BOX-FREEI want to offer to the readers made me a decorative box. A plan was born at me after visiting the exhibition dedicated to the floral and architectural design. There, on one of the stands, I saw a glass cube, which was filled with floral herbarium. It looked so modern and was made so creative that attracted attention. However, just a glass cube without any registration clearly lost in the background. The idea was born instantly. I wanted to construct some stylized transparent volume, at the same time that he was not only decorative, but also practical application for Example, a box of cherished things.

It should be noted that the basis of design was taken by the photographic frame I developed earlier and published in the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 7 of 2007. Thus, the decorative box is a logical continuation of frames, only in three dimensions.
The creation of this model will not take much time. This gift box will be able to gather people, even inexperienced in woodworking. The most important thing is to be neat.
For decorative boxes will need the following materials: wood round rod blanks for the outer frame (22 mm diameter. length 3624 mm); a wooden block to cut the frame of the box (thickness 18×18 mm, length 1456 mm); six Plexiglas plates (two plates with thickness of 3 mm. length and width of 120 mm and four plates length 160 mm, width 120 mm, thickness 3 mm); eight metal eyelets-holders (thickness 2.5 mm, length 28 mm, width 10 mm, with eyelet at the end), sixteen screws for wood (4,2×65 mm); twenty-one wood screw for wood (10×18 mm), eight wooden dowels, decorative cord (length 2400 mm), lacquer on wood.
Preparation of frames
For the exterior frame from a round wooden rod are sawn off of a cylindrical billet: four core with a length of 310 mm and four cross-length 196 mm — for horizontal framework; four for the uprights with a length of 330 mm and eight extensions with a length of 35 mm.
Decorative box collection
Decorative box:
1 —the main horizontal web of the outer shell (L310 mm, 4 pieces); 2 — vertical strut of the outer shell (L330 mm, 4 pieces); 3— transparent hanging box; 4 – cord suspension box (8 PCs); 5 — extension of the outer shell (L35 mm, 8 PCs.), 6— handle of the lid of the box; 7 — lug suspension boxes; 8 — contents of the box; 9 — transverse web frame (mm L196, 4 PC.)

For the manufacture of the inner frame of the box are cut from a block of wood on a rectangular billet: eight — length 120 mm for a horizontal framework; four for the uprights with a length of 124 mm.
Assembly of the outer frame
First on the four main horizontal length of 310 mm and four vertical cylindrical workpieces with a length of 330 mm are cut counter-grooves at a distance of 35 mm from the edges of each part to a depth of half the diameter (11 mm) and a length of 22 mm. Then connecting the ends of the extensions a round file carefully prepare semi-circular bed that will fit horizontal the workpiece (in the grooves). Then in extensions in two passes (first drill a 3 mm, then 5 mm) drilled holes, through which with a screwdriver and screws connect all the details of the docking station frame Holes sealed with wooden plugs-the plugs.
The Assembly of the frame outboard of the box
The ends of the horizontal and transverse rectangular billet frame out counter grooves with a depth of 9 mm and a length of 18 mm, making joints vpoldereva. These tips are adjusted, through drilled holes (3 mm drill bit). With the help of screws the parts connected with a vertical rectangular blanks, thus forming the inner frame.
After both frame, external and internal, are collected, they are covered with varnish on wood in several layers.
The formation of the suspension
In the middle of the horizontal rectangular blanks from the outer side are cut the slots for the metal tabs with a depth of 2.5 mm and a length of 10 mm. the Latter, together with plates of Plexiglas are fixed with screws. On the top plate (cover) is installed in the middle of the handle, cut a wooden rod.
The hanging piece of the box
The hanging piece of the box
Outboard part box:
1 — the bars of the lower frame of the box frame; 2 —front side frame (4 PCs); 3 — cord suspension (8 PCs); 4 — eyelet suspension; 5 — screw; 6 — transparent wall of the box (plexiglass); 7 – blocks of the top of the frame, 8 — handle; 9 – lid (plexiglass)

Final stage: a decorative cord with some tension jumped on the cross bars of the outer frame and is passed through the eyelets of metal holders.
The product is ready. You only have to fill the box and it depends on the author’s imagination.
A. GAMALYA, Saint-Petersburg

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