Children grow up fast: more recently, the baby and the stroller was large, and look – already and the crib is small, it is time to buy a grown-up.
But the proposed design can serve as a child without replacement from kindergarten age to adolescence. The fact that the bed sliding her length can be almost any. How is this achieved?


Secrets of an unusual beds
On closer examination it appears that the bed consists of two halves belonging to each other and are able to “move away” from one another. And at any distance components of the bed remains uniform design, like the ordinary beds.
The secret lies in the fact that its sidewall as it were double: the ones out by the same back, and pushed in between the inner pair of sidewalls connected to another back. And the first half of the bed has four legs, and the second only two additional legs are not required, since its sides do not rely on the legs and the cross member on the first side of the bed.
And now more about the structure of this dimensionless bed.
Main beds
The basic elements of the sliding bed:
1 – stand-legs and backs; 2 – back; 3 – sides; 4 – cross-bearing; 5 – auxiliary area; 6 – the main base area; 7 – Reiki podmatrasnye “shield”; 8 – rack bundle (rope); 9 – the screw of fastening of the auxiliary area; 10 – pin-retainer support area with extendable beds; 11 – 30×30 feet; 12 – boss

Mount auxiliary area
Mount support area:
1 – side panel of the first half beds; 2 – an auxiliary area; 3 – boss-Widener (option attachment); 4 – axial screw

The fixation to the main support area
Fixation to the main support area:
1 – side panel, the second (sliding) side of the bed; 2 – the main Seating area; 3 – pin-retainer auxiliary seat angle when moving apart the bed



Half leg
Unlike the second, this part of the bed can stand alone because, as already mentioned, it has four legs: two small, as usual with such furniture, and two long, in fact – stand, which is attached to the back. It’s the same with the outer sides are mounted notched sides with legs at the ends, between which on plug-in round thorns (or on the screws – then section to the inner planes of the legs) is mounted cross – support beams for the second half of the bed.
Digna half
It – sliding. From the first half of the bed, this part differs in appearance only because it has the supporting legs and the cross; otherwise, at first glance, simply a mirror reflection of the first half of the bed.
However, it has its own peculiarities. First, the sides are attached to the posts are not from outer sides as the first (main) half, and to their inner surfaces. It just provides the ability to dvigatsya between the sidewalls of the first half of the bed.
Secondly, on the inner planes of the sidewalls of the support mounted metal corners: fit rack and pinion “shield” under the mattress.
In every corner moved the other end of which is pivotally mounted on a wooden usilitelei boss mounted on the inner side of the sidewall of the first half of the bed. At the time of sliding beds, this additional area takes on additional part podmatrasnye “shield”, secured the other end on the support pin on the side wall of the second half of the bed.
Podmatrasnye “shield”
It is made of wooden planks with gaps between them equal to the width of the straps. The “shield” it can be called because despite the apparent flexibility, it is, nevertheless, a single all-in-one design. This is achieved by the fact that all the bottom straps are connected by a rope (like clothesline), which is attached to each strap bracket with
construction spring-loaded stapler. These two enough rope they will tie the strap in a flexible but monolithic “shield”, which is not still in operation.
This design is needed instead of the shield it is because of the dividing of the bed: it is installed at a specific point in the length of fit is the number of slats you need, and the excess simply drops into the space near the backs and hang, waiting in the wings.
Since the bed is wood, all the parts can be processed like regular furniture. That is, first of all, before the Assembly they must all be thoroughly cleaned, and then polished with emery paper with gradual reduction of the grain size of the used sheets.
Further processing is carried out depending on the imagination, or simply the wishes of the contractor, and also features interior around made bed.
If it’s a children’s room with bright colored furniture and the bed can be decorated to match the already
existing objects painted with enamel or oil paint of the appropriate colors.
In the case when the bed is expected to be installed next to lacquered furniture in the interior, and its elements better lacquered. Here are possible options: whether to choose light (transparent) lacquer furniture, or dark, or to use the stain of appropriate shades.
Varnishing is performed in several layers to obtain a deep effective reflectivity of the surface. The first coat is best applied diluted varnish. This layer is applied by cloth pad, carefully rubbing them with lacquer so that it is well absorbed in the tree structure. After application of each subsequent layer can be applied with a soft brush, should be allowed to dry out well the painted surface.
After the Assembly there will be only correct a random error or if you wish to paint the product completely.
Thus prepared elements may be assembled in different sequences, since the two halves of the bed are practically independent, and their Assembly can be performed separately: first one half, then the other.
However, you can start with the connection of the backrest with studs – because the other elements will join them. This applies primarily to the first (reference) half of the bed. This sequence of action seems simple: first, assembled to the uprights of the backrest are attached to the sidewall, they in turn, legs, and the last (the final element) to the crossmember. The latter, as already mentioned, can be attached to the legs of two ways: either butt with plug-in thorns, or the pad on the back side of the legs – just screws. It is only necessary to consider that in advance when you know the method of attachment, measured the required length of the cross member.
In the Assembly of this bed part includes setting on the side (on the inner planes, closer to the back) broadening of the wooden bosses for auxiliary area, and its swivel mounting to them (respectively on both sidewalls).
Here also after connection (on the screws wpoty backs) with racks lining the sidewalls. But first to the inner planes should attach the base bracket under the rack “the shield” and locking pin (furniture screw or screw) under the auxiliary area from the first half of the bed, respectively Vivere seats and their installation.
After that the sides can be fastened to the posts, but not outside as it is on the first side of the bed and to the inner side, given the subsequent “dvigenie” them between the sidewalls of the first half of the bed.
The final stage – assembling lattice “shield”of height. On a flat surface (e.g. table) are sequentially stacked slats, one of which, as the control jig is set equal to period.
Then through the laid number are routed from the top two ropes, with a small indentation from the ends of the rails. Remains gently “pin” the rope in the middle of each rail brackets construction staples, flip the resulting “shield” the rope down and lay on shifted half; an unusual bed ready, you can lay.

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