An impressive victory by the Austrian fleet at Lissa, it would seem, has occurred in spite of all the prerequisites Indeed, the Italians were superior to his opponent not only in the number of combat ships and held their weapons artillery, but, more importantly, in quality. A large part of the squadron of rear Admiral Tegethoff consisted of “pieces of wood” who carried smoothbore cannons, and confronted them new iron battleships and cruisers with rifled guns. However, a good RAM blow battleship flagship “Ferdinand Max” and sent to the bottom of “Italian” “Re d’italia”, brought the Austro-Hungarian victory at sea — the first great victory in a pitched battle around the world since the great Nelson’s, and quite unexpectedly, put the “patchwork monarchy” among the great Maritime powers.
Noblesse oblige. The main character Lissa, the commander of the fleet Tegethoff, was not only a successful naval commander but also an able administrator and leader in peace time after the war, 1866 — 1867 years, he has developed an impressive programme for the development of the naval forces, However, good wishes, immediately ran into the eternal problem of the military of all countries and peoples lack of money.
In the case of Austria the problem this had very real reasons for Victory at sea only a few brightened disaster on land, where the Prussian army completely defeated the Austrian External setbacks have led to reactions within the multinational country. The second titular nation of the Empire, Hungarians demanded independence, and only after lengthy negotiations managed to keep them in the same state, However, Austria became a “dual monarchy” of Austria-Hungary, each of the two portions which had its own Parliament and its own government the consequences of the war and the “dualities” were difficult for all components of the armed forces, but especially significant for Navy the fact that Hungary (in those days a region that included most of modern Romania) had virtually no access to the sea, other than a tiny stretch of coastline. It is not surprising that its members regularly resisted all attempts to allocate additional funds to the ships, the bases and content of the seafarers And it is not imagined the complexity was enough to veto the “sea” expenditure Automatically blocked the entire budget of the state, and Austria generally had to sacrifice a part of in the name of the whole However Maritime Ministers and admirals, and in such circumstances, we did everything we could. With shipyards in Trieste and the Field is still periodically went to the new water court battle, the gun and armor factories Skoda in Vitkovice by the end of XIX century reached a very high level, not inferior, and often superior to the products of recognized world leaders of the time — Krupp and Armstrong.
Somewhat mitigated the effects of “financial diet” the geographical position of the Empire of Austria-Hungary had no overseas possessions, and all of its shoreline within the Adriatic sea, which was, in fact, a huge Gulf, on the opposite Bank which settled a former (and potentially future) opponent — Italy In such a situation is quite reasonable seemed to do less and far less seaworthy ships (At great speeds the whole sea was covered per day) At first glance, cruisers in General is not so necessary to them there was nothing to protect the world’s oceans and almost nothing from their shores. The main task was exploration and support of their linear forces, as well as the torments stronger enemy, all without leaving the Adriatic, But, in addition, the share of the cruisers had the not so bright to look at, but very necessary role — training vessels and stacionaru to “show the flag” in all areas of the globe, the Sailors of the Habsburg monarchy made many long voyages, leaving an important mark in the geography, meteorology, hydrography and other related “marine” Sciences.
But the ships for study and training were awarded to the fleet with great difficulty “Hungarian lobby” stubbornly resisted spending money on “unnecessary whims”. Sailors had to find very clever loopholes So that funds for the repair and maintenance of warships stood out, if not willingly, then with a much smaller resistance. (The motive is simple: “If stupidity made and ships already in service, it makes sense to keep them in order”.) As a result, the “modernization” of the fleet managed to lay a new unit, under the same title, and “repaired”, which I understood and which was only used some of the materials and mechanisms. It did so with the Corvette “Donau”. Founded in 1873 and entered into operation two years later, this small cruiser with full sail was used first for the training of cadets in his native Adriatic, and in the twilight of his career made a long voyage in the Indian ocean and the West Indies. In 1888 he put on the notorious “full modernization”. Really, then, laid a new Corvette, about the same size, which set of engines and boilers of the old (Arms slightly changed and consisted of ten 120/35-mm guns) and six years in the sea there was outwardly similar to the predecessor, “Donau”, is also intended for long distance training voyages For ten years, he visited all the oceans of the Earth, and then in 1906 already completely outdated cruiser disarmed. However, his service did not end on that. After the collapse of the “patchwork Empire” “Donau” went to the newly formed Yugoslavia, renamed “šibenik” and a few years afloat.
