AT THE END OF THE COLDWhere not only apply to refrigeration units today? And with all their diversity they all have the same weak point: if you acted up or broken-down engine, have to replace the entire cooling unit, since the casing is usually made all-in-one welded.

Young innovators sengileevskogo the district office of agriculture of the Ulyanovsk region showed NTTM-78 portable unit. They made it out of the ordinary, standard FGR-0,35. Before beginning repairs, they clamp Assembly directly in the casing in the cartridge lathe cutter and cut the seam welding, opening the case, like a tin can. To clamp in the Chuck jaws apply the inverse with extended jaws, and the other end biasing the housing revolving tailstock center of the lathe.
Flange hadagreed
Flange hadagreed:
1 — detachable part of the casing 2 — paronitovye gasket, 3 — flanges.

Both parts of the opened casing welded flange external Ø 270 mm and internal 210 mm, made of steel with a thickness of 8 mm. In them in a circle Ø 250 mm drilled 24 holes Ø 3 mm for tightening bolts. Sealing is achieved by installing between flanges Parasitology strip.

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