We have already talked about the commitment of the leadership of the Russian Navy, since the beginning of the first underwater vessels in its composition, to rely on their own development. It is worth noting that the transition from foreign models to domestic products proved to be very difficult, although some groundwork was there, and from the very beginning of the century. In 1900 the Naval Technical Committee (MTK) has created a special Commission, composed of the chief designer of the Russian submarines naval engineer I. G. Bubnov and teacher of Mine officer class M. N. Beklemishev, who visited all the major countries of “trendsetters” in the underwater case, including USA, England, Germany and Italy. (He later was in charge of acceptance of boats “the German series” – “Carp”. “Flounder” and “Carp”, and in the United States rather studied the works of Holland.)
In General, the choice of the “founding fathers” was a success. Having considerable freedom (Commission allocated a special room in the testing tank are proposed pool and ensure that it was literally a mountain of various documentation and literature), Bubnov and Beklemishev has developed a project that has absorbed a lot of useful qualities of foreign projects. Often their boat, initially received the “dark” name, “Destroyer number 113”, trying to bring under some sort of copy of submarines of the Holland, but it’s not. Russian designers have made many innovations. In particular, the American submarines ballast tanks located inside the hull, which required high strength of the walls is the same as for business and residential parts of the boat. Though markedly limited internal storage space, which could be used for placement of weapons, equipment and crew. On our “113th” these tanks are made of durable housing in the nose and stern, greatly facilitating the design. In addition, it is possible to make the case itself is very solid: working depth was calculated by 50 m, and that when you double the stock! In fact, the first submarine of the Russian project, located 100 m is undoubtedly an outstanding result for the beginning of the century.
The designers were aware that the initial experience can be something to be unsuccessful, therefore, did not threaten to huge size or speed record (which usually proved only great light-gathering dreams, like most of the French boats). A small displacement (just over 100 tons), modest demands in the course. The latter was forced: the project was just in the historical period of time, when possible the main engines and to choose-it was nothing special. Or clearly hopeless steam engine with a long time required for immersion or combustion motor for movement over the water plus electric motor for underwater travel. Safer and more economical diesels are already there, but so far their application in underwater vessels was considered a thing of the future. Only in 1902 in France appeared first diesel-electric submarine “Egret”, but its new-fangled mechanical installation brought to working condition for the next three years. However, even the engines have already tested types had to order abroad – in Russia, the matching has not yet been made. The internal combustion engine got famous German company “Daimler”, the motor -the French.
Meanwhile, Baltiysky Zavod slowly started to build a “Destroyer number 113”, in the course of the works for reasons of secrecy it was called the product. The works were supervised by the same drums, which, without exaggeration, be called not only “father’s constructor”, but “mom the Builder” the first domestic submarines. As commander after the formal acceptance of the still unfinished boat in the fleet in 1902 was another Beklemishev, a naval officer, captain 2nd rank. The mystery of the purpose of the new ship remained a priority: about the same time, “secret destroyer” changed room No. 150, in order to confuse the imaginary and the real scouts.

