BENCH-BARUsually a small supply of potatoes is in the house constantly. Keep it in the cold (which is a large part of the year) in the kitchen: in bag, box or bucket. But such containers, except that is already scarce in our kitchens right now, to put it mildly, the interior is not decorated. I for storing potatoes made a neat voluminous stool with padded seat, which can fit up to three buckets of root crops. Bench simple, and made it a common tool, which is in the building each owner. Materials is also one of those that always have on hand.

The height of the stools is about the same as all standard chairs, stools, about 420 mm. Length (480 mm) and width (220 mm) was determined by the presence of the plastic sheet, which is the rational cutting enough for all the walls of the box-frame. Moreover, pursued another goal — to bench fits between the wall and the table and does not protrude beyond the overall width of the table.

Design stools, in building terminology, Carcassonne. Such an unusual scheme in reality is quite simple, and most importantly — rational from the point of view of manufacturing technology and ensure the durability of the product.

The stools frame is made of polished aluminum corner 25×25 mm. But to call him a frame can be rather arbitrary — rather, it is decorative banding, which does, of course, and law enforcement functions to carry the load. Although the frame is and binding, and rack and crossbars, but these details are only assembled in the us, and not directly connected to. Their connection is carried out via the panel to the edges of all parts riveted the inner side of the shelves. The result is: the panels are butt joined with each other through corners, and corners — through panels.



1, the lower longitudinal rail (aluminum corner 25×25, 2); 2 — front (aluminum area. 4 PCs); 3 — front panel (plastic, glued with plywood, 2 pieces); 4 – upper longitudinal rail (aluminum strip — area 25×25, cut in half lengthwise); 5 — d3 rivet (aluminum, 44 items); 6 — upper cross rail (aluminum strip — area 25×25, cut in half lengthwise); 7 —side panel (plastic, glued with plywood, 2 pieces); 8 — lower cross rail (aluminum corner 25×25, 2); 9 — the bottom (four-layer plywood); 10 — the lower panel (four-layer plywood); 11 — middle panel (four-layer plywood); 12 —top cover (four-layer plywood); 13 — gasket (foam); 14 coating (vinilis leather); 15 — the screw (as required); 16 — skid (felt 3). 17 — cover

The panels are made double-layered: outer layer is colored plastic, the inner — thin plywood sheet. The layers are glued together with white glue.

The bottom is made from four-layer plywood sheet and attached to the corners of the framing with screws self-tapping, swirling from the outside. The protruding tips of the screws rasklapanje. From the bottom to the bottom is glued three strips of thick felt, which allow, if necessary, easy to move even fully filled potatoes stool to any place in the kitchen without scratching the floor.

Top rail of a frame border is made of aluminum strips of the same area, just cut along the edge.

Seat the seat consists of three panels (four-layer plywood sheet). Upper and middle panels have a small (15 — 20 mm) overlap against the walls of the box-beds.

On the top panel on foam and covered with vinyl leather Welt turned. The bottom panel is freely included in the box of the stools, the edge slightly inward.

The inside bench-cellar, painted with oil paint, so you can easily wash it and dry it.

MARTYNOV, G. V I t e b s K, Belarus

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