Not just seen in magazines different version of the game “noughts and crosses”: from the simplest to the electrical and even electronic. But it did not give these much importance, has not yet faced the need in this game for my son. Wanted our the easiest and most convenient option, but in the end had to develop your.


In my opinion, the game without many of the disadvantages of complicated structures, and in many respects superior to the known version (so do not rule out even the possibility of release in toys industrial).
For a basis I took the case of one-button SMD switches. The flat parts of the inner framing plate (boxes 2, 3, 5) made from scraps of polystyrene. Details of the lattice (6, 7) are almost identical, so treating these plates can package (sawn through the width of the grooves is 1.2 mm or approximately the cutting width of the saw blade). Keys in the form of rotary rollers sawed from the available nylon rod triangular utterance. On two faces of each roller is squeezed soldering iron “cross” and “naught”, then painted them in blue and red.
Each of the rotating roller, thus, one facet of “X”, the second “0”, the third clean. In the center is a hole under the axis of rotation, but it is unusual.
Its originality lies in the fact that the hole is triangular. When you look at the video so how would we see two triangles: one — external, the ego and the body, and other small axial hole in it.
The game
Game “noughts and crosses”:
1 — housing household switches; 2,3 — plate boxes (polystyrene); 4 — axis (wire); 5 — the bottom casing (polystyrene); 6,7 — plate grating; 8 — fighting games roller (nylon)

The large triangle forming the shape of the roller, with small axial triangle corresponds. that each vertex of the latter is located under the center of the corresponding outer plane of the roller. Therefore, during the rotation of the roller on the axis of one of the vertices of its triangular hole “settles” on the axle — therefore, the top will always be corresponding to the plane of the outer triangle, that is, one of its three facets: “X”, “0”, or the clean side.
When assembling, first attach the bottom 5 to the housing 1 and Then it should turn over and glue on the inside of the part 2 on opposite sides of the hull, and thrust them on the sides of the housing parts 3 slots up. Further details of the Welt 6 and 7 going to the bars (grooves towards each other). Pre-hole parts 6 are inserted into axis 4. but at the same time the rollers 8 so. that they were then, and n cells of the lattice.
The toy is ready. All the features and the appearance is easily discernible in the drawings and photographs.
KOVALEV, Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region.

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