These doors from the usual wood, similar to the half-open blinds, immediately attract the attention of customers in the store its modernity, while they stand next to framed “sisters” from valuable breeds. And they attract the eye first and foremost for its originality. Maybe that’s why not cheap. Their main advantage — they are breathable, which is important for areas with insufficient natural ventilation (e.g. storerooms), as well as many types of furniture, especially wardrobes and kitchen cabinets, cabinets for shoes, etc. the construction of the same lamella (plate) door and doors is so simple that you can make them even a novice handyman. In addition to abundant materials will require more patience and precision, without which, as is known, no one thing will do.

For production of lamella doors will fit the lumber of wood of any breed, and you can even use a combination of both. Defects (knots, splits) should be repaired or hide on the back side that didn’t get them look. Section of the frame can be the same (Fig.1A) or to change according to door dimensions and capabilities of the wizard. For example, the rack is narrower than the details of strapping, or Vice versa (Fig.1B). Even the thickness of these parts is allowed to be different (Fig. 1B), although material thinner than 20 mm for the elements of the frame to use is undesirable. But one prerequisite — the material should be dry (as they say, room humidity, i.e. not more than 12%).

Frame lamellar doors (large or small) is not only a frame, but the decorative frame. Therefore, during manufacturing it is necessary to show care. It is also important that the frame was rigid, sturdy and rectangular. This is especially true of dimensional doors. Such properties frame will give a quality made corner joints racks and obvjaza. With the same purpose in the frame can be made and intermediate cross panels. They not only provide additional structural strength, but will bring diversity, dividing the door leaf into sections.

Fig. 1. Frame construction

Fig. 1. Frame construction:

a) from one-dimensional bars; b) bars of different thickness and width

Fig. 2. Possible corner joints of the frame

Fig. 2. Possible corner connections of the frame (a direct open thorn; b — direct, closed-thorn; in — vpoldereva):

1 — stand; 2 — bar obvjaza; 3 — thorns; 4 — lug; 5 socket; 6 — the core of the beam


It is not necessary to use complex corner joints of the frame, it is better to try the more tightly they fit. Therefore, the markup must be careful, thin lines, and cut so that, lines remained at approximately 0.1—0.2 mm away from the cutting line, and in the Assembly of the allowances to get a chisel or a rasp.

The most suitable compounds (more precisely, mates) of the frame will be thorn-eye (Fig.2A) or the spike of a nest (Fig.2B) on the glue. Thorn (single straight open) it is better to do on bruske obvjaza and the corresponding eye or socket in the rack. If these mates seem complicated, you can use Urubko vpoldereva with additional fixation by a pair of dowels (Fig.2B), scored near the corners on the same diagonal, with the connection of all parts with glue. The dowel can be strengthened if necessary and the aforementioned pairing.

For installation of lamella (plates) in the side pillars of a door are performed longitudinal grooves (Fig.For). The width of the grooves commensurate with the width of the slats, remembering that these parts are installed in the slots under a certain and constant for all items in the corner. The grooves do the superficial— because slats do not carry any load. Design can (and will further the process of assembling the slats and should) simplify by making grooves instead of the cutout one-quarter on the inner side of the uprights (Fig.BV). In this case, the lamellae after their installation are fixed in the bead quarters like a windowpane. In the absence of the ability to cut quarter racks can be made of a composite, securing a wide outer bar on inner bar (Fig.This). Attach the slats formed in the ledge have also bead, as in the previous case. If the issue of simplifying the construction to go further, then you can do even without grooves, quarters and ledges by installing lamellas between the outer and inner bead, as is done when attaching the glass panes in the interior doors.

Slats (plates) is the rack width and 20-40 thickness of 5-10 mm with rounded edges. Their length is determined by door width and depth of grooves in the rack, but usually not more than half a meter. Cut the slats preferably on a circular saw (following the precautions since the components are small). They should all be the same: the difference is 2 — 3 mm can be visible even by eye. Ribs specially process is not necessary, they are twisted in the process of grinding the faces of the slats that need to be produced outside carefully.

Fig. 3. Cross-section of the door

Fig. 3. A cross-sectional view of the door:
a — stand with a groove (fastening of the lamellae between the ribs of the groove); b — pillar and a quarter (mount slats between the wall of the quarters and inner italika); composite front; g — “smooth” rack (mounting of the slats between the outer and inner bead):

1 — stand; 2 — the internal bead; 3 — insert; 4 — bar; 5 — plate; 6 — the outer bead

Fig. 4. Vertical section door

Fig. 4. Vertical section door:

1 — the top bar is obvjaza; 2 — flange groove, inner or bead; 3 — fins; 4 — insert; 5 — rib groove, the wall of a quarter rack or outer bead; 6 — bottom rail obvjaza


The distance between the slats when installed can provide inserts from scraps of the same lamella in the form of small parallelograms. Slice insertion in the mitre box, collecting scraps in the package. In determining the size of the panels must take into account that the slats after they are installed in the frame should overlap each other by 3-5 mm. the ends of the slats and insert between them the grooves or folds of racks can be put on the glue type PVA.

The process of assembling the slats in the racks is labor intensive, but not complicated. Difficulties arise only when the installation plates to the frame with corner mates racks and obvjaza the type thorn-Jack and the grooves in the uprights. In this case, the slats need to install first into the slot of one stand and then guiding the slats into the groove of the other rack, connecting them with obvjazkami and enter insert between the lamellae. Here without assistants is probably not necessary.

The technology depends primarily on the tool and material at the disposal of the master, — her everyone defines himself.

The door trim is the careful grinding of outer surfaces of parts: frame and slats. This work, like applying a first pre-coat (primer), is better done before Assembly of the structure. The coating is advisable to make transparent or tinted, revealing and accentuating the natural wood.

Development A. POLIBIN

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