UNDERWATER SHIPS AGAINST SUBMARINE SHIPSIn No. 12 last year, is dedicated to the development of the underwater of the pioneers in France, we elaborated on the competitive product engineer Mogh “pure” submarine “Z”. Although she completely lost comparative tests of the “dive” from Lobata, however, the Commission did not recognize the idea of traditional French submarine, conducting most of the time under the surface of the water, completely “buried.” And as a result of persistent Moga reward for persistence has received an order for a series of 6 units are named after precious stones.


The engineer has made considerable efforts to ensure that the maximum to Refine your idea. The new project was provided almost twice the displacement, more powerful engines and greater speed both under and on the surface of the water is significantly enhanced armament 6 torpedo tubes, 4 of which were supposed to place in a robust housing, and improved living conditions of the team. Considerable efforts had to make and to provide the boat with a little bit of decent seaworthiness. According to tradition her body in the Central part was a section almost a perfect circle. And this meant a terrible pitching on the waves. To fix I had to implement a “pebbles” separate bow and stern extremities, more resembling that of a normal ship. Thus, Moga, in fact, followed Labefa, though much more timid steps.
Unlike British and American submarines of that time, on which there prevailed simplicity, brought almost to primitivism, “Ruby” and similar boats were as much as 10 compartments. However, all of the bulkheads were only two durable and waterproof, allows in case of emergency to stop the spread of water. (Also waterproof was performed by the Central office.) For the remaining areas of the thin wall passes no protection against the main enemy submariners – water were not given. Monohull design automatically assumed the location of the main ballast tanks inside, “uyeda” a fair space from space for people and machinery. But perfectly round rugged case allowed to take as much as up to 100 meters, although completely safe, it was considered the depth of 40 m.
A curious atavism was the ballast for the emergency ascent, for which we used 15 tons of lead, distributed in the form of three massive “shipped” that is removable from the inside. Expensive and impractical but for the “real” submarines with too little reserve buoyancy is a last resort looked not excessive.

Traditional complexity delivered the diesel engines. As already noted, the French firms, in contrast to the British and American – was not good enough to play this Germanic invention. The motors worked and heavy and, most importantly, unreliable. It was noticeable on medium speed: 10 knots it was still possible to maintain for almost 100 hours, but then the course gradually fell, and for 200 hours on average, barely up to 7.5 KTS. In General, it is not tragic: to catch up with not very high speed transport would be possible, but with a long transition was not too hasty. Moreover, any of the diesels (they were 2, working each in its own shaft) could just break. Not particularly wise, the French batteries, using the same model as in “Naiad”. There were some other “nasty stuff”. So, for example, at high speeds the pipe periscopes and there were two, day and night, pretty much shaking. The commanders and officers stoically endured the vibration, noting in the reports that the observation of this phenomenon is, in principle, not interfere, but in battle it’s not promised. To shoot shaking at the eyepiece end would be difficult. But this is the time; the elimination of such defects, requiring a number of years.
Submarine “Topaz” (Q-45), France, 1910
Built at the shipyard of the Navy in Toulon. Type of construction – single -. Displacement overwater/underwater 395/425 T. Dimensions: length 44,90 m, case diameter of 3.90 m hull Material: steel. Immersion depth up to 40 m Engine: 2 diesel. 600 horsepower plus 2 electric motors, 200 horsepower, speed, surface/underwater 11/9 ties. Armament: six 450 mm torpedo tubes, four of them in a rugged casing, 2 in nose and 2 aft + 2 external nose, 6 torpedoes. Crew: 23 -25 people Just 1907 – 1910 built 6 units: “EMERAUDE”, “Opal”, “Ruby”, “Sapphire”, “Topaz” and “Turkuaz”. “Sapphire” and “Turkuaz” died in 1915, “Turkuaz” raised by the Turks and repaired. He and the rest of the survivors scrapped in 1919

Submarine “Vendemiaire” (Q-51), France, 1908
Built at the shipyard of the Navy in Cherbourg. Type of construction – polutorospalnye. Displacement overwater/underwater 400/550 t Dimensions: length 51,1 m, case diameter 4.9 m, draught 3,0 m. Material of hull: steel. Immersion depth up to 40 m Engine: 2 steam engine 700 HP plus 2 electric motor producing 450 HP, speed, surface/underwater 12/8 bonds. Armament: seven 450-mm torpedo tubes (1 bow internal, 2 external type Drzewiecki, 4 external tubular), 7 torpedoes, one 47-mm or 75-mm gun. Crew: 24 people. In 1908 – 1911 built 18 units. “Monge” and “Fresnel” sunk in 1915., “Prairial” “Messidor” – in 1918 as a result of collisions. The remaining excluded from the lists in 1919.

