Summed up the first round of the all-Union competition for the best technical equipment of the centres, conducted by the magazine “modelist-Konstruktor” and the Office of STI of MIA of the USSR with the participation of the pavilion “Young naturalists and technicians” VDNH USSR.
Celebrating the best of the designs in the first round, the jury decided on awarding their developers, teams and individual participants — prizes and valuable gifts.
First prize (200 rubles) was awarded the club of young technicians of the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences for the development of complex technology microtransport for young drivers: the micro-car, only “Friend” tricycle “Grasshopper”, electroboiler, descriptions of which were published in our journal.
Readers will remember, obviously, our story “And we have in the yard,” club of young technicians at the HCS research Institute of inorganic materials in Moscow. The club was awarded the second prize (150 rubles) for the creation of complex microtransport equipment for young children on the basis of scooters, bikes and boat engines: twin motozavod, the multi-microntroller and other machines.
Third prize (100 USD) awarded to the Central station of young technicians of the Georgian SSR for art and design inputs to directly affect Cheburashka built on the base map.
A number of groups, the participants awarded with incentive prizes (50 rubles) for the creation of educational microtransport technology. This is the Central station of young technicians of the Kazakh SSR — the training for double little micro-car “Tulpar”; experimental laboratory of microelectroni Kursk Palace of pioneers — for a double educational electric; summer camp Management avtoremzavod glavmosavtotransa — micro cars “buggy-350” used for teaching students avtodelo.

Avtolaboratoriya the Central station of young technicians of the Latvian SSR is awarded a valuable gift for the development of school car “buggy-350”. Same award for group of the individual participants of the contest: J. Stepchenko, author of the recumbent Vita; V. Zlobin, who built a micro-car, only “Kid”; V. Tishkov for the design of micro-car, only for the little ones — “Fun”; I. Evstratov — twin pedal car for children; V. Hovanesian, head of development microvesicle with a stroller for the little ones — “Cheburashka”; S Syrokomskyy, head of curriculum development inputs to directly affect the plant-vtuz-ZIL; M. Candlemas — Board automatic traffic signal; P. Pasichenko, P. Iazlovetchi — authors of electromenager “Crossroads”.
Work on the second round of the competition, descriptions, drawings, diagrams and photographs microtransport machinery and equipment for centres — are accepted to the address of edition with a mark “Our AutoCity” until September 1, 1977.
In summing up the jury will give preference to those samples microtransport, which use electric, pneumatic, flywheel, inertia and other “bezvyhodnoe” engines, not air-polluting at the site of the automobile city.
To award the best works is planned prizes: for teams of technical circles for young technicians and young KB — 300, 200 and 150 rubles., and four encouraging for 75 rubles for individual participants — valuable gifts in the amount of 100 RUB. (two), 75 RUB. (three) and 50 RUB. (four).
The most interesting works of the contest winners will be published in the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” and is recommended for display at the Central exhibition NTTM-78 and in the exhibition pavilion “Young naturalists and technicians” VDNH USSR.