SPIKES? NO PROBLEMMost comfortable furniture, “serious” joinery collect connecting parts on the thorns. Technical requirements for the quality of such nodes is usually very high. Run them by milling or using special equipment. Existing designs handmade kiparisov, regardless of their complexity, there are drawbacks, and one of them — a large thick spikes with little their length and the insufficient depth of the eyes, the inconvenience of zapilivanie, and hence risk of injury.

The proposed device, despite its simplicity, is unique and is devoid of the above disadvantages. It consists of a rigid metal strip with two handles and a set of plates-spacer plates between which are clamped two of blade. Assembled this package with both sides (at the handles) is tightened with screws M5. Together with a steel band saw blades give the whole structure rigidity, so necessary for quality performance. Steel strip is selected with a thickness of 6 mm, and a blade — carpentry hand saws. Use a cloth bow forks is impossible, as it is thin, will bend, and hence will not provide the desired quality. Plate spacers can be made of any solid material: Plexiglas, textolite, plastic. Among them is the need and such, the thickness of which is equal to size of divorce drinking. This condition is required to ensure an exact match of the obtained sizes of thorns and eyes.
This stacked arrangement allows you to obtain the finger joints of all sizes. First on the lower metal plates-grounds (6) typed the packages of plates-spacers (3) for receiving the shoulder of the stud (including future cut). Fit the first saw blade, on top of it — the sets of plates (4) to the desired thickness of a thorn (also taking into account the cut). Then the second canvas and it — again the plate (3) under the shoulder. It remains to put a band with handles and pull with screws — fixture is ready for operation.
The spike is made as follows. The tool Assembly is plates-bases (which are recessed screw heads) to the desktop, which contains the thrust bar. To him clamp pressed detail. A sliding reciprocating fit both saws are gradually being introduced in detail to the required depth. Then sawed off the shoulder, get the thorn. All subsequent items will be the same, in the same way as eyelet made in a similar way (of course, with altered sets of plates taking the thickness of the peel).
Finger saw
Finger saw:
1 — strip steel, 2 — handle (2 PCs), 3 set of plates under the shoulder of a 4 — set of plates under the tongue, 5 — leaf saw blade, 6 — plate-base, 7 — screw coupling (4 PCs), 8 — table; and — the width of the lugs, b — width of shoulder, thickness of a thorn.

By varying the set of plates, you can change the size of the stud, lugs and shoulders. Bottom plate better to make wide for stability of the instrument; the rest can be the width of the saw blade.
Anyone familiar with the work on the milling machine, see the analogy in the installation of the milling discs and saw blade paintings fixtures: there — through the annular spacers, a plate. The accuracy of zapilivanie turns almost on the machine, and it is — at extreme simplicity of the instrument that will be able to work for the first time took it in hand.

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