Diagram of the submarine “Dolphin”:
1 – measure; 2 – add-on; 3 – bow ballast tank of the head; 4 spike anchors; 5 – nasal differenta tank; 6 – control post nasal horizontal rudders; 7 – battery; 8 – hatch for loading accumulators; 9 – enclosure for anchors; 10 – internal volume of the durable housing; 11 – periscope; 12 – strong cutting; 13 – engine; 14 – compressor and bilge lamp General electric; 15 – gear on the shaft of the motor; 16 – propeller motor; 17 – Cam clutch; 18 bearing; 19 – differentia feed tank; 20 – stern tube; 21 – aft main ballast tank; 22 – a fence of vertical rudder; 23 – vertical rudder; a 24 – thruster; 25 – horizontal stabilizer; 26 – aft horizontal rudders; 27 – housing; 28 – the average horizontal wheels; 29 – nasal horizontal rudders

Submarine “Dolphin”, Russia, 1904
Built at the Baltic shipyard in St. Petersburg as the “Destroyer number 113”. Type of construction-single -. Displacement surface 113 tons, underwater 135 T. Dimensions: length of 19.25 m, width 3.6 m, draft 3.0 m Depth, the working – 25 m, maximum 50 m. Engines: 1 engine with 300 HP and an electric motor with 120 HP Speed surface/submarine project 11/8 knots really 9/7 bonds. Armament: two 450mm torpedo tubes (2 torpedoes). Crew: 12 persons, by 1915 increased to 22 people drowned Twice – in 1904 and 1905, rose and were put into operation. In 1905 transferred to the far East, in 1916, partially disassembled, and transported to Arkhangelsk, collected and commissioned. In 1917, excluded from the lists, since 1922 has been used as salvage pontoon in the White sea, in 1932, finally put on the metal
Meanwhile, the commander literally tossed between his (yet future), the vehicle and overseas trips for the placement of the motor and other important components. Only at the end of 1903 “the destroyer” has acquired its final features of the submarine, I must say, differing from the original drawings; for example, on the deck there was a small cabin, which was not originally envisaged. In General, constant rework, and reconstruction lasted until the First world war! But the boat was float tested and participated in the summer trial hikes, and in winter went to the factory wall. In fact, the “Dolphin” (its final name “the destroyer” was in 1904, although the submarine has recognized it only in 1906) became a “laboratory” to search for interesting solutions. On it, in particular, experienced a propeller, which gave a noticeable speed boost. These kind of classes have passed, a lot of designers, mechanics and specialists, who later became the founders of the national underwater school.
Of course, the first domestic submarine had a fair list of shortcomings, like most of her contemporaries abroad. A small cruising range and poor seakeeping, a huge dive time (quarter hours), low reliability of equipment – wouldn’t that have a familiar list. Not very successful was “economical” lattice torpedo system Drzewiecki.
And the first Russian boat got into trouble at the stage of testing in June 1904. And directly from the factory wall: another her commander Lieutenant Cherkasov was late with closing the hatch when a rapid dip weighted numerous alterations of the submarine and she sank. Unfortunately, the hatch is stuck the body of one of the sailors, who sought time to get out (three of them managed to do it). And still has not lost presence of mind, the sailors managed to seal the hatch; for breathing, they had a tiny supply of air – 30-cm “cushion” in the ceiling. I had to try to come up with an air bubble that did 9 people. Another 24 were killed, including the commander, who, as expected, refused to leave his ship.

The layout of the submarine “Perch” (1909, before the upgrade). Longitudinal section and plan:
1 – feed tank head-ballast; 2 – differentia feed tank; 3 – a Dynamo; 4 – benzinmotor Panar; 5 – propeller motor; 6 – periscope; 7 – door; 8 – the steering wheel vertical steering wheel; 9 – the office of the Drzewiecki torpedo; 10 – bow differenta tank; 11 – bow ballast tank; 12 – helm bow hydroplanes; 13 – compressed air; 14 – batteries; 15 – underwater anchor; 16 – average (tear-off) tank; 17 – propeller shaft; 18 – the rudder; 19 – aft horizontal rudders; 20 – fuel tank; 21 – nasal horizontal rudders; 22 – wooden covering of the body; 23 – permeable superstructure

The submarine “killer Whale” Russia, 1905
Built at the Baltic shipyard in St. Petersburg as “Destroyer No. 140”. Type of construction-single -. The surface displacement of 140 tons, scuba 175 tonnes Dimensions: length 33,4 m, width 3,39 m draught 2.8 m Depth, the working – 50 m, maximum – up to 100 m. Engines: 2 diesel engine capacity of 120 HP (in 1911, at “the Perch” and “Mackerel” is replaced by diesel with 120 HP) and an electric motor rated at 100 HP Speed surface/underwater 14/8,5 ties. Armament: four 450-mm external torpedo tubes Drzewiecki (4 torpedoes), in the war one machine gun. Crew: 25 persons In 1905 and 1908 built 6 units: “Orca”, “SKAT”, “Burbot”, “Mackerel”, “Perch and “field Marshal count Sheremet” (1917 – “Chum”)
However, “Dolphin” quickly raised, repaired, modernized, and he served another 15 years, and managed to visit three seaside theatres – the Baltic, the far East and the North. Even if he was not involved in the attacks, the experience was not only the creators, but served on him numerous divers. Sometimes in absolutely critical conditions.
