installed in two generator — one of them with a capacity of 1.5 kW x 25 V. other — 4.5 kW x 110 V.
Launch of the project 330
The launch of the project 330
Fishing and transport vessel of the project 330
Fishing and transport vessel of the project 330
Theoretical drawing of the ship of the project 330
Theoretical drawing of the ship of the project 330
On the ship-refrigerator was installed compression refrigeration system MIND-2ФВ-8/4 on the refrigerant freon-12, which provided the temperature in the hold from 0 to -2° C.
Fenders — braided ropes from the start. As fenders are often used tires. On the fore part of the bulwark was applied the tail number, at least — the name by the Way, before the filming of “the actor” made-up — painted the room and wrote the name “Tver” and fenders from tires hid.
Service-traveling ship the project CPCB
Service-traveling ship the project CPCB
Service-traveling ship the project CPCB “Kaspryba” No. 1407, preserved in one of the Astrakhan shipyards

The picture shows a scene from the movie
The picture shows a scene from the movie “White sun of the desert”
Caspian reuse — prototype launch of the project 330. The model was made in 1980 at the Shipyard named after S. M. Kirov best plitvica and desktop publisher enterprises G. P. Timoshkina
Technical characteristics of Barkas project 330
Housing boat black, smoley. Waterline fought back. Deck — pine, unpainted. Cutting wood, painted white. The platbands of the Windows and doors to the wheelhouse, sometimes not painted, but impregnated with hot linseed oil. Masts, spars and cargo boom was made of wood, unpainted. Bollards and ducks — black, the finials — black or ball. Details of the steering gear and engine exhaust pipe and chimney galley black.
The material was prepared shipbuilders — engineers E. KRASNOSHCHEKOV, A. ZHIKHAR, I. MILEV, Astrakhan

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