TEE+PIPE+TEE=...…No, not guess: not the water column, and not a pipeline. Young technicians secondary school in the village Pashkovsky Krasnodar territory as a result of creative “addition” to the details of the pipeline has become in all kinds of drilling, grinding, vypalovani — fit and stanochki.

For example, one of them a three-speed drill press with upper location of the Motor (Fig. 1). All the main parts of the frame are made of tees and scraps of water pipes. The base flock and rotary table from a steel channel. Picking-up tool is performed by means of roller chain.
And this design of the drilling machine is interesting because as the main element used here is a powerful drill, and frame are all the same pipe, tees, corners. The location of the bench — wall and outdoor. Supply details to the tool made by a pedal (Fig. 2).
Grinding stanochek (Fig. 3) is also made using parts of the pipeline. His only support is made of a flange-base, steel pipe and tee with pressed into his sleeves.
Fig. 1. Drilling machine.
Fig. 1. Drilling machine.
Fig. 2. Drilling machine from electric drill.
Fig. 2. Drilling machine from electric drill.
Fig. 3. Grinding machine.
Fig. 3. Grinding machine.
Fig. 4. Circular saw.
Fig. 4. Circular saw.

Fig. 5. Vypalovacky machine.
Fig. 5. Vypalovacky machine.
Replacement grinding circular saw grinding stanochek turns in a circular saw (Fig. 4).
Another design — vypalovacky machine design which is also used plumbing parts (Fig. 5). The base of it is a piece of steel channel frame and table supports — pipes, corners and tees.
Stanochki, which we told you is not amusing toys. They can perform very complex work — for example, to produce parts here for such microvesicle with a stroller created in the secondary school № 58 of the city of Krasnodar Victor Obamaha and Victor Oreshkin.
N. CHUCK, teacher, Krasnodar Krai

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