Already in Vladivostok “Dolphin” again sank. This time played the role of hazardous fuel. Gasoline vapors, remaining after pumping fuel (the boat was going to put on a repair) ignited and exploded. However, the depth was quite small. And on Board there were only two people who, alas, died. But after the overhaul twice “drowned” again came into operation, and continued service
But, most importantly, “the pioneer” “Dolphin” gave “seed”. After the preliminary tests in the autumn of 1903, it became clear that domestic designers in their task, in principle, coped. And tambourines received permission from the Maritime Ministry to develop a project larger and more advanced submarines. She also received the “masking” the name “Destroyer No. 140”, but by the end of construction, she was given the name “killer Whale”. The case went back to drums himself and his faithful companion Beklemishev. The drawings were still on the drawing boards, when in March 1904, followed immediately ordering four of the same type of submarine. A month later approved the construction of another, already the sixth (counting and “Whale”) of the boat, which unlike the others was based on “folk remedies”, collected by subscription. In the role of “the people” have largely made by the family of count Sheremetyev, who donated most of the needed funds. And the exception is “fish” the name of this submarine was named after a famous ancestor of the donors, colleague of Peter – “field Marshal count Sheremet”.
The designers tried to eliminate the identified deficiencies immediately, in particular, to improve seaworthiness, which went the same way as their foreign colleagues. On a solid body appeared long lightweight superstructure, which served as a kind of “surface body”. Interestingly, with a rather “delicate” overall, the design provided a solid stem: it was assumed that the boat will be able to RAM the enemy of the court, when it will end her four torpedoes, or just when convenient. A fun relic of the nineteenth century.
Another interesting vestige was another attempt to use at least a “half single” engine. “Killer whales” got a pair of petrol engines that spun the drives dynamos; they, in turn, worked motor, transferring force on the shaft. In the transition to an underwater position just made the switch to rechargeable batteries (and, of course, were “dancing with tambourine” to disable internal combustion engines and sealing of all exhaust devices). However, managed to save a few precious minutes in a critical process of immersion. So three-shaft project has become in fact a single-shaft; openings to the side shafts just choked on all units, except for “Mackerel,” which in the singular correspond to the original version with three engines. And then only until 1911, when finally the Baltic factory has started to produce quite a powerful motors. (Before that I had to buy them in France, and is clearly unsatisfactory, develop only 60 to 100 HP). In the same year appeared quite suitable for use on boats, diesel engines, and power plant some of the “killer whale” has already acquired a very exotic configuration. The only diesel had to be positioned off-center of the case (in the median plane), and on the left side, “spriv” it with a Dynamo-machine. When driving on the surface worked: diesel, Dynamo and electric motor, which, of course, did not add reliability to the system as a whole: accident any unit could immobilize the boat. And lightweight specially designed for installation on submarines the diesel engines broke down quite often. In addition, in order to balance them, had to be on the right side of the cast iron ballast – the real “pointless luxury” for the 140-ton submarines. In General, the “killer whale” was plagued by rearrangements and improvements almost as actively as the pilot of “the Dolphin”. And they all led to a regular weighting, so in the end, poor underwater boat barely floated. And the stability was literally in the balance: after the submarine has installed an additional heavy keels weighing 4 tons, the metacentric height decreased only up to 12 cm.

