Indeed, this set of furniture consisting of small tables and chairs, no legs in their usual sense: the role of vertical support panel and wooden stand, on which rest the table top and seat. This greatly simplifies Assembly and makes such furniture, recommended by the Hungarian magazine “Earmaster” for a child’s room, it is available for self-production.
The easiest way to assemble this set of ready furniture Board or particle Board. It’s enough to saw only a few details differing only in that one set of them will be designed for the table and one for chair. Constructive the basis of the items will be shared. And it is in that horizontal plane of the objects have almost the same basic part as table and chair.
Its main components are two planes: the top and vertical backing plate, performing the function as if the two legs. The role of third legs plays already mentioned stand. She is dual: going on glue (carpenter’s or PVA) of two narrow panels of equal width, but different lengths. Due to this, the bottom strut is formed a kind of ledge, which counter includes outdoor ledge detail — tie connecting the rack with a support bar. The coupler is also dual; one of the components of its narrow panels are also shortened.