From the report of the Komsomol Central Committee to the XVIII Congress of the Komsomol
Udmurtia… One of the oldest centers of metallurgical industry in the Urals. There has been developed such industries as machine building, Metalworking and electronics. Soviet Udmurtia is the Motherland of domestic motorcycle, and cars with the brand IZH gaining popularity in our country and abroad. The Republic’s national economy is developing rapidly, and he needed skilled workers.
Vocational schools prepare the staff and all their efforts are clearly insufficient. Businesses from year to year to fill jobs with graduates of secondary schools. And how yesterday’s students are ready for independent work life largely determine their subsequent development, adaptation as professionals, able to handle complex production jobs. That’s why attracting students to technical creativity in the Republic is regarded as an important task of labor education, as an effective way of targeting students on the choice of future professions.
In Udmurtia understand that in the age of scientific and technological revolution guys need as early as possible, at school, interested in technology, to instill in them the basic skills of creative technical thinking. And not only understand, but many do.
To coordinate the work of all organizations involved in the development of technical creativity of schoolchildren, under the Council of Ministers of the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet socialist Republic created Advisory Board. In its structure representatives of the Ministry of education, trade unions, regional Committee of Komsomol, the staff of the Republican station of young technicians, the regional Council of VOIR, of the regional Committee of DOSAAF, managers of industrial enterprises. Daily care Council is an organization of methodical study, studying, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience, hear reports on the activities of extracurricular institutions of all categories and approve plans, events, competitions and gatherings.
The main link in which are formed the professional inclinations of students today are considered technical circles and the laboratory. They work successfully at 10 stations of young technicians, in 14 Kutach, 36 Palaces and Houses of pioneers, in almost all schools. Over 27 thousand students, under the guidance of experienced teachers are introduced to the fascinating world of technology, take the first steps in the technical work. Here the guys learn how to read blueprints, own tools, to work on the machines. Here are formed the first professional inclinations, which the vast majority contribute to the conscious choice of profession.
Remarkable detail: in today’s technical creativity of students increasingly reflect the main directions of development of the national economy. For syt and in schools, clubs of young technicians in the homes of the pioneers are groups of motorists and motorcyclists, radio engineering and electronics, agricultural modeling and design.
A characteristic feature of the content of many of them is a public service oriented work. Young engineers take part in the renovation of schools, producing visual AIDS, the design of exhibitions. In secondary school № 13, the city of Glazov for several years within the design office operates a few clubs: electronics, physical, technical, kinderanimation, the photography club Guys did “movie day”, automatic circuit Board has improved student tables. In recent years, the club under the guidance of a teacher of physics Yuri Alexandrovich Taranova successfully construct physical devices. At a national meeting of inventors and innovators they received the prize for the best teaching and visual AIDS- “a Set of instruments to explore sound electromagnetic waves”. Now the students are developing new instruments for physics workshop on ultrasound. Plans SCB full automation of the study of physics.
The guys from the radio laboratory of the children’s Home of culture of the same city, which for 15 years by Ferdinand G. Kharin, in order to mentoring was prepared from 30 rural radios for clubs and schools, orphanages and red corners of the collective farms.
Often members establish contacts with local enterprises, collective farms and state farms. They get acquainted with the specifics of their production, study the possibility of application of their knowledge and already acquired practical experience to the Affairs of adults. As a result of the emergence of creative connections: enterprises and households assisted in equipping the workshops and laboratories equipment, send experts to advise and help them to determine the most appropriate direction of a useful creative process. And guys. in turn, strive to address, and often quite successfully, a number of “narrow” places of production.
For several years in Sortymsky rural school Kezsky district high school students are studying the material part of agricultural machinery, maintenance, help the mechanics to fix the tractors, harvesters And when there is agricultural work, work in farm fields, on these machines, trying to keep up with adults. Young technology high school Pervazninku Botkin district went even further — they create their own designs of small cars, which are successfully used on the school grounds, they are under orders repair shops make adaptations to facilitate the work of operators. Of course, this is not an isolated example. Orders for the development and manufacturing of tooling for machine shops, appliances, and electronic devices for different departments of companies regularly received from patrons young technicians. Guys trust us to perform work on rough copies Breezes.
And with the tasks they usually do. This is evidenced, in particular, such a fact as the establishment of several secondary schools and extracurricular institutions of the Udmurt Republic primary Vorovsky organizations.

The Republican station of young technicians in the laboratory of electronics headed by Anatoly Petrovich Lebedev a primary organization of VOIR. In her part of the 47 high school students. On the instructions of the Izhevsk medical Institute they design devices that registered pain when taking antibiotics. Here created and a scheme of the fluorescent lights when breakage of the filament. This development of young vorovtsev gave a big economic effect. The design was so original that the young innovators have received the copyright certificate.
At the Izhevsk school № 22 on the basis of the workshop for 20 years, is a technical club which is headed by the teacher of work Alexander Yakovlevich Carriers. Under his leadership, the boys enthusiastically engaged in rationalization. Their latest invention — a machine for tapping nuts. The design was very successful, she was interested in several enterprises of the city, and now the students make such a machine for the repair of the Izhevsk plant. As teenagers still in school with a comprehensive knowledge and get skills of independent creative practical activity that they are so necessary, and especially in the first years of working life.
A lot of letters annually receive the heads of the technical groups of schools and non-school institutions from the command of military units. In them many thanks to the teachers, mentors, guys who joined the ranks of the Soviet Army.
And this is no accident. The huge attention paid in the Republic, development of technical creativity, promotion of military-technical kinds of sport among schoolchildren, contributes to the preparation of young men for service in the Armed Forces of the USSR.