The General arrangement of the SUBMARINE “Shark”:
1 – the vertical steering shaft; 2 – differentia feed tank; 3 – feed torpedo; 4 – in-chief power; 5 – feed torpedonoscy sunroof; 6 – exhaust manifold; 7 – shaft gas outlet; 8 – steering wheel vertical steering wheel; 9 – combat tower; 10 – room officers; 11 – nasal compartment; 12 – nasal torpedonoscy Luke; 13 – rudder bow hydroplanes; 14 – nasal torpedo tubes; 15 – nasal horizontal rudders; 16 – bow differenta tank; 17 – bilge pump; 18 – vozduhonagrevateli for blowing the ballast tanks; 19 – battery; 20 – average ballast tanks; 21 – fuel tank; 22 – vozduhonagrevateli to start the diesel engines and torpedo firing; 23 – Diesel engine; 24 – propeller motor; 25 – thrust bearing; 26 – aft horizontal rudders

The submarine “Akula”, Russia, 1911
Built at the Baltic shipyard in St. Petersburg. Type of construction – single -. The surface displacement of 370 tons, underwater 480 t Dimensions: length 56.1 m, beam 3.7 m, draft 3.3 m, Depth – up to 50 m. Engines: 3 diesel engine with a power of 900 HP and an electric motor with a power of 300 HP Speed surface/submarine project 16/7,5 ties, really 11,5/6,5 ties. Armament: four 450 mm torpedo tubes (2 in nose and 2 in the stern) and 4 torpedo tubes Drzewiecki (8 torpedoes), 2 machine guns, 1915; one 47-mm gun. In 1915, equipped for reception of 4 min. Crew: 31 persons went Missing in November 1915.
However, all boats had a certain military career. First it went “killer Whale”, transported by rail to Vladivostok to help thin the Trout by the beginning of 1905. There she made a series of outputs, including a 5-day voyage around the numerous coves of the Gulf of Peter the Great over 300 miles. The Pacific ocean, even near the shore showed its character: the wind reached force five points, so the submarine while its low stability fluctuated by 20 degrees on both sides. And just in those days when an unhappy Russian 2nd Pacific squadron was approaching the fatal Tsushima Strait, the sea went from three boats: the “Whale” has joined “Catfish” and “the ancestor” of “Dolphin”. Then, on the Pacific ocean, pulled and other submarines with the exception of “Mackerel” and “Perch”, which was commissioned only in 1908 in the Russo-Japanese war of late.
All six were able to participate in the First world, and in the Civil war, although mostly on the sidelines. In 1915 “the Whale” and “Count Sheremetyev” (renamed “Ketu” after the revolution for the “non-proletarian origin” of the name) did the return journey by rail across the country to Petrograd. They had a chance not only to serve as a training but also to patrol in the sea, waiting for the enemy. Therefore, all six were installed machine guns, and “Burbot” and “Scat” became the owners of the 47-mm guns. However, success on account of “whale” is not listed, although several torpedo attacks they managed to take. And their adventure continued. In 1919 the new “red” the owners threw a “Whale”, “Mackerel” and “Perch” on the Caspian sea, and much of the way, they passed along the Volga river, where a tugboat, and where their own. Ended this a long way with the end of the Civil war; first boat put on a funny, and in 1925 gave them the final retirement and later dismantled for the metal. Remaining in the Baltic sea “proletarian” Ketu befell not very original fate: according to some reports, the boat sank in the Neva river during the great flood of 1922.
“Scat” and “Burbot” from the beginning of world war I also left the far East, but went not to the Baltic sea and the Caspian sea, and Black sea. “Slope” also fell pretty to walk along the river, but not on the great Russian Volga river, and equally great to Europe the Danube. The hike was experimental and I must say, not too good. Small depth and strong current put an end to the possible military use of these submarines, even such major rivers.
Gradually the first serial Russian submarines are out of order due to lack of spare parts and the possibility of a decent repair in terms of the devastation associated with the Civil war. “Chernomorka” formally passed from hand to hand, from red to Germans, then to white, then to the allies, losing the remnants of combat power, that did not prevent the Anglo-French commanders to insist on flooding this “terrible weapons” during the evacuation of Sevastopol in 1919. “Burbot” raised in the 1930-ies for scrapping. But the “SKAT” was lost for many years. Only in 2012 a group of enthusiasts and archaeologists from Ukraine and Russia found a 76-meter depth, remarkably well preserved body of a submarine! Intended to raise the rare boat and make it into a Museum. It is hoped that after the return of the Crimea under the auspices of Russia, this project succeed, and we will be able someday to personally find the most interesting specimen of domestic equipment more than a century ago.
