THE BATTERY IN THE DRAWERIn many electrical devices the old issues (for example, ampervoltmetry Ts20, Ц4315, etc.) as an internal power source used battery KBS (L,X), sedss,7-4,1 In, unfortunately, which are currently very difficult as the industry is almost not released. This situation makes the owners of such devices to switch to other batteries, even of different denomination — to have the necessary EMF through a variety of their compounds, as they say, a trick.


Most suitable for replacement KBS are galvanic cells of the type AA 1.5 V in the amount of three pieces. Being connected electrically in series in the battery, they will provide the needed EMF. Heard that a constructive unification of the elements into a single unit produced a special magazine, but selling them is not met, and therefore decided to make such a device himself.
The Foundation of the magazine — a pair of identical holders, strapped with each other by two rubber rings (cut from an old Bicycle inner tube).
Holder is a parallelepiped made of a fairly durable plastic. The length and width its the same as the battery of KBS and a height of a little less than half the corresponding size of the battery. All the edges of a parallelepiped made of a chamfer.
Both holders are made of the nest (three cool deaf holes: one near the other) under the battery cells type AA. If the contact areas of holes remained thin walls, then it is better to remove. In the bottom of one of the extreme holes of the socket of each holder drilled more through holes with a diameter of 3 mm under the wire.
Cassette with battery
Cassette battery:
1 — freezing the contact tip; 2 — positive contact tip; 3 — holder (plastic, 2 pieces); 4 — pin “Piglet” (brass sheet s0,5, 2); 5 — weatherstrip (sponge rubber s5); 6 — pin jumper (brass sheet s0,5, 2); 7 — cell AA batteries (3pcs); 8 — rubber ring from old Bicycle inner tube (2); 9 — flexible conductor output (2 PCs.)

In the nest of one of the holders stacked gasket made from a sheet of foam rubber to shape the bottom. The same shape (minus one slice) cut from brass sheet of thickness 0.5 mm, two pin jumpers: they are laid in nests where no through-holes. On the last and missed by flexible conductors, the ends of which are soldered to the contact “patch”, is also one of these brass sheet. On the other loose ends of the wires must be mounted contact tips.
Then in one of the holders are inserted into battery cells with correct polarity for series connection to the battery. Then the elements are covered with another holder, and the whole construction is contracted rubber rings with a width of 5-7 mm.
Since the size of the cassette does not exceed the dimensions of the regular battery of KBS, it is free to enter into the intended compartment of the measuring device. The flexible lugs of the findings are connected with the correct polarity to the respective terminals of the device.
V. PETROV, S. fish, Krasnoyarsk Krai

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