As for the topside, and “precious stones” remained narrow, but quite high (2.5 m) bridge, still resembling a hen roost, but now with the fence. But long, more than 11 m, and a breath of fresh air from most of the team. Delivering, apparently, a certain pleasure of the wits: a real crowd on the narrow roof of the shed.
Some problems existed with the comfort on the inside: with 25 crew members was able to find only room for 24 beds and hammocks. However, someone had to stay and watch. I must say that the habitability of the “pebbles” by the French, was evaluated as excellent, mainly due to the use of diesel engines. And they were nothing to compare, as we will see later.
With torpedo tubes to withstand the job failed, although none of the six tubes (two in adilkah above the body), there was no spare torpedoes. However, the torpedo claim to some discoveries: instruments Aubrey with gyro allegedly allowed to shoot from the aft tubes perpendicular to the chassis. (Interestingly, the nasal apparatus of the torpedoes was this innovation not carried.) A year after the outbreak of the First world war “Topaz” and “Turkuaz” received 37-mm cannon. Despite its ridiculous size and characteristics, they became the first French submarines, with artillery weapons.
The entering into operation in 1908 – 1910, “gems”, of course, took part in the war. Sometimes quite actively, but not successfully. “Sapphire” tried to repeat the success of the British colleagues in the Dardanelles, but was sunk on a mine in the first campaign in January, 1915. It was followed by “Turkuaz”, in October, got stranded and shot the Turkish batteries. Unlike a desperate struggle, started by the British for the “liquidation” caught in the same position “E-14”, the French reacted rather indifferent to the capture of his boat. The Turks brought it up and even gave the name of “Mustdie Ombachi”, but in build and not entered. After winning the trophy returned to France, where he immediately went for scrapping.
Meanwhile, Lobe was not behind his competitor. Almost simultaneously with the “gems” in his project laid a few boats of similar displacement, but, of course, constructed on the principle of “submersible destroyers”. Two “nymphs” – “Calypso” and “Sears” (“CIRCE”) – received the status of “offensive” submarines, according to its size and diesel main engines. As “Topaz”, the new submarines Lobera was a significant improvement compared to the previous version of the “dives”, “egret”. No wonder: their displacement increased twice. Accordingly, increased range, improved habitability.
By construction, the “nymph” was practically identical to its smaller predecessors, with solid double hull from bow to stern and significant reserve buoyancy, approaching 30%. Water ballast (weight was reached 135 tons, slightly less than the displacement of the “egret”) were housed in 4 zones in the form of a sort of diamond in the bow and stern and in the middle on the sides. It is interesting that here the French have used metal ballast for emergency surfacing, but owing to the much greater buoyancy has been limited to only 4 tons – four times less than the “precious” rivals. Due to external tanks managed to win a few more seats for crew rest: more than 3/4 of the team members could enjoy their own beds, while submarines Moga – only less than half. Other “prestigious” for seafarers steel hot lunch, prepared on the electric and coal stoves took on a separate enclosure was the galley. The diet consisted of familiar subsequent submariners canned beef, condensed milk, more than a hundred pounds of biscuits, but also fresh vegetables, cheese and even coffee. And, of course, about 130 liters of wine. A good stock for long even at the time of the campaign. There was no problems with the “breath of air”; it is “ship’s” deck allowed them to breathe on the surface in a much more comfortable environment.