Similar to the “upgraded” “Donau” characteristics possessed Corvette “Saida” (2660 tons, 12 knots, eleven 150/25 mm guns), built in 1879, and although hopelessly outdated in the First world war, but she happily survived a Few more impressive were a pair of the same type of frigate “Radetzky” and “Laado”, which entered into operation five years earlier, when the “Hungarian blockade” has not yet gained full power, They had a displacement of 3,400 tons and a speed of a little more than 13 nodes, Their artillery consisted of fifteen 150-mm guns Krupp, charged with the muzzle (as, indeed, and “side”). These very large Austrian cruisers (until the early 90-ies of the XIX century), laid in one of two leaders of the Adriatic shipbuilding — firm “Stabilimento, Tecnico Triestino” from Trieste (the second was the naval Arsenal in the main base of fleet — Field) at the time of construction still somehow able to compete with foreign, but after five to seven years, their military value was highly conditional, However, they were quite suitable for training and support services “Radetzky” (renamed in 1908 in “Adria”, as the need for a new battleship), the entire world war was a base for German sailors, who rendered substantial assistance to the “fraternal fleet.” His brother after the end of hostilities meant Yugoslavia. But renamed neprivychno “Prwy”, the young Navy, he never went to the Italian authorities confiscated the veteran in his port and sent it to be scrapped in 1923, as they say, “neither myself nor the people”.

Clearly, this collection is hopelessly behind the world level at the very idea of corvettes and frigates did not fit the definition of modern cruising forces. Understood this and Austrian admirals, but the lack of funds, it would seem, did not leave any way out. “Modernization” helped to replace a very old combat unit similar to them, that is outdated However the output is still there — thanks all the same Lissa. Master RAM blow “Ferdinand max,” had impressed even on distant from the interests of the fleet “land” of deputies. Therefore, the sailors managed to “break” a little bit of money on the development of what they wisely and vaguely called a “torpedo RAM”. Under this brand, in fact, built all the modern cruiser “dual monarchy” since the mid 80-ies of the last century until the latest of scouts So among the “rams” were strong armored and armored units.
But the beginning of “luteranos series” put a couple of very small ships, ordered in England the famous Armstrong. “Leopard” and “Panther” served as a good illustration of what can become of a modern spy in a limited theatre. They’ve already absolutely had no sails (indispensable attribute of all the preceding Austrian corvettes), had a decent speed of about 18 knots and carried a good size for your arms. The weak point was defense, limited to only a symbolic 12-mm deck However, these “mini-alswiki” made a strong impression on the Austrian sailors, and immediately after taking them to duty was followed by an order for another similar ship under construction already at domestic shipyards”, Stabilimento, Tecnico Triestino” “tiger” had a little larger (displacement of 1660 tons) and carried a more powerful armament of four 120-mm guns Krupp, not counting small-caliber rapid-fire sleek, with a sloping pipes and masts like the higher persons of the state after the cruiser is dated, in 1905 he was chosen as the future Imperial yacht Artillery (except skorostrel) was removed, the interior was rebuilt, equipped with luxury salon and cabins Renamed to “Lacroma”, the former “RAM” served until the end of the Empire. As “denied” under section trophies of Yugoslavia, it was requisitioned by Italy and also went to a breaker.
Comprehensive success of the “torpedo rams” — and as combat ships, and as camouflage designations for cruisers — the feat of the naval Ministry on the repetition of a good trick. In 1888 he was able to knock out the credits on the next couple, this time more than twice exceeds the predecessors in the displacement of “the Imperial couple” “Kaiser Franz Josef” and “Kay-one joint. Elizabeth”, as they say, is not lying next to any RAM or torpedo boat. They carried pretty solid weapons in the style of Elswick cruisers, the development of which they are, in essence, was a “National contribution” was the 240-mm guns in the barbettes, and the caliber and type of installation has been established on all subsequent Austrian cruisers, with the development of technology, of course, Increased the caliber torpedo tubes (with 350 to 400 mm); in contrast, “RAM”, “torpedo” part of the class designations were perceived in the Austro-Hungarian Empire quite seriously. It was here, at the factory in Fiume, was the first self-propelled “fish”, soon brought a lot of trouble for ships and vessels.
Meanwhile, the ramming Saga continued “Kaiser Franz Josef I and Elizabeth Kaiserin” rightly considered a very good ship for its size However, when strong arms purely armored cruiser was inadequately protected But Austria-Hungary successfully followed in line with major trends in the global shipbuilding So in 1891, followed by a tab following the “torpedo RAM”, this time armored. An order for a fairly large new ship was a tasty morsel, who fought the best British firms, starting with Armstrong But the Imperial Ministry wisely left the money in the country, Wygoda on this a considerable amount and giving the opportunity to develop a leading private firm in the country. And not lost. Almost 6-tasaciones “Maria Theresa” had a decent speed (over 19 nodes), the weapons already in the process of being built has increased by a couple of 150-millimetrovogo (yet Krupowki), but, more importantly, in addition to the armored deck it appeared a 100-mm side belt. It was assumed that, if necessary, this “RAM” will be able to provide substantial assistance to ships, even while in the line of battle. To check the validity of these assumptions, in fact, failed To the First world war “Theresa” thoroughly outdated, and until 1917 was used mainly as a floating battery in Sebenico Then the cruiser was disarmed and used as a floating barracks for crews of German submarines that crossed from the North sea to the Adriatic sea. Its 240-graph paper also went into business. They were sent to the Italian front, which was dominated by trench warfare, and the Austrian troops could hardly contain the enemy, more and more increasing at the expense of the allies.
