A good soldering iron stand is necessary for the radio Amateurs and all those who deal with soldering. Description of just such a fixture and is offered to attention of readers. The stand can be made at home from readily available materials, with minimal plumbing skills and ordinary tools. It is simple in design and easy to operate. The stand has a special slot for bottles with three types of liquid flux and one with alcohol. In addition, two resealable containers: great for solid rosin and solder, a small – coiled spiral wire of solder (one or two of the Central loop are pulled up straight, and placed vertically so it looks like the column of solder that is easy to take in small amounts at the tip of the iron when soldering printed circuit boards). On the edge of the stand, the wooden deck is the place of tinning wires and insights details.

The elements of the stand located on the base so that the person holding the soldering iron with the right hand, convenient to use solder, rosin core and tinning, and soldering iron tip does not touch the bottles with flux and alcohol (left-handers a similar design to perform better mirror).

The stand can be used with soldering irons with power up to 100 watts; but most of all it is suitable for low-power — 25 — 65W.


Manufacturer start with the selection of necessary materials. Prepare a rectangular dural plate with thickness of 1.5 mm (sizes 210×200 mm — 1 PC., 150×40 mm — 1 PC., 80×40 mm — 2 PCs.) and one hardwood (50x40x5 mm; suitable beech, oak or thin plywood). Then locate the two metal jars with lids — one, e. g., tooth powder (diameter 84 mm), another out of vaseline (diameter 42 mm). You can, of course, but they should be on the perimeter of the bumpers, so they are not sinking into the holes of the stand. As the bottles will fit the washed solvent bubbles under nail Polish, preferably the same type and with the brushes, if the flux — liquid rosin into the alcohol, zinc chloride in glycerine, or phosphoric acid (for the latter, the brush is not needed).

Now, when all you need is, proceed to the production stand. Holes with a diameter of 32 mm should be carried out so that the bottles with flux and alcohol is freely inserted, and holes with a diameter of 42 mm and 84 mm, so that the jars were part of tight. After drill the holes, bend the base, as shown in figure HB. Fabrication of racks and supports are not self-explanatory. Remember to handle the parts with file and sandpaper, round the corners and edges.


Stand for soldering iron

Stand for soldering iron:

1 — the base (aluminum s1,5); 2 — area for tinning wires (solid wood or plywood, s5; 50×40); 3 — small capacity for a thin wire solder (a tin of vaseline, 042); 4 — coiled solder wire with a bent Central coils; 5 — thermal insulation liner (cardboard d40); 6— support (duralumin s1,5,150×40); 7 — stud M3 L30 nuts (6 sets); 8 — bottle flux (d32,4 PCs.); 9 — tube extension (d5 L35); 10 — stand (made of anodized aluminum, the s1,5; 80×40, 2); 11 —M3 screw (8 PCs); 12 — capacity for solid rosin and solder (a tin of tooth powder, 84 mm); 13 — cylindrical cardboard insert with a bottom and a partition

Revision of caps for bottle of flux

Revision of the cap for bottle of flux:


1 — extension pipe; 2 — cap; 3 — pin brush; 4 — brush


Option to install the jars.

The option to install jars roll:

1 — base; 2 — jar without a rim (glued to base plate); 3 — support plate; 4 — M3 screw with nut


The last stage is Assembly. Hang the base on the six studs M3 bottom support for the bottle; tighten the M5 screws and stand wooden platform to maintain. Insert epoxy resin in the base of the small and large jars. In a large jar insert is cylindrical, with a bottom, a cardboard liner divided by a partition into two compartments for solder and rosin, and in a small cardboard circle (inserts ensure a thermal insulation of the solder from the metal surface of the tanks).

A few words about the revision of the vials. Pull the tassel from the cap and put a suitable thin-walled metal tube, and in the lid drill a hole under it. Now, when in the vial will remain a little flux brush to get to him.

And the last one. If You have a closed rectangular jar, you can place it between the uprights, which will lay the soldering iron. It is convenient to store various tools necessary for the plumber.

E. CUNAGIN, B and l and x n a. The Nizhny Novgorod region.

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