Submarine “Vendemiaire” (Q-60), France, 1911
Built at the shipyard of the Navy in Cherbourg. Type of construction – polutorospalnye. Displacement overwater/underwater 400/550 t Dimensions: length of 52.1 m, case diameter of 5.14 m, draft 3.1 m hull Material: steel. Immersion depth up to 40 m Engine: 2 diesel engine capacity of 840 HP, plus 2 electric motors with a capacity of 660 HP, speed, surface/underwater 13/8,5 ties. Armament: seven 450-mm torpedo tubes (1 bow internal, 4 external Drzewiecki type 2 external tubular), 8 torpedoes, one 47-mm or 75-mm gun. Crew: 29 persons In 1908 – 1911 built 16 units. “Bernoulli” and “Jules” lost mines, “Foucault” is sunk in 1915, Remaining excluded from the list mainly in 1921 – 1923, in addition to “Le Verrier” and “Newton” (1925), “Curie” (captured by the Austrians in 1914, and refurbished, returned after the war, France, eliminated in 1928) and “Brummer” (1930).

Submarine “Clorinde” (Q-90), France, 1914
Built at the shipyard of the Navy in Rochefort. Type of construction – polutorospalnye. Displacement overwater/underwater 413/570 T. Dimensions: length of 53.9 m, the diameter of 5.11 m and draft of 3.4 m. Material of hull: steel. Immersion depth up to 40 m Engine: 2 diesel engine capacity of 800 HP plus 2 electric motors 700 HP, speed, surface/submarine project 15/9,5 uz, uz real 13/9. Armament: eight 450-mm torpedo tubes (2 bow external tubular, 6 external type Drzewiecki), 8 torpedoes, one 75-mm gun. Crew: 29 persons In 1914 built 2 units: “Cloring and corneli”. Both excluded from the lists in 1926

The usual problem arose with the motors. As already noted, the French industry has not coped not only with the development of their diesel engines, but poorly adapted to the German samples. Therefore, Lobe chose to deal with engines produced at the plants, “machinenfabrik” in Augsburg. The share of domestic engineers and mechanics (by the way, very skilled and quite high rank) was only installation. Mechanical installation in General, were very similar to those on boats Moga: two-shaft, with a pair of diesel engines and electric motors. Best to achieve a good speed hull form has allowed a significant extent avoid those troubles that fell to the fate of “Topaz”. Calypso kept your surface stroke (in 12 knots for 2 hours, although they can hardly be seen as a great achievement), but the submarine was not at a high level, barely exceeding on tests of 7 – 7.5 per node.
“Nymphs” were extremely, difficult. Both pair came face to face with ships and vessels; “Sears” in 1911, managed to get under battleship “Liberte”, fortunately without much damage. But just over a month before the war she killed his same type of “friend”, Taranu it right in the middle, and even at a right angle. Calypso could not be saved, the boat sank at a depth of about 120 m, and the French had consoled by the fact that the British “C-11” in 1901 went down in similar circumstances in less than a minute and with large losses in the crew. Well, here the truth was on their side: double hull and internal bulkheads have saved at least people. “Sears” also participated in the fighting, and even made quite rare for a boat of French success, torpedinous in the Mediterranean sea minzag the German submarine UC-24. And, in turn, got revenge, when at the very end of the war with her also received another German submarine UC-47.
Maxim Lobe is not limited to this pair. Almost simultaneously on his own project was based on a series of 18 units, the largest in France (unless you count his “shallow frying”) until 1922, when started to build a “1500-ton” submarine, the number of which exceeded three dozen. Funny names: very similar boat got equally the names of outstanding scientists and, for some obscure reason, the names of the months of the revolutionary calendar lasted a short time and abolished a century before. The only sign of this division was the place of construction: “Pluviôse” and the other “months” came down the stocks of the shipyard of the Navy in Cherbourg, while the “Papen”, “Berta”, “Amp”, “Monge”, “Gay-Lussac” and the other “physics” was built at Toulon and Rochefort.

