MAKE – USEFULAleko not all go to the country on their own cars, the Majority of vacationers travel by bus, tram or train, and for transportation use a trolley bag And shopping and markets, this device makes life easier and very often simply indispensable, especially for the elderly or disabled But the truck can give one more good feature its easy to convert in a comfortable stable chair and then not have to stand even in a crowded transport the entire long journey.
And make it simple enough for the support frame in place of the hinge joining the frame-stick to fix a small porcini and by turning the knob counter-clockwise to install it horizontally in the position of the seat above the cargo area. All the Chair is ready, you can take the Side of the frame-stick, it is desirable to join fabric or rigid material to create the seat surface you Can just sit on the frame.
With load ratings of truck in 35 kg this chair is freely withstand the weight of the sitting of 100 kilograms, to Sit on a chair from the side of the pan, if the dimensions of the cargo, or from the back.
I'm ahead — truck behind
I’m ahead — truck behind.
And to carry conveniently, and fall will not give
Get comfortable, and fall will not give.
Next, next...
Side by side, side by side…
You can sit.
You can sit down.
The transformation of the truck in the chair is significantly simplified if the frame-handle is fixed on the inner side of the supporting frame using the gusset plate (bracket) In this case, it is possible to dispense with additional supports — replace the top crossbar of the supporting frame.
Now a few words about shipping — it will be much easier if you install on the tray of a small wheel This will allow you to pull or push the cart, being in front, behind or even on the side of her — someone as comfortable in circumstances When moving the cart in a chair position reduces the load by relying on the frame-stick. Finally, in this position it will help you avoid falling on the slippery road.
A. SOPINA, Novosibirsk, Russia

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