The most popular with the Udmurt guys are mugs sports modeling. The work on models of ships, planes, missiles and vehicles allows them to better understand the structure, processing methods of different materials, methods of external decoration. In one word, laboratories modeling young engineers acquire skills that will help them in the future better to learn a profession.
For the purposes of engaging students, especially rural, these types of technical creativity in the Republic introduced the categories of class “A” and “B” respectively for urban and rural modelers. The introduction of a differentiated approach to the assessment of the performance of the model significantly increased the number of participants at the expense of rural children, more of them became involved in modeling circles. Subsequently, many guys naturally move from modeling to the classroom real, “big” equipment.
The club of young motorists has long enjoyed a well-deserved reputation among the boys of the capital of Udmurtia.
Once the teacher labour of the 24th school in the city of Izhevsk Anatoly Novikov drew attention to the increased interest of Teens in motor vehicles, and especially motorcycles. Decided to create the school of infantile circle of motorcyclists. Had to start from scratch. Equipped class was not, of motorcycles too. So as not to lose the interest of boys, Novikov “led” in a circle your IZH. Studied engine design, learned to drive on. After three and a half months in the school holidays, held a competition for the observance of traffic rules. And when the group settled in, they began to receive proposals for the modernization of motorcycles (the time increased), the crossing of the engines and even the production of their own designs.
Over 17 years of youth automotor yumk — so is now referred to former circle — prepared metabolically 1850, about 100 drivers, more than 550 arresters on motor racing, spent a large amount of automotoportal and agitpropom. But the main result of the activities of the club — hundreds of kids went to work in the production Association Izhmash. Pets Novikov can be found among the testers, and obkatku, and in the experimental laboratory. They quickly settled into the team. Many of them are active innovators. For most professional work, promoting Wonna technical knowledge among school staff of the club Board awarded a badge DOSAAF, the Honorary diploma of the Central Committee of the Komsomol.
A vivid example of the purposeful and consistent work on the preparation of children for future careers, their Wonna Patriotic education can serve the club for young radio Amateurs “Wave” Izhevskiy Radiozavod. More than 300 students enthusiastically engaged in here in six sections: designers and radiotelegraphic KV – and VHF-sport, all-rounders and “lisalove”. In design circles, they acquire knowledge on electronics, learn to read diagrams, try their hand at creating new devices. Children under the leadership of Mikhail Bulatov was built for competitions and training in the “Fox hunting” automatic remotely controlled radio station. Automatic created on semiconductors to supply calls to the school, e-scale transceiver and a digital clock. Club members regularly go on the air. They installed more than 100 thousand QSOs with Amateur radio stations all over the world.
And when the guys from the club “Wave” comes the draft age, in agreement with the military they attribute to the signal corps. Qualification of Surovtsev so high that in the army, they often soon get assignments to work instructor.
Annual review of career guidance among schoolchildren in the Republic was the week of science, technology and production for children and youth. In its program visits to companies, meetings with veterans and Heroes of Socialist Labor, innovators and inventors. Guys participate in exhibitions of scientific and technical creativity, defend their work before a jury. They talk about the technical challenges that stood before them, on the ways and methods of search of optimum options for their designs. The events of the week contributes to the dissemination of scientific and technical creativity among young people, are attracting new contingents of students for classes in clubs and laboratories in schools and extracurricular institutions.
An important role in the coordination of all work on the development of NTTM in the Udmurt Republic belongs to the Republican station of young technicians. In its 52 clubs are about 800 children. The station is well equipped with machining facilities, testing and adjusting equipment, materials and tools, visual AIDS.
Here teachers not only strive to deepen the interest of students to their chosen field of technical creativity, but also work out methods of teaching in specialized circles, are checked for the practical lessons, the richness of programs, looking for more effective ways for individual approach to different age categories of pupils. The results of observations, specific results of the work done in the groups and laboratories, have become the subject of consideration, the best experience is captured by the methodological Cabinet of Republican station of young technicians with a view to its further spread in all technical circles of the schools and extracurricular institutions.
Since the Foundation of RUT the methodological office has accumulated a lot of such recommendations. The station is summarized and best practices are local centers of technical creativity. their teachers and leaders. This assembled bit by bit, the Fund of methodical study is widely used when conducting seminars for technical creativity organizers and instructor of courses on elementary technical modeling for senior company officer counselors year urban and suburban pioneer camps. Only in the last academic year was conducted 42 workshops, including 12 in rural areas.
The idea of organizational and methodical work of RCUT would be incomplete without mention of the daily activities of its employees in the conduct of intramural and extramural consultations, provide specific effective assistance on the ground. All this contributes to the training of employees of children’s technical creativity, and as a result, and better preparation of pupils for the conscious choice of future profession.
Great help in the development of club Directors, coaches young boys have personnel, experienced teachers. Among them are such brilliant teachers as Vitaly Rostropovich and Olga p. Fetzer, Valery N. Chuvashov, Nikolai Kalinin, Yuri Alexandrovich of Trunov, Alexei Alexandrovich Senyutkin and others. Many of the workers of extracurricular institutions awarded with the title of “Honored teacher of the RSFSR”, “excellence in education of the USSR” and “excellence in public education”, and the Director of RCUT Galina Lustenau and Director of Kezsky district station of young technicians Vasili Maksimovich Pozdeev awarded the order “badge of Honor”.
All the talent of his soul, all his rich pedagogical experience they give to the kids. Aim to equip them with the necessary knowledge, saturating every day useful things, to instill in them a thirst constant creative search, helps you find your calling, and ultimately his place in life.
V. ZAKHAROV, our special. korr., Izhevsk — Moscow