Boats of this series were very similar to the “nimrovsky” design, with one exception. However, very important: they have received steam engines for surface running. The French stubbornly held on to this idea, although the reasons are understandable, if you remember the flour with your license and diesel engines of its own production. Lobe, optimistically believed that the dive time is 5 minutes compared to 4 minutes for “Calypso” and “Sears”; in principle, the difference seems not significant. In practice, however, often had problems with “plugging the holes” necessary for the functioning of boilers. In addition, significantly reduced range: of course, “the locomotive” could not compete with a very economical, in principle, by the diesel engines. For all these reasons the whole series enrolled in a defensive” boats intended for operations from its shores.
Anyway, armament for this purpose they seem fit. Seven 450-mm torpedo tubes allowed to lead an almost circular firing, as in the British “E”. However, only one unit was a traditional inner tube in his nose (it just was not on the “nymphs”). The other six were external, and two types – 4 in the form of lattice structures, and 2 in the traditional version of “holders from Drzewiecki”. Although the test results of the French felt the work those and others are quite successful, in real combat conditions, they were an additional resistance factor in the movement and unpleasant protruding “hooks” for anti-submarine nets or ropes mine – minipov. However, most of the units by the beginning of the war he removed just the internal nasal apparatus, fall out of the General concept. But some got a small cannon, do not pose a threat to any battleship, but gave confidence and is useful for particularly stubborn stop ships for inspection.
As for service, these seemingly slim, but in fact quite clumsy submarines were not particularly lucky. Big trouble has started even before he heard the first salvos of the First world. In may 1910, just two years after the entry into operation, “Pluviôse” got under the bow of a small steamer on wheels “Pas-de-Calais”, involved in the transport across the Strait of the same name.
“Pas-de-Calais” could develop quite a decent 18-speed hub, which had in the time of the collision. This time a double hull did not help: the boat sank in 20-meter depth along with the entire crew, except the commander, which for the life left on the shore. Picked it up and a year later re-introduced in the system, but people already not to return.
But submarine “Vendemiaire” even failed to revive. In June 1912 strike the bow of the battleship “San Louis” sent her to the bottom at a depth of over 50 m along with the crew. This time the rise was considered too difficult and the boat remained a mass grave for 24 sailors. And in 1918 for the same reason, killed two more submarines, “Floreal and Prairial”. Both of the blows of the allies, the British steamers, though very far from each other. “Floreal” killed an armed steamer “hazel” at the entrance to the Dardanelles. (Indeed, a graveyard for submarines in the First world.) “Prairial” was the victim of another “huckster”, “Tropic”, near Le Havre. Surprisingly, with regard to purely military losses, among them were only two boats of all numerous of the series, though they were used quite actively. Both boats found their end in the same month, December, 1915, and in the same area of the Adriatic sea. And they both bore the names of the scientists, and both were victims of surface torpedo boats. “Fresnel” fell under the shells of the Austrian destroyer “Warsteiner” and after a brief resistance, the crew is almost entirely captured, “Monge” were killed in an unequal battle with the destroyer “Lika” and “Balaton”. His commander Roland Mario went under water along with his ship and was among the national heroes.
