PROTEINS ON THE SHELVES...PROTEINS ON THE SHELVES...When books on a shelf a bit—they are unstable and fall. And folded stack of inconvenient to use: we need not so easy to remove from underneath lying on top. It is therefore desirable to have a backup, which would provide the books in a vertical position always. In commercially available plastic and metal corners for these purposes, but they are uncomfortable, not very stable, sometimes we do need strengthening.

Meanwhile backup is easy to make, and even depriving them of the disadvantages of shopping. The proposed option in addition to the main assignment will still play a decorative role.
The main elements
Backup for books should be paired to support books from both sides, and heavy to book their mass could not be moved, and beautiful in themselves. These requirements will help to answer are shown in the figures option. It will take three wooden sticks of which and will be the backup: step, wall and decorative element, performing the role of reinforcing struts.
The footboard has a rectangular shape, it shall be cut from a thick Board (15 mm) to get heavier, and hence more stable.
Wall also rectangular shape at first, but then her upper corners cut down. Here you can use the thinner Board, about 10 mm. From the same Board shall be cut to a rectangular blank for decorative spacers.
Decorative prop for books, holding them in the upright position
Decorative backup for books, holding them in a vertical position:
1—base wall; 2—step; 3—fasteners (screws); 4—spacer in the shape of proteins

On the surface of the spacers is transferred to the drawing proteins—with the help of the grid. If desired, the image may be different—for example, a butterfly or a hedgehog; the main thing—that the figure rested on both the footboard and the wall.
Applied to the plate spacer of the image is cut using a jigsaw. After that, all three blanks carefully polished, painted or covered with furniture Polish.
Build back up
You first need to join the bandwagon with the wall. They are connected by means of screws, under which it is advisable to drill the bottom wall of the preliminary hole. In addition, the surface can be coated with glue (PVA), after setting of which is mounted a decorative spacer. It can only be installed on the glue, but it is better to strengthen her mount also screws, which are pre-drilled holes (through them also it will be seen, correctly installed spacer, which screws to the screw).

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