The development of Austrian cruisers stopped at the “Maria Theresa”. Chronically skinny naval budget was allowed to lay only one new unit every five years. But even in the face of very rapid technological development of the late XIX — early XX century master Builder of the fleet 3 Popper and his assistants did everything possible in order to preserve the continuity of ideas. “Torpedo RAM D”, entered into service under the name “Kaiser Karl IV”, formally retained the same armament as the “Theresa”, but all guns were now domestic, designed and built at the Skoda factories, and had a very good combat characteristics of the New submarine acquired its modern form, grew speed, but the “highlight” of the project was extremely powerful for such a small ship to make the reservation At a displacement approximately equal to the Russian “Varyag”, has managed to cover 8-inch plates Board on the waterline 240-mm turret and the conning tower In an artillery battle with him had to be hard not only ocean broadalbin, but also, for example, such well-protected armored cruisers, as “Bayan” or the German “Adalberti” it is Clear that the gift of such power was not given to pure cruising qualities such as the range and seaworthiness, and went for a flush-deck “Carl” in the background. It turned out a kind of small battleship, slightly inferior in number of guns to their line colleagues — such as “of Habsburg”, but almost equally protected and superior to the “elders” of just to the node.
Most importantly, it was quite suitable for joint action with the battle fleet.
The same, in essence, a small high-speed battleship and became the last Austrian armored cruiser, still officially held as a torpedo RAM “Saint George” stood out for their strong arms, but surprisingly variegated in composition. His bow tower houses a pair of formidable 240-millimetrovogo, whereas in the feed for partial discharge thoroughly armored 7300-ton ship — the only one 190-mm gun. Four such guns were located in the Central dungeon In armoured casemates was and four 150-mm quick-firing guns Mine artillery was presented with a new 66-millimetrovie, complemented by the already almost useless 47-mm korostelina If you count a couple of 37 mm, the same number of guns and the same airborne cannons, it turns out that “Saint Gheorghe” there were eight different calibers of artillery. (In 1916, and added another ninth — 66-mm antiaircraft gun.) This “mosaic” in no way contributed to improve convenience in firing, but the main calibers it was enough to become a serious opponent for any cruisers, except that the latest.
However, the “Saint George” was the last armored cruiser of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In 1904, the struggle for Finance has reached its climax, and the Navy suffered it biggest defeat. Offered the fleet commander Admiral Spawna in response to a similar programme of Italians not excessive shipbuilding program, the Ministry of war, headed “shopathome”, cut twice! Spawn immediately resigned. His place was taken by Vice-Admiral R Montecuccoli, finally sweep away the focus towards the eyes soon turned to the dreadnought However, the traffic was reasonable: just after two or three years around the world began “dying” cruisers as a class.
However “Kaiser Karl”, and especially “St. Georg” has rendered good service in the First world war the appearance on the scene the last few times was saved by Austrian light forces from a stronger allied units. Indeed, come under fire 240-mm and 190-mm guns for light cruisers would be like death To counter Imperial “loners” had put to sea for the whole fleet of Italian and French cruisers, but even if those were going to hike, “St. Georg” and patronized them light cruisers, destroyers and torpedo boats managed to successfully escape in one of the ports of the Eastern coast of the Adriatic.
The only cruisers that stands out from the svelte lines “torpedo rams” which was actually well-disguised from the deputies of the fast battleships, was the three small pronaplucan. “Zenta”, “Aspern” and “Zigetvar”. They were armed exclusively with skorostrel and was intended to support their destroyers, but for this task they are clearly not enough speed This is fully evident in the beginning of the war, August 16, 1914, “Zenta” was the head of a small detachment of six destroyers, engaged in the blockade of the Montenegrin coast. He was caught in this case the French fleet, including the dreadnoughts and armored cruisers of the powerful Little ship was by that time in the ranks for 15 years, could not get away from a powerful enemy, the French gunners badly interfere with each other, and for the sinking is negligible compared to the armored giants with a 12-inch artillery crumbs, it took about an hour. However, the lesson was learned, and the remaining pair used only very carefully, “in the wings”.
This ridiculous “victory” led to the only victim among the Austrian cruisers in the war, the Austrians with their more than modest numbers of light forces managed to chain to the Adriatic several times more numerous squadrons of the Entente ships from the same class In the result it can be stated that the “patchwork monarchy”, to which as a global military power always had a certain irony (“God specially created the Austrian army in order that everyone else had someone to beat”), managed very successfully to dispose of modest finances, allocated for the construction of a cruising fleet For nearly 20 years, the number of combat units of this class remained quite small, but always there was a few quite modern, which could create problems to the opponent At the same time domestic shipyards managed to build not only strong, but also cheap ships cost tons displacement “the Empire waltz”, often criticized for bureaucratic omnipotence, managed to compete even with recognized world leader in England, conceding far ahead of such leaders of the expense, as Russia and France in a Very timely manner the Austrians started to build a modern light cruisers, but more about that another time.
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