Submarine “Amfitrite” (Q 94), France, 1916
Built at the shipyard of the Navy in Rochefort. Type of construction – polutorospalnye. Displacement overwater/underwater 414/610 T. Dimensions: length of 53.9 m, the diameter of 5.39 m, draft 3.3 m hull Material: steel. Immersion depth up to 50 m. Engine: 2 diesel engine capacity of 800 HP plus 2 electric motors 700 HP, speed, surface/submarine project 15/9,5 ties, real 12,5/9,5 bonds. Armament: eight 450-mm torpedo tubes (2 bow external tubular, 6 external type Drzewiecki), 8 torpedoes, one 75-mm gun. Crew: 29 persons, In 1916 – 1918 built 8 units: “Amaranth”, “Amfitrite”, “Andromache”, “Aratus”, Ariane”, “Artemis”, “Astra” and “Atalanta”. “Amaranth” and “Astra” rebuilt in underwater mine layers in 1918 “Arian” was sunk in 1917 by the German SUBMARINE. The remaining excluded from the lists in 1927 -1931. (“Amphitrite” – 1935)

Submarine “Bellona” (Q-102), France. 1915
Built at the shipyard of the Navy in Rochefort. Type of construction – polutorospalnye. Displacement overwater/underwater 525/790 T. Dimensions: length 60,6 m, case diameter of 5.39 m, draft: 3.5 m hull Material: steel. Immersion depth up to 50 m. Engine: 2 diesel power 1640 plus 2 HP electric motor producing 800 HP, speed, surface/submarine project 17/9,5 ties, real 14,5/9 uz. Armament: eight 450-mm torpedo tubes, one 75-mm gun. Crew: 38 people. In 1915 – 1916 built 3 units: “Bellona”, “Gorgon” and “Hermione”. All 3 were excluded from the lists in 1935

I must say that in fact a series of mixtures of the months of the revolutionary calendar, and scientists were far more numerous and exceeded the “1500-ton” if to classify it 16 units, which may in General have every right to. Because in essence they differed from the “pluviose” only engines. Finally the French factories were able to reproduce the “cunning German invention” in a more or less decent option, and these boats received the national “casts” of the German diesels. Otherwise the differences with the “steam” type were minimal; noteworthy is that the use of new type batteries: 248 instead of “cans” for 250 kg each for “the locomotive” has now established heavy, weighing over half a ton each, but half of the amount. The total weight has not changed, but the new version was more succinct, which had a beneficial impact on range. Another innovation was the replacement of one pair of “skeleton” of the external torpedo tubes on no more than convenient devices Drzewiecki.
First the French tried to provide for the installation of artillery weapons from the very beginning, already in the project. Tried – because the project in practice had to repeatedly redo it. Initially provided for the 37-mm gun, differing, perhaps, the only property: the complete unsuitability for almost any combat operation. Therefore, in the process of putting on some units appeared revolving cannon of the same calibre, possessing at least one advantage – rate of fire. Others got 47-graph paper, not much superior to its very small caliber predecessor. Finally, on the last boat of the series put in a 75-mm gun model of 1897, the weapon is already quite serious. For him, has built a special machine with good angles of fire, but owners of new “artillery” were the only three submarines: “Newton”, “Montgolfier” and “Frimer”.
It is worth to say a few words about the names of the boats that the diesel series. Because 9 months of the revolutionary calendar has already found its use in steam submarines, had only 3 unused. Them used, adding the names of the scientists so mean names to distinguish the boat with a particular kind of engine it was impossible. For this reason they are sometimes confused with “steamers”.
Of course, motors Diesel was a better choice than a steam engine. This is evident when comparing the speed and, no less importantly, the increase in cruising range by about 20%. And, as already noted, new batteries allowed the company to significantly (by 70%) to increase and speed under water, and distance, although she was still tiny, about 80 miles at 5 knots. Now, however, it was not so important: if you need a “battery” is always (or almost always) could be charged, rising to the surface.
Diesel submarine took part in the war more actively than their steam counterparts. Of course, their area of action was the Mediterranean sea and the Adriatic. “Le Verrier” had an interesting battle with the German U-47: first both boats released each other torpedoes. Both missed. Then “French” rammed the German “sister”, and unintentionally! Another “scientist”, “Bernoulli”, entered in the Austrian database, katarr and torpedoed there the destroyer “Csepel”, which tore off the stern. His “colleague” “Jules” ended his career in the traditional place of death – the Dardanelles while trying to pass through minefields. Perhaps the most interesting fate was “Curie”: the boat was tried at the beginning of the war to accomplish what then was able to “Bernoulli”, that is, to get to the Parking lot of the enemy. However, as the object was chosen the main base of the Austro-Hungarian fleet in the Field, where the submarine was detected and captured by the enemy (later we will tell you more about her very interesting adventures).
