COFFEE? SEEDS? 10 MINUTES!For those who like roasted seeds or coffee beans at home, but do not want to waste time to stand at the stove with the continuous turning of the upcoming Goodies, I recommend a simple and reliable technical solution. Its implementation will require microelectronical, a double reduction from some broken mechanical toys, self-made metal tray is a sieve and a couple of strands of steel wire. And yet, ten minutes of patience to put it in a workable structure, as shown in the figure.

Drawings do not quote for two reasons. First, the sizes of interacting with other nodes depend on the specific details trapped in your disposal. And secondly, I’m not good in drawing: its because in high school pass.

As for performance, we offer handmade, and I am sure it will suit many. Suffice it to say, for example: seeds, pour in the pan a sieve a four-centimeter layer of fry on a gas stove with four burners for 10 minutes.
A device for toasting bulk solids under continuous stirring
A device for toasting bulk solids under continuous stirring:
1 — microelectronical type GNOME-2M, 2 — gear, two-stage (from old mechanical toys) with the flywheel on the output shaft, 3 — crank (cut from a steel wire), 4 — rod (steel cut wire), 5 — frame pan-sieve (2-mm sheet, height 100 mm), 6 — tray mesh-sieve (“factory”, wire “with a not very large diameter”).

The BLIND student. Orenburg oblast.

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