Our journal has been published many designs of the plane. Basically, they are similar: there is a welded casing with base plate and mounted on the housing of the drive motor with the cutter shaft. However, in each case, the specific components and materials, its dimensions and peculiarities of manufacture. And most importantly — experience that can be used by others, why would we give you another post.
The planer is designed for surface treatment of wood in a single pass, of a width up to 120 mm and depth up to 1.2 mm or width up to 30 mm and a depth of 8 mm. the workpiece rests on a plate with a shaped hole for the cutter shaft.
On the base plate using two M8 screws with plastic heads (but there may be turn-key) is mounted guide angle to prevent lateral displacement of the product during processing. From the bottom to the base plate with the M6 screws with countersunk heads attached to bearing supports of cutter shaft. Because not provided of constructive actions protect the bearing from dust applied ball bearings with two shields. At the end of a cutter shaft outside the base plate is mounted a pulley belt transmission. The plate is secured by ten screws M6 to the body, welded from a steel angle 20x20x3 mm. Three M6 screws with cylindrical heads through the spring washer together with the support plate connected to the housing safety cover over belt drive.