In addition to the major series, designed such a “heavyweight” like Lobe, some crumbs from the master’s table and went to other designers. The basis for their activity was the competition for the new type submarines, announced in 1906. Now, when France had build 36 is almost the same unit (albeit with different engines), it was possible to think about future development. The main idea was the creation of a boat that could act together with their surface ships and attack the enemy fleet not just sitting in wait, but in the move in battle or on the move. The key point for this was, of course, speed. The initial requirements included the ability to develop for a short time right up to 20 knots, but the sailors quickly realized that to require such a hurried from the designers is simply impossible. We decided to limit the 15 bonds. on the surface, and “10 or more” underwater. The boat was supposed to take up to 2 weeks of the campaign, and the range required to increase in comparison with the “pluviose” more than 2 times.
In the competition entered by young masters Lobata partners and Moga, developed 4 project. However, they are largely repeated with certain variations products their teachers. M. Utter built a steam submarine “Archimede”, differing from “pluviose” the benefit of power of mechanical installations. Two steam engines with a total capacity of 1700 HP allowed to develop in tests required 15 knots – a record for French pre-war boats. Under water achievement was also noticeable – about 11 knots. Curious was an innovation in the arrangement of the batteries: they made a special platform for residential and working premises. But overall item came quite expensive and cannot be repeated. Recall that these characteristics are only slightly higher than those of the British “E” built in large numbers. And yet, “Archimede” managed to use their driving performance: in the course of the war, the boat sank 4 enemy vehicles.
Uttar tried to repeat his “speed” and success in the diesel variant. But here it was waited rather a relative failure. “Koring and corneli”, which entered into operation by the beginning of world war I, was able to develop on the surface no more than 13 nodes in a project 15. Under water “short-changing” were less significant, just a half-node, but the design is 9.5 none of the boats never reached. However, elderly creators were satisfied, because the changes compared to the predecessors was minimal. The designer only changed the hull shape (from elliptical in cross section it was almost perfectly round, and the tip had acquired additional “harmony”), and installed more powerful engines. Considered satisfactory and the speed of immersion is about three minutes – a definite improvement compared to the “steamers”.
An interesting feature was pretty powerful on paper the armament consisting of 8 torpedo tubes. However, only two of them were rugged; the remaining six were traditional kickers system Drzewiecki, so beloved in those years in France. Got boats and artillery, although very specific properties. Single 47-graph paper, a quarter of a century ago (1885) could have scared is that only a very cowardly “merchant”. And this, apparently, has any reasonable doubt, so that in the course of the war this old replaced by 75-mm cannon is already quite suitable for business weapons. However, both during the war “worked” in a rather quiet from the point of view of the unpleasant clashes of the Atlantic ocean, and then only in the last year of hostilities. And therefore, quite safely and without fighting adventure lived up to its end. The postwar years also passed without significant incident, and in 1927 both calmly and decorously went for scrapping. But before he could rise before the whole Assembly of “close relatives”.

Indeed, the “main road” in the evolution of French submarines quite strongly turned in the direction of the works of Uttara. “Korinda” gave quite a numerous posterity. According to the program of 1909, it was decided to lay 8 pieces of “improved type”. However, the actual construction started only in 1911; head “Amphitrite” was commissioned in the middle of the First world war, and the last of a series after its completion. In combat they take part almost didn’t happen and probably for the best. Because the designers and they hoisted the ancient 47-mm “Guccis”, “reinforced” with one machine gun. But once again tried to improve the habitability. “Comfort” steel 4 electric heaters such as those still gathering dust in our cottages. But at that time they, like the all-electric kitchen, of course, it seemed the wonders of the technology. However, the problems the crew remained: for example, ventilation is not just left much to be desired, but was often forced to rise to the surface and thoroughly “ventilated” in the manner of weak predecessors of the nineteenth century. In this regard, “the revolutionary months” markedly superior to the products from Uttara.
