CHILDREN'S TWO FLOORSFor 10 years I read the magazine “modelist-Konstruktor”, and from year to year it is more and more like me. However, all this time was your “dependent”: only used published drawings for home-made articles. And here decided to talk about one design, an idea that arose when reading the article from the “Club home of the masters” — a two-story version of the children’s area.
For me it was a real boon: the family has two preschoolers, and I wanted to find them in a small apartment is a place for sleep and play.
When he took over the business, it was scary. I know now that the most difficult not the production (it took me a month), and finding the optimal variant of layout.
I decided to approach the problem: try on a minimum of floor space to accommodate furniture with maximum functionality. Besides, did not want to spoil before the house grown-up bed. It was dictated by the dimensions of the future design. The height of the second floor was chosen such that the side shelves were not hit in the bottom of the adult and at the same time to be able to reach the sleeping child, for example, to correct blanket. So the height here is only indicative.
To make the whole structure more solid, I put in a cross — wall to wall spacer, which later found use as a crossbar for sports equipment and swings. But when put under the crossbar rack, to not loose swings, seems to be a kind of wall bars.
The result is a design that will suit both adults as little children were what is called side, and the children themselves, who perceived the structure like a very big toy.
Fig. 1. Residential-sports complex.
Fig. 1. Sleeping sports complex:
1 — standard adult bed, 2 — stand on the second floor of a 3 — frame children’s beds, 4 — bar with sports equipment, a 5 — stairs to the manhole top, 6 — slats, 7 — brace — wall bars.
Fig. 2. The approximate dimensions of the complex.
Fig. 2. The approximate dimensions of the complex.
Fig. 3. Ladder to the manhole upstairs.
Fig. 3. Ladder to the manhole top.
Of course, something in this area could look like in a different way, for example stairs. Its device is due to malyshovogo the age of the children, and the location is in the middle, not the side — the desire to share berths on both sides of the second floor. Trapeziectomy design in terms gave different lengths of beds upstairs — in accordance with different height of children; at the bottom is it allowed to put a nightstand with Desk lamp: convenient, when the night need to get up to the children.
As can be seen from the drawings, the “two floors” is extremely simple. Its main components are the frame and four pillar-like elongated bed legs, the fifth leg to the crossbar. The frame and ladder are assembled from boards in the thickness of 20 and 100 mm in width, screws and glue (PVA, wood). The sidewall of the manhole ladder covered with plywood with a thickness of 5 mm.
Rack beams 40X50 mm; angled front short: it draws the angle of the frame. From the same timber struts the wall. The beam is made of timber 60X60 mm; designated connections to the uprights are reinforced with metal corners, — in the joints with the walls.
E. EBZEEV, Berezniki, Perm region.
Generic version
Four pillars and the connecting frame is the basis for the design of children’s area offered by the magazine “Homemaker”. It can be accomplished in two ways: either a bunk bed or bed — work area. Each leg is assembled from two panels joined at a 90° angle. This Board or chipboard with dimensions 20Х200Х1750 mm. They are attached to the frame of the furniture bolts with decorative caps. The frame itself is made of boards 20Х150Х1500 mm and 20Х150Х700 mm screws and glue. To longitudinal boards, also on screws fastened from the inside of the rail section 30Х35 mm, bearing podmatrasnye cross bar section 25Х60 mm, with a step-width of the strap.
The frame connects to the panel supports so that their upper ends towered over her by about 250 mm. This will allow if the child sleeps restlessly, to install additional longitudinal bar-fencing by adding the same in the head (in the pictures tab they are not shown).
Fig. 1. Bunk bed.
Fig. 1. Bunk bed:
1. panel supports, 2 — longitudinal Board frame, 3 — cross Board frames, 4 — stick-stairs, 5 — base of the rail height, 6, 8 — channel reflection, 7 — transverse podmatrasnye strap.
Fig. 2. The option of a work place.
Fig. 2. The option of the workplace:
1 support rail countertop, 2 — tabletop, 3 — additional rack shelf, 4, 5 — wall shelf, 6 — the bottom shelves.
Fig. 3. Drawer.
Fig. 3. Drawer:
1 — faceplate, 2 — wall, 3 — bottom.

If a family has two children, the frame set in two tiers, as shown in figure 1. For one child the lower part of the tool under games and activities (see figure 2). In this case, the front and rear panels are nailed cleats section 30Х35 mm and they stack the shield out of plywood with a thickness of 5-10 mm. from the Bottom to the slats can be hung from a shelf box from the same sheet. By the way, Xie an acceptable location and in a different place — in the left corner under the upper frame; then in the lower right corner will be placed a box on wheels: it’s easy to fold toys. Such a box is provided for two options (see sizes in parentheses).
Options shipovyh connections of wooden parts of furniture designs.
Options shipovyh connections of wooden parts of furniture designs.

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