And in those days the improvement of Russian boats continued. As we have noted, after the Russo-Japanese war and the related hustle and bustle, the Ministry of Maritime switched to domestic projects. In accordance with the competition of 1907 provided for the development of small coastal submarines and larger, intended for operations in the open sea. The representative of the first, “Lamprey”, we have been told. Now it is time to tell you of a larger “dweller of the sea”.
The submarine “Walrus” (design drawing):
1 – tube torpedo tubes of caliber of 45 cm; 2 – differentia tank; 3 – centrifugal pump; 4 – main propeller motor; 5 – diesel; 6 – deck tank; 7 – combat tower; 8 – periscopes Hertz; 9 – removable binnacle compass; 10 – equalizing tank; 11 – “tear-off” the tank; 12 – rechargeable battery; 13 – electrocompressor; 14, 15 – horizontal wheels; 16 – mine devices, by S. K. Dzhevetsky. A – longitudinal section; B – plan (cut)
Despite the accident with the sinking, about which we have talked about destiny “Lamprey” seems better than grim result of a career of her “older sister”, which received the ominous name of “Shark”. By itself, a large submarine, created by “cruising” the project proved very successful, refuting our traditional saying “the first pancake”. Already in the design process originally planned gasoline internal combustion engines were replaced by diesels. The problem was not choice as such, but in the ability to obtain motors with a capacity of about 300 HP These engines supplied the factories of the German company MAN in Augsburg and Nuremberg (for example, as we know, French for submarines). However, the Naval Ministry in 1906, prefer to deal with domestic suppliers. Moreover, Nobel’s factory took up the manufacture of such engines at a lower price. But the batteries still had to order the French: in Russia, their production has not yet reached the desired level.
All went well, except that was originally on the boat… have not allocated the money. Then came clearly insufficient
advance report. In the end, in the summer of 1906, the Director of the Baltic factory has offered to build a submarine is completely under the responsibility of the plant and by the plant technical specifications. The situation is a bit like the current “free market” production of food (and not only) products, where picky and strict Standards of the Soviet time are replaced by arbitrary and incomprehensible THAT. The result was quite predictable: for acceptance test speeds were not reached design values. And especially hurt the surface of 11,5 site instead of 16! Moreover, these tests were only in 1909, as a powerful diesel engines from the domestic supplier late, respectively, more than the less demanding engines “Lamprey”.
However, the Ministry had to accept the situation, because it gave the boat at the mercy of the factory. Moreover, if not spoiled speed, the submarine was very good. In essence, formed its own style “Russian” submarine: a single with the main ballast in the extremities. There was originality, which primarily can be attributed to an unusual three-shaft mechanical powered vessels installation. However, the choice of such exotics is rather forced: their conditions dictate a fairly low-powered diesels, which had set three. Under water the boat was driven by a single motor of the same power that worked on the middle shaft.
Designers have not forgotten about the living conditions of the crew. When the “Englishman” type “E” during the war, arrived to the Baltic, their team with great surprise and even admiration he spoke about the “Russian facilities” calling “Shark” also known as “underwater boat”. Indeed, each officer had his own cabin, albeit small, but still there is a common mess-room, as on large ships. The same British officers had to live in “the Dorm”, and served as the wardroom. The change from the watch could only choose: either to sleep or to surrender any other occupations, making it difficult to relax comrades. Almost as noticeable difference was observed in the conditions of life of ordinary team members.