Commissioning, his submarine sailors not really in a hurry. Reason enough: France was critically strenuous war on land, which left all the resources, from materials to workers. Some units just stood against the wall almost in a ready state for a year or more; periodically them conducted tests, then listlessly went through the arrangements and brought them to a healthy state. However, even in these circumstances, one of the submarines, “Arian”, managed to run into big trouble. She’s extremely lucky: the German “colleague” IS-22 he got her in the summer of 1917 on sea trials in the district of Tunis. A couple of torpedoes from a distance of 200 m has left French no chance. So, in fact, the “Arian” and failed to join the Navy.
Two boats from the series, “Amaranth” and “Astra” even while on the stocks had been converted to a new-fangled version of underwater mine-layers. The fact that the beginning of the war Navy of France, not only had no chokes this type, but I never bothered to even create a project. Therefore, the “victim” for the experiment it was necessary, not the most successful submarines well suited for this purpose. The construction of the couple froze in 1916; they are then equipped with special cells, 5 on each side, and placed mines domestic developments. By the way, is very imperfect and weak, had a charge of only 60 kg of smokeless powder. Note that all this was done also slowly, and work was completed only at the very end of world war II. Besides, “Astra” regularly junk diesels, the boat, in fact, turned into an experimental dividing time between a few opytnymi hikes and prolonged standing in reserve. However, the “Amaranth” was perhaps more qualitative and in 1925 (even before the “lame colleagues”) he was taken out of the fleet.
The submarine Marriot (Q-74), France, 1912
Built at the shipyard of the Navy in Cherbourg. Type of construction – single -. Displacement overwater/underwater 531/627 T. Dimensions: length 64,7 m, diameter 4.3 m, draught 3,8 m. body Material: steel. Immersion depth up to 40 m Engine: 2 diesel engine capacity of 1400 HP plus 2 motor, 1000 HP, speed, surface/underwater 14,2/11,5 KTS. Armament: six 450 mm torpedo tubes (4 internal, 2 Drzewiecki), 8 torpedoes. Crew: 29 persons Sunk in 1915.

Submarine “Charles Brune” (Q-89), France, 1911
Built at the shipyard of the Navy in Toulon. Type of construction – single -. Displacement overwater/ underwater 456/450 T. Dimensions: length of 44.1 m, diameter 4.0 m, draft 3.3 m hull Material: steel. Immersion depth up to 40 m. Engine: steam engines 2 power 1300 HP, speed, surface/underwater 13.5 cm/7,2 bonds. Armament: six 450 mm torpedo tubes (2 bow internal, 2 Drzewiecki 2 external tubular). Crew: 24 persons was Tested in 1910 – 1913, in a system not joined because of the low combat qualities. Sold for scrapping in 1920

Not subjected to the execution unit successfully overcame the vicissitudes of a radical reduction of the fleets in terms of international naval agreements of the 1920s of the last century. Some of them he served until the early 1930s, and the first-born “Amphitrite” – right up to 1935.
A kind of “hybrid” of “Clorinda” and “Archimede” has become the next series of 3 units: “Bellona”, “Hermione” and “Larynx”. “Archimede” they got a “double-deck” design with hold for storage of the pits, and the rest was in essence repeated ideas and decisions of earlier creations Utter, although the designers were already young engineers of the next generation. In the terms of reference stated ambitious speed on the surface at 17 knots, but in practice failed to develop more than 16 miles per hour. Only slightly helped and another attempt at “refining” the shape of the hull. It became evident that from the initial ideas squeezed almost everything.
