BURNER FOR GAS-FLAME BRAZINGPropano-butane mixture, which is filled in cylinders for household gas stoves, in optimal conditions, burns in air with a flame temperature up to 1200 °C. It is sufficient to work with “hard” (sredneivkino) alloys: copper-zinc (brass), silver. But to get a flame, the burner must provide good mixing of gas with air, that is, feeding them at a specific ratio — no more and no less! For easy work with small parts torch should be fine, but at the same time steady and fairly hot.

The pressure in the gas tank — 16 bar; for this case it is too large, so it is necessary to limit supplied to the burner pressure up to 1,5—3 ATM., applying welding reducer or valve from the kit smoleni ski. The jet nozzle should have a diameter not exceeding 0.1 mm. To protect it from accidental clogging at the outlet of the tank needed a filter element, for example ceramic, from the fuel fine filter of the engine ZIL-130, or a homemade — from a small ceramic grinding head. As the rate of combustion of the gas mixture is relatively small, with the rapid efflux from the nozzle the mixture might not ignite — there will be a separation of the flame and the burner will go out. To avoid this, the splitter should do so through his peripheral holes of the gas flowed at a slow speed and formed around the main gas flow ignition “crown”.

All it managed to do this in a simple, available for repetition of the design. The burner consists of five parts: the handle, the supply pipe housing, injector and divider.

Wooden handle is used from the burned out a soldering iron.

Inlet steel tube has an outer diameter of 10 mm and a wall thickness of 2 mm. At one end of three machined tapered belt for a tight connection of the hose and at the other is threaded M10. A little bent up on this side, inserted it into the hole in the arm and fixed there with glue.

Case and divider machined from brass rod with a diameter of 20 mm. In body two carefully drilled radial holes with a diameter of 5 mm for hoses of air. Four radial holes with a diameter of 1 mm in stud divider supply gas to the group of pilot holes in the front flange of this part.


Auctiona gas burner

Auctiona gas burner:

1 —gazopodvodyaschey d10x2 tube (steel); 2 — the handle (wood); 3 — nozzle (steel); 4 — casing (brass); 5 — divider (brass)

When assembling the divider is pressed into the housing with a slight interference fit. The inner flange of the divider, on the contrary, mounted in the housing with a clearance: the diameter bored through 0.6 mm smaller than the inner diameter of the housing. This gap is necessary for the throttle (deceleration) of the gas flow supplied to the pilot light hole.

Billet injector machined from a steel rod. And her tiny hole is made in the following way. Drill 2 mm diameter did deaf Central hole, not reaching the exit is 1.5 mm, and a jumper drill a drill in diameter of 0,4—0,5 mm. Then light hammer blows completely zaccagnini the hole. Further, gradually undermining the end of a needle file or abrasive paper, found the section where the outlet had the necessary amount. Defined this place. Welled injector on the threaded tip of the barrel of the burner. Put on the shank feed tube inlet rubber-fabric hose from the reducer of the cylinder and secured it with a clamp. Exposed to working pressure, applied gas and, having waited, when it will displace the air from the hose made the nozzle (without housing and divider) in the flame of a gas burner. Grinding of an end face made of flame length of the burner 5-6 cm Then welled to the external thread of the nozzle housing Assembly with divider.

The burner flame should be smooth, without soot. Otherwise, adjust the amount erectionmale air by turning the housing on the threads of the nozzle. If the threaded connection is very loose, seal it with tape FUM.


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