When “yacht comfort” very well looked armament consisted of four torpedo tubes in the hull (two in the bow and stern) and the same number of lattice outer design Drzewiecki. Remember the vaunted “secret” British project “E” (by the way, later), where four of the unit was sticking out in all directions, providing only odnotochechnye volley. Russian submarine in this respect, not only had twice as many torpedo tubes, but no example is more successful location. Not bad for a 370-ton boat! In the standard weapons also included a couple of guns, and with the beginning of hostilities “Shark” received a 47-mm gun.
Of course, not without the inevitable “childhood diseases”. For “Shark”, the stumbling block screws directly related to the troubles with speed. They changed three times, each time producing submarine test, but noticeable win these changes is not given. As a result, the boat turned into the fleet in October 1911, after a long five years after the start of construction. However, she was originally experimental, and the experience can be considered successful. “The shark” served as the prototype for subsequent submarine designs Bubnova, which became the backbone of the Russian submarine fleet in world war II.
But the fate of the “progenitor” was tragic. At the beginning of world war Shark was, in fact, the only modern Russian submarine in the Baltic. It was used very actively during the first year of the war, the sub made 16 military campaigns – more than her mini-friend “Lamprey” during the war. “The shark” became the first Russian submarine to use an active method of finding the enemy at sea. (To her submarine was just expecting the enemy from a position.) “Underwater yacht” participated in joint actions with the “uncomfortable” British “E”. But not for long: in November of 1915 the submarine urgently remade in the likeness of mine layer. The equipment was on the verge of primitiveness: on deck behind the wheelhouse openly were four mines. Little more in fact, the boat could not endure. But this burden, apparently, was for her fatal. Out at sea in a new capacity in its seventeenth campaign, the Shark disappeared. The place setting was far away, employed by the Germans of Memel (now Klaipeda), but available on Board the radio worked poorly even at distances of several tens of kilometers. What happened with the first true combat submarine of the Russian, unknown. Most likely, its disappearance is associated with the new dangerous goods. Perhaps there was a spontaneous explosion of one of the mines, but most of all, the boat just capsized under their weight – the stability of a small boat greatly reduced after taking heavy “Goodies” on the deck.

Submarine “Nerpa”, Russia, 1915
Built at the shipyard of the Baltic branch of the plant in Nikolaev. Type of construction – single -. The surface displacement of 640 tons, scuba 770 T. the Remaining units of the series – 630 790 t and t, respectively. Dimensions: length of 67.4 m, beam 4.4 m, draught 4.0 m immersion Depth, the working – 50 m, maximum – up to 100 m. Engines: 2 diesel engine capacity of 500 HP and 2 electric motors with a power of 900 HP Speed surface/underwater 11/8,5 ties. Armament: four 450 mm torpedo tubes (2 in nose and 2 aft) and 8 torpedo tubes Drzewiecki (12 torpedoes), one 57 mm and one 47-mm gun. Crew: 39 people In 1915 were built 3 units: “Walrus”, “Seal” and “seal”. “Walrus” was missing in 1917, the “Seal” gone together with the white fleet in Bizerte, finally scrapped in 1930 “seal” repaired in 1923 and renamed the “Politruk”. After repair and modernization 1925 – 1926 were armed with two 75-mm guns. In 1929, bred in the reserve, in 1930, deposited in the Sevastopol port. Were used for training divers to 1941
But even missing in the waters of the Baltic sea, “Shark” has paved the way to the exit of the Russian submarine fleet on the wide water. In 1909 again, a competition was announced which was won by Baltiysky Zavod, the designers suggested a very promising characteristics, based on the drawings of the “Sharks”. At the surface the displacement of 450 tons and a submerged – 110 t more, the boat had to develop under water 10 KTS., on the surface – as much as 16 knots and have very powerful weapons – as many as 12 (!) torpedo tubes, four of which inside the pressure hull and the remaining eight outer “grid” construction Drzewiecki. The dive time was reduced to 3 minutes. If you remember the characteristics of one-time projects of foreign “underwater giants”, the British “E”, then the benefits of the Russian submarines seem to be very, very significant. It would seem that it only remained to translate them into metal.