Once again held and the attempt to experiment with torpedo armament. Now one was presented to two internal devices in the nose (normal for the time established in all countries of the decision) plus two pairs of rotary pipe system simoneau, equally “easy” (in theory) as the development Drzewiecki. They are, in principle, could be induced from inside the boat in a fairly wide range, about 100 degrees. However, if the boat was on the move, before the release of the torpedoes became necessary rather puzzling calculations in the tables give, in the end, additional angle depending on the speed of the submarine, its purpose and the angle of guidance of the device. In General, the higher mathematics “on the knee”, is hardly applicable in combat. Complement this wealth of frame two torpedo tubes. Gun at any range. Well, at least have the “bullet” – 450 mm torpedoes remained the same. The commanders and the crews suffered badly with such a rich assortment, which is the experience of service slowly started to reduce and be replaced by more trivial stationary installation. What remained to be done after the report of one of the commanders with the verdict: “Feed the apparatus can be used only in a happy way.”
Such is the strange fate of the branch structures Lobera and his followers. But the absolute monopoly, he did not. Found its successors and Moga with his “real underwater vessels.” To some extent a recollection of his “stones” has become a “MARRIOTT”, built by engineer Redigera for competition in 1906. Twin-shaft monohull boat with a diesel plant also had a decent speed (14.2 per node on the surface and more than 11.5 — under water test), mainly due to overstrained hull (length-width ratio exceeded 14). The organizers of the competition somehow found insufficient cruising range on the surface, although it is like even higher than specified. The designer has tried to increase buoyancy in an original way, placing almost all of the ballast tanks in the front of the case and providing there’s a solid superstructure, more specifically, the present forecastle. This allowed, blowing ballast, to lift the nasal tip, but, of course, difficult to “correct” dip. But to surface the boat took on the form of the real destroyers with high forecastle! In July 1915, MARRIOTT got into anti-submarine nets in the fateful Dardanelles Strait. The Turks fired “daring destroyer” and the team has only to surrender after the flooding of the boat.
Another competitive creature from the number built under the terms of the 1906 contest was the boat “Charles Brun” the same as “Archimed”, steam. However, with a large, albeit old idea: using the “steamboat” as a single engine. It was assumed that in a submerged position for stroke will be used pairs accumulated in a special boiler-battery. The idea itself has repeatedly tried and as time suffered the collapse. Was no exception and the attempt that had been exacerbated by large claims. To achieve very high speed on the surface (over 17 knots) it took a fairly powerful steam setting. In particular, it had to install as much as 4 boiler with two flue pipes. I still have the pictures “Brune” to the test, where the submarine at full speed produces a very impressive impression, spewing out of chimneys immense clouds of thick smoke. However, these “sultans” smoke deprived submarines main advantages – to be invisible. However, besides the terrible smoke and a very unreliable way of “saving a couple” for movement under water, the submarine was missing and other defects become apparent on the first audition. For example, this strange boat very much swayed at the slightest excitement due to very poor stability. So much so, that sea-sickness overtook even the most resistant to her sailors. Troubleshooting different kinds of faults lasted for three years. As a result, “Brune” was not able to join the French fleet, despite the time of war and in desperate need of submarines. The verdict looked harshly: “Low military specifications do not allow to use it as part of the Navy”. A failed “experiment” to spill the beans at the wall until 1920, when his suffering finally stopped. Over 11 thousand francs “Brun” moved to a private entrepreneur from Toulon.
On that long ended a rather unequal contest steam and diesel submarines. Despite considerable difficulties at first, the French managed to bring to mind their diesels. After that “the locomotive” has lost the last of their attractive properties. But in the end, France for action in world war at sea got a motley crew of seemingly like-combat characteristics of the unit, but who had in fact various main mechanisms for surface running, created besides different designers in accordance with their own ideas and views. Formally it seems to be very heavily armed (up to 8 torpedo tubes), they can smoothly shoot a very limited number of pipes, mainly located inside the housing. Hence, combat results: any significant successes of the boat under the tricolor is not reached, incurring a very considerable loss.

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