DRYING RACK ON THE BALCONYThe majority of citizens — inhabitants of high — rise buildings-usually dry Laundry on the balconies and loggias. The rope, strung low, interfere with the placement of the balcony boxes with flowers, a sun lounger or other items of pleasure; strung too high — can cause inconvenience during hanging clothes, and do not always provide the necessary safety. All these drawbacks can be avoided if we use my proposed device.

The design is quite simple. 80…100 mm from the ceiling in the three pillars installed movable pipe Ø 21…30 mm (you can use thick water), the ends of which are rigidly mounted pins on the two plugs. To the latter by welding are attached to the levers, is made of steel area of cross-section 25×25 mm. Through the openings in the horizontal shelves of angles skipped a linen thread.

The mechanism for raising and lowering the dryer is located on the wall at a convenient height and is made of steel plate with the thickness 3…4 mm size 70х300 mm, which is welded to (a bolted) bracket crank with a handle. The connection of the crank with the lever of the dryer is via a rod.


Drying rack on the balcony

Dryer on the balcony:


1 — base plate, 2 — bracket, 3 — a crank with a handle, 4 connecting rod, 5 — the adjusting plug (2 PCs.), 6 — the lever of the dryer (2 piece), 7 — bushing (2 PCs), 8 — swivel tube, 9 — pole (3 piece), 10 — a linen thread.
Schemes of work of the mechanism.
The working scheme of the mechanism.
A — lower position.
B — top position.

The mechanism is clear from the diagrams above. Additional holes in the bracket, the crank and the lever in combination with the adjusting plugs on the connecting rod allows to choose the most optimal mode of operation.


Indicated on the drawings the dimensions are given with respect to the particular design of the dryer, placed in my loggia, and can be either repeated other home masters, or modified in accordance with the existing conditions. By the way, have such a device it is possible not only on the balcony, but in the bathroom or other suitable place.
L. MISHUTIN, G. p. and N. K. Bryansk region.

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