However, the MTC decided to squeeze out of the engineers and plant everything. Underwater speed, demanded an increase to 12 knots. Well, just a few months the project has been altered. Now the displacement has increased to 600 tonnes, because the sailors still want to increase the range by 20%, install a special lifting device in case of accident and increase strength. Still, the game was worth the candle: after completion of the test, “Sharks” in 1911, the Naval Headquarters proposed to build 25 large (for the time!) submarines with a displacement of 600 – 650 tons. Then Baltiyskiy Zavod had already almost finished project with very attractive characteristics, besides, already “consecrated” MTK. It is not surprising that the order left for the famous St. Petersburg company.
However, the contract turned out to be quite “tricky”. Instead of St. Petersburg with its equipped shipyard Baltiysky Zavod had to open a special office in Nikolaev: the first three units were intended for the Black sea. Moreover, and with the funds was not good; the money was just enough for two submarines, and those allocated delayed. Designers, however, time in vain did not lose, again and finalized the draft taking into account comments demanding Marine Technical Committee. And future of the submarine, received the names of “Walrus”, “Seal” and “seal” again “grown up”, this time up to 630 tons.
However, they remained close relatives of the Sharks. In particular, it remained the main Russian “know-how” tank of the main ballast in the extremities outside the hull. And here is revealed not only positive qualities of this option, but also negative. They were filled about three minutes – an excellent result for the more recent time, but no longer sufficient for the prewar pores. In addition, try to air them was raised by a powerful water fountains are the height of a dozen meters. This “kit” looked impressive, but could be easy prey to the enemy or at least to scare him off. Unsuccessful and lattice torpedo system Drzewiecki, has clearly olivasia the time. But at least these boats not removed, but merely redesigned it. A serious drawback was the lack of watertight bulkheads inside the hull that the boat was doomed to death from all the holes or uncontrolled the flow of water in any other way.
Considerable difficulties arose, and, in fact, in the construction. The Germans, or rather “the Krupp”, which ordered powerful diesels, absolutely no hurry to fulfill their obligations. In the end, patience is exhausted and was chosen a curious decision: to use a 250-horsepower engines – diesel production to the Nobel gunboats, which were built already in the far East. A lot of problems were caused and a brand new Assembly. I. G. Bubnov (which was again the driving force behind the development and construction of submarines) even had to send one to the South of his brother, who was then head of the Department of diving Baltic plant. In the end, the creators of the submarines managed to “stick on the back of” the Nikolaev Admiralty, where the old wooden stocks. They have adapted to the construction of boats. Do not forget on meager machine base. Many details of the buildings and the equipment had to manufacture in Saint-Petersburg and to take on the “holiday road” for the South, in Nikolaev.
In the end, come into operation on the black sea units already in wartime. But immediately found a combat use. It is not surprising, if we recall them very powerful weaponry. In addition to the four torpedo tubes in a rugged casing (two in the bow and stern, and “the Shark”), there were eight external system Drzewiecki. 12 apparatus – a power not possessed by any one foreign submarine. On deck were two guns, even of smaller caliber. In General, potentially boat looked menacing. And in fact, they showed themselves quite well, especially compared to their Baltic colleagues. More than any other distinguished “Seal”, due in no small part to his commander captain 2nd rank M. A. Citizine. The boats are five Turkish steamers and 25 sailboats. Seal even managed to capture and bring to your port is not only three small merchant ship, but also an armed steamer “Rodosto” – the case for the First world war, quite frankly, not too often. The “walrus” much less lucky: submarine destroyed two large and five small sailing vessels, and the brig “Berguzar” suffered the same fate as “Rodosto”. The share of “Nerpa” had two steamers and six sailing ships.
But if the number of trophies and victims could only be to glorify commanders, the fate of their submarines during the war and after its completion went very badly. The most tragic proportion understood the “Walrus” in may 1917, the boat went on another hike and never returned. Don’t know the exact place of her death (was she on the position of the Turkish coast in Eregli district), or even more or less accurate time – somewhere in the range of four days.
Valiant Seal survived in military campaigns, but the fate of his also hardly glorious. At the end of 1917, the boat became part of the red black sea fleet, and five months later fell into the hands of occupying Sevastopol the Germans. They did not want and could not introduce it into the system, and eighteen months later, in November 1918, standing at the wall the submarine is slowly moved to the former allies, the Anglo-French, in turn, occupied the Crimea. Those without regret gave a Seal white. A hastily patched boat in may of 1919 became part of the third of the Russian fleet – Naval forces of South Russia. And after half a year, it went into its last and longest journey, along with many Russian ships, which evacuated to nowhere, the army of Wrangel. First to Istanbul, then through the whole of the Mediterranean to Bizerta, where “the grateful French” interned remnants of the white squadron. After a few years the French authorities even recognized the “Seal” as other ships, property of the USSR But that was due to come and “policy”, and bad technical condition of the ship. Suffering, the submarine again went to France, but this time for the money and for the sole purpose of dismantling the metal.
The longest served “demure” “seal”. By the beginning of the revolution, the boat was in overhaul in Nikolaev. Then – “dylanesque” scheme: capture the first among the occupiers, then their opponents. However, the “repair” state is not allowed to include it in the composition of the white forces. But then began a real mess: in March 1919, along with the city “seal” the boat got to the red, but in August it there, the wall was captured by the whites, and in January of the following year, the submarine newly “liberated” parts of the worker-Peasant red Army. At the end of the Civil war it was finally repaired and introduced into the fleet. The former “noble sea animal” received a new name – “the Instructor”, and lists the crew as “honorary man” enlisted commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Crimea war hero Mikhail Frunze. Newly renovated and heavily armed (it installed two 75-mm guns Kane and the 37-mm anti-aircraft gun, not counting a couple of guns) submarine even made a trip around the black sea coast of the Soviet Union, from Sevastopol to Tuapse and back (with stops in all major ports) was gone for two months.

Service latter-day “political officer” was, however, short-lived. Just two years later he was made major repairs, which lasted almost the same time, and three years later, in 1929, the submarine finally “demoted” by withdrawing from the combat composition of the fleet. A year later she decided to sell it for scrap, but the “old” lingered in Sevastopol until the beginning of the great Patriotic war. The building of the former “Seals” were used for training of divers Epron, a well known service to rescue and recovery vessels. Used a submarine (or rather, her body – all of the equipment he had long been “gutted”) a very specific way-was flooded in different areas of the Bay, usually in shallow water, and then raised. And so many times. During the war and the occupation of the Crimea mortal remains of the “Nerpa” disappeared without a trace among the many piles of metal that were at the bottom of the Sevastopol Bay.
It should be noted that Bubnov and Beklemishev was not an absolute monopoly in the field of creation of the first Russian submarines. So, in 1905, a very original project proposed mining engineer A. M. Goryainov. His submarine with a displacement of the surface position of around 730 t expected to double casing, but the greatest interest was represented by its propulsion system. As for “Postal”, the choice fell on a single engine (painfully alluring was this idea at all times of the development of submarine shipbuilding). In this case they served a turbine, which, we recall, for the beginning of XX century she was “the pioneer device”. When driving on the surface it drives the rotation of the steam from the boiler, heated by oil. At the same time could run the electrolyzer to decompose water into oxygen and hydrogen, compressed by the compressor before you enter the storage tanks. And after immersion of these gases in the same 2:1 ratio reacts in the boiler, again becoming water vapor. Clever, but extremely dangerous: no wonder this mix is called “detonating gas”, giving the slightest spark the explosion with the formation of the same water vapor, but at the same time carrying everything is not worse than nitroglycerin. That is what “put the kibosh” on the project Goryaynov, although at a power of 1000 HP in his boat promised a very high speed, and the dive time was supposed to just record a little over one minute.
In the end, the boat Bubnova, modified descendants of a very successful “Shark” and “sisters” of the black sea “walrus” became the basis of the Russian submarine fleet during the First world war. Steel – but not without an adventure, which we’